Akane is an adopted girl with no knowledge of her background. The only special thing about her is her brother. He is a Yonko called Red haired Shanks. When Akane found out about her brother losing his left arm, she immediately wanted to find him. Follow Akane on her adventure as she meets new friends, becomes a Pirate and eventually scolds her brother until he beggs for her to stop. Disclaimer: I don't own One piece or its characters, this is a fan fiction. Some parts are taken from the Anime to keep some development close to the original. I also don't own any of the character from other anime that might or might not appear in the fan fiction. I don't own the cover. If the owner wants me to remove it, I will. Temporarily Paused. Writers Block.
"Don't leave big brother!"
Akane cried as she tugged at her brother' sleeves.
"What did you tell to me before? You promised me something right, so show me you can do it."
Her brother, Shanks, crouched down as he patted Akane's head.
"I promised not to cry anymore." Akane said, tears still streaming down her face.
"You're a big girl now, so stop crying." Shanks hugged Akane until she calmed down.
"But you're leaving again, when will I see you? You're away so often, Akane is lonely without big brother."
Shanks patted her head, "I'll be back before you know it, and I'll be sure to bring back a souvenir so look forward to it."
Shanks stood up and walked towards his ship.
He turned around and waved at Akane before he boarded.
"Remember what I told you. Now go back home." Shanks yelled, as his ship departed.
Akane waved goodbye at Shanks, watching him long until his ship couldn't be seen anymore.
A few years had passed, while Shanks hadn't returned even once.
Though there were quite a few letters with souvenirs, it had been awhile since he had come back to see his little sister and her caretaker.
Akane had always listened to her brother, yet she wouldn't anymore.
Not after today.
"Baba, Baba! Have you heard? Shanks nii-sama lost his left arm! That liar! He said he was fine!"
Akane stormed inside the cabin of Baba, an old lady who was an acquaintance of her brother while also being her caretaker.
"Hush! I already know. Honestly, how can he expect from me to keep quiet when the news bird will bring it anyway?"
Baba grumbled at the newspaper in her hand.
On the front page was a big picture of Shanks, while the headline was Shanks' missing arm and to whom he might've lost it.
"I've had it Baba, I'm going to sea. Don't think you can stop me. I'm going to tell that stupid brother of mine he should take better care of himself. He was in east blue, how could be possibly lose his arm in one of the calmest seas there is?"
Akane was truly pissed of at Shanks. How dare he act like it's all fine, nothing to worry about? Every letter he sent her he told her he was fine. Well, she was going to him, preparing to scold till his ears fell of and he begged her to stop.
Baba sighed, there was no helping it.
Akane was as stubborn as Shanks when it came to the things important to her.
Baba stood up from her chair as she slowly walked towards the old dilapidated cabinet. If the kid was going, she would at least make sure she wasn't killed as soon as she crossed the seas.
She took a rusting key from the chain hanging on her neck, opening the lock on the cabinet and handed the box, which had been inside it to Akane.
"I kept this from my old traveling days, hoping to give it to someone who I deem worthy of it. Now it's yours."
Akane opened the box and saw a glowing, rainbow coloured peach–like fruit.
"A fruit? What do you want me to do with this Baba?" Akane said as she looked with confusion at Baba.
Before Akane could say anymore, Baba had already stuffed the fruit in Akane's mouth.
"Quit whining and eat it." Baba briskly said as she sat down again in her chair, sipping her cooling tea.
Akane had a hard time not spitting out the fruit. It tasted awful, almost making her retch at the foul taste.
With much difficulty Akane managed to swallow it down, while rinsing her mouth with water.
"What the hell Baba? Do you want to poison me?" Akane said as she was still rinsing her mouth with water, the tast still lingering no matter how hard she tried to rid herself of it.
Akane almost gagged again from the foul taste the fruit had.
"Quit yapping, what you've just eaten is called a devil fruit. The fruit I made you eat is from the mythical category, The Nine-tailed fox Tenko also known as Heavenly/Celestial fox. Now that you've eaten it, you've lost the ability to swim, so be careful.
Before you leave, you better practice with it, otherwise you won't make it on that big sea you intend to enter."
Baba shut her mouth and refused to say anymore, waving at the girl to leave her.
Akane stormed outside; eager to test out this so-called devil fruit Baba was so serious about.
Akane lay panting on the ground. Before she had eaten the devil fruit, she'd already been decent with the sword, managing to hold her own against low bounty bandits, sometimes taking down bandit worth a millon beries.
The devil fruit she'd eaten enhanced her speed, which helped her with her proficiency with the sword.
To be honest, she wasn't sure if she could manage to get her swordplay to the next level, but when she did, she was so surprised she crashed into the ground when she lost her footing.
Currently, she was so exhausted by perfecting her swordplay that she was panting on the ground.
What was more amazing was that this was only when she hadn't transformed yet. Her Basic strength so to speak.
She took a deep breath, as she focussed on her devil fruit.
As soon as she activated it, she felt nine tails behind her and felt long pointy ears emerging underneath her long hair as her previous ears disappeared.
She looked at her back and spotted the golden tails with white tufts at the end.
She ran towards a barrel of water and stared at her reflection.
Her usual red hair had become golden, two pointy ears peeking out from the top of her head.
She reached for her head and felt the soft, pointy, furry ears on top.
As she looked at the rest of her body, she spotted red markings on her arms, legs and forehead.
She went deep in thought what the use of this fruit might be.
As far as she knew, Tenko were according to legends, messengers of the gods and were adept with the use of illusions and magic.
They could conjure illusions, transform themselves, and could even conjure blue flames known as foxfire.
When she imagined blue balls of fire surrounding her, it truly appeared in front of her.
"Wow!" as she imagined it changing shape, it turned into a butterfly, flapping its bright wings around her.
She tried many different colours, making a spectacle of colours around her.
"Next, illusions."
She imagined her brother standing in front of her, but it seemed to fail. The illusion was there, but it didn't look like him. He looked more like a flat newspaper version of him.
It had been a long time since she'd seen him after all.
When she tried one of herself, another her stood in front of her.
When she touched the hands of the illusion, they really met.
So far it seemed that her illusions could be made real to some extent, so she would be able to call this ability cloning.
When she finished her experimenting, she felt extremely tired. Though it wasn't as much as physically as mentally. The devil fruit took more mental power than physical power, so if she slept, it would be all right.