
To kill the Gods

this is a Revenge story about a man who has lived for thousands of years after being tossed away by the God's and is waiting for his chance to get revenge. thousands of years after the gods disappeared the world continued to advance until we reached the modern world when everything changed. dungeons began to appear all over the world those who entered those dungeons gained abilities and systems. while this happened beings who hid for many years began to come out of the shadows and become stronger. A war between Humans, Immortals, and unknown beings who can create these dungeons was beginning. type of story will probably just keep changing throughout the entire time might randomly jump from action to romance to tragedy to adventure Don't expect a super kind MC, He won't protect everyone just because he can

Merlin_D_Einheart · Derivados de obras
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12 Chs


"quotations" will be used as normal when someone is speaking out loud

[square brackets] will be used when whoever's POV is thinking or talking to themselves

(brackets) will be used for sounds or people and beings making screaming sounds or things that are not understandable. and system messages

>>>>> will be used to do short time skips such as if they are just walking or standing for long periods of time.

<><><> will be used when switching POV's in the same chapter

will add more if needed in future