
To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)

Once upon time I was a normal guy. Now, I am Kakarot, the clone of Son Goku created by Kami. There isn't much time, but I'll use it wisely, and go even further beyond. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Cómic
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94 Chs

Planet Namek 1

Half an hour later, with a whistle on my lips and a great big smile splitting my face, I sped through the air like a missile of crimson red power.

Kami was quite put out with me that I once again needed him to conjure me a new and heavier weighted outfit, but I couldn't care less right now. you know why?


That was my power level after I recovered from the hole Tien blasted in my stomach and gave me that senzu bean I'd been holding on to. It might have been silly to use it this early. But, I won't really be needing them later down the line if my plans work out properly. And while the Namekians are peaceful, I won't trust a stranger to blow a hole through my stomach and then help heal me.

Either way, right now, I'm just a little bit weaker than Goku was come the Ginyu Saga. At least without taking Kaioken into account.

A little bit later, I touched down in front of Capsule Corp, letting my aura disperse from around myself and began walking up the path to the front door of the giant ass spherical home.

As I did, I noticed a familiar lady out watering the plants out front. A tall, voluptuous leggy blonde in tight jeans and a tube top that showed off her curves really well. It was easy to see where Bulma got her killier body from.

"Well hello Goku," Panchy Briefs, Bulma's mother greeted me with a bright smile, "Why aren't you as youthful as ever."

I floundered for a moment, "Err...My name's Kakarot..I'm Goku's...brother." I replied. Usually I'd probably get pissed off at someone mistaking me for him, even after I cut my hair and let my skin get cooked until I was tanned, but well getting pissed off at Panchy for something like that when she hasn't ever met me, nor seen Goku in years since he actually was about my height, would be like getting pissed off at a happy, cuddly little dog.

"Oh, dearie me, my mistake," Panchy giggled, "It's nice to meet you Kakarot. I assume you're here for my dear little Bulma?"

"That's right..yeah." I nodded.

"Well she's in her room darling, packing from what she told me," the blonde woman told me, "It seems she's going on an adventure again. I'm so excited for her, it's been so long since she went out to have fun like she used to."

I raised an eyebrow. Packing, huh? Was she planning on coming with me then? Well, I would happily bring her along with me. With her there, not only could I focus on training in the gravity chamber and let her handle the steering, I can also spend some alone time with her. Just me and her, in the deep, dark expanse of space.

"Thanks Mrs Brief." I thanked her, and made my way inside. She didn't even question if I knew how to get to Bulma's room or not, just waved me inside with a little giggle.

The play was absolutely massive. There were company buildings smaller than Bulma's house. But it was easy to find her with my ki sensing, and it wasn't hard to reach her room.

When I reached it, I was just about to knock on the door, when I heard Bulma's voice calling out, "Come on in Kakarot!"

I blinked. How the hell did she know I was here?

Doing what she said though, I opened the door and made my way inside. The room was really large. Filled with closets, a large table with four chairs around it on one side of the room, with a huge ass bed with a pink quilt on the other, and at the end of her room was a gigantic television, easily one hundred and fifty inches hanging on the wall. Bulma was sitting at the table on one of the chairs, and to my surprise...she had a scouter hanging over one of her eyes, a pink one.

"Heya!" she waved cheekily at me when my eyes settled on the scouter. To my further surprise. She was wearing a very familiar outfit. Sadly not the playboy bunny outfit, but a yellow zip up vest jacket, tight black spandex rights and stylish hiking boots.

The outfit she wore going to Namek in the canon series.

"You like it?" she pointed to the pink scouter, "With all the upgrades you wanted me to do to yours I realised how handy these things are. Even a much lesser one will be worth a fortune on the market, and I was even able to link up a bunch of appliances and stuff to it. I can control your spaceship with this." she was practically preening as she finished explaining it to me.

"Impressive." I nodded in agreement. It really was, and it explained how she new I was outside her room, she must have locked onto my battle power with it.

"Sheesh Kakarot what did you do to yourself?" She asked a moment later, the blue haired beauty looking at me in bemusement, "You're like twenty times stronger than you were last week when you left off."

"The question is, what didn't I do to myself? I really thought I was gonna die a few times there." I responded. Seriously, ever had your organs vaporised? It ain't fun at all. Between the pain from enduring the Ultra Divine Water, the hellish conditions of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and having Tien vaporise my organs and blow my stomach apart for a zenkai using a senzu bean, I really am just about fucking done with this quest for power. But sadly, this is a retarded shounen universe where there is a very real threat of not only being killed, but my soul ceasing to exist when the Omni King yeets this universe out of existence.

"You're an idiot." Bulma snorted.

"That I am," I nodded in agreement. Sadly, apparently only idiots could save the universe. "So what's with the outfit? And your mother said you were packing for an adventure?"

