
To change your destiny and mine. (BL)

[BL] Zak, a 22-year-old college student who loved reading fantasy fiction, had a particular favorite novel: "Destiny awaits you." Its mind-bending twists and heart-wrenching ending left him angry, seeking the author for answers. As he closed the book, his heart throbbed, plunging him into darkness. The next moment he opened his eyes, he was greeted by an unfamiliar surrounding, along with an unfamiliar body. He already had a feeling he knew what was happening but he had to run to a mirror and confirm, and when he did, his worst fear came to life. "This...is not my body." He had transgressed into someone else's life, and it wasn’t even anyone important, but a mere side character who dies at the second chapter of the novel!

KazTheWriter · LGBT+
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86 Chs

'Moving Day: The Uncomfortable Carriage Ride.'

It had been another few days, and Azrael found himself inside a carriage for the first time. The rhythmic clopping of horses' hooves echoed in his ears, a constant reminder of the journey ahead.

Today was moving day.

Moving day marked the beginning of the Academic Olympiad, where students from Luminara Academy, Sylvanum Academy, and Divine Sanctum traveled from their respective institutions to Stellara.

Stellara, a grand complex situated between the Aurora Glades and the Sylvanum Glades, was a massive venue designed to host the Olympiad. It boasted accommodations for students and viewing areas for spectators, much like the Olympics back in his original world.

Azrael felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He, along with his friends and Eirian, had been planning and preparing meticulously for this day.