
To Know is Not to Love

We are all learning to love ourselves, and even when we do, we have to learn to be patient.

c0mets · LGBT+
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3 Chs


We are very fragile.

The slightest gust of wind or a change in the humidity can lead us to a spiral that lasts longer than the 7 day forecast. To a place so dark that it blocks out the silence of winter and the cicada chirps of summer. Time has no definition here. Minutes are years and hours are days and every second is a millennium slicing into our skin. Every day, hour, minute, second dripping away.

But, the darkness is not eternal. It is a momentary stop. One that will make you impatiently tap your foot as you wait to leave, yet still momentary.

And in the time, please remember this: winter is a season. A time punctuated by a beginning and an ending. In the times that the darkness seems so bleak, so very draining, remember.

You are fragile. I am fragile. And through our determination, our fragility will become our strength.