"Well I'm coming with you to Namek obviously. I'm sick of being left out while all you meatheads train together and go on all the adventures now," she replied, before arching a brow at me, "Why, you got a problem with me coming?"

"Nope," I shrugged, "I already told you didn't I? I like you best out of everybody else. And I'm not gonna complain about the eye candy on your level."

"...You're such a little perv Kakarot." she shook her head, but despite her words, there was a smile on her lips, and her chest puffed out a bit in obvious pride. Bulma for all her good points, was a vain girl after all.

I shrugged, "Hey, I made my thoughts on you clear last week didn't I?" I smirked at her, "If you wanna hang around me even after hearing about it, that's on you."

"Well it cant be helped that a little perv like you is into a gorgeous babe like me," she replied, smugly. "It's basically just nature. Though keep in mind I did only break up with Yamcha a week ago."

"..And?" I raised an eyebrow at her, "A day, a week, a year or a minute. Doesn't matter, you've broke up with him and you're single now."

Bulma slumped dramatically into her chair, resting a hand over her eyes, "Geez, it can be a curse sometimes to be as amazing and beautiful as I am," she 'lamented'. She shook her head, and giggled as she stood up and made her way over to me, a coy smile on her lips. When she reached me, she lifted a hand up and trailed a small index finger down the side of my cheek, I held back the shiver that the tingling sensation almost brought out in me, "Alright Kakarot, if you really want to try, I don't mind giving you a trial run."

"As..?" I questioned, staring at her challengingly.

"As my boyfriend obviously, don't play dumb, you're about the same age I was when I set out that first time to wish for the perfect boyfrend, so it'd make me a real hypocrite to blow you back for that," she chided me with a roll of her eyes, "You know me. I'm not the type to dance around this subject, just don't go getting cold feet on me now because you're an inexperienced teenager now." she leaned down, and to my surprise, captured my lips with her own.

I was actually kind of shocked she went for it. But not so shocked I didn't respond. When she went to probe my lips with her tongue, I let my own shoot out and wrestle her tongue back into her own mouth.

Bulma moaned in surprise into my mouth, and then moaned even further when I reached around her waist to sink my hands into her large, doughy ass cheeks covered only in spandex and lifted her into the air.

I squeezed and groped her lovely bouncy ass and carried her over to the bed where I sat down with her in my lap. One of her arms wrapped around my neck, while the other fisted itself in my hair and her legs wrapped around my waist as she began to grind down into me.

I couldn't stop the smug smirk I had even while kissing. After all, it wasn't just meta knowledge of this universe I had inherited upon my birth. I ground myself up into her, meeting her halfway.

We stayed like that for a good five minutes, her trying to wrestle my tongue back, but failing utterly, even as we dry humped the shit out of each other. It was only when one of my hands trailed up from her lovely ass to the zipper on her bubbly vest jacket that she broke off. A long trail of saliva connected her mouths together, even as she pulled a good ten inches or so back from from my mouth, her eyes were half lidded and her face flushed, lips bruised, "Wow....well you definitely have kissing down, that's for sure." she hummed throatily.

"So I pass then?" I smirked.

"On this, definitely," Bulma smirked right back, she leaned forward and pressed another quick kiss to my lips before pulling back and grinding herself into my crotch one last time, "Definitely better than Yamcha...in more ways than one." Her smirk turned saucy as her half lidded eyes cast a quick look down to where our bodies were pressed against each other.

I couldn't help but smirk even wider. Sorry Yamcha, but this woman is all mine now, "So.." I began as another thought came to mind, giving her ass a good squeeze with the hand still holding it, drawing a little squealing moan of surprise from her, "What are my odds of getting you into that bunny outfit?"I asked cheekily.

She snorted, that snort turning into an amused giggle, "You really like me in that outfit huh?" she asked rhetorically.

"I like you in practically anything, you'd look amazing in burlap sack. But I did like you in that best," I replied, "Besides, you wore it around the pig, I think it's fair for your boyfriend, trial or not to get to see you in it." I pointed out.

"Hmm." Bulma hummed as she stared me in the eye, before smirking, "Well, guess you'll be happy to know I stuffed it in my clothing bag to bring with me when I remembered how much you liked it last week."

She rose her hand and pinched my nose and wiggled it teasingly, "I suppose I might wear it for you, if you impress me enough," she teased with a wiggle of her lovely blue eyebrows before hopping out of my lap and beckoning me to follow her, "Now c'mon, I already have all my stuff packed, and I assume you have all you need. Let's get a move on, it's been ages since I've been to space, this'll be great." she made her way out of her room, swaying and wiggling that lovely spandex clad ass of hers all the way out.

"...Well that was something," I mused with a laugh. Unexpected as all hell, but not at all unwanted. "She's a such a damn cock tease though." I snorted, looking down at my crotch and the spear like tent rising up through my baggy gi pants into the air.

I sighed.