
Chapter 10: The Song

Chapter 10: The Song

It is a memory lived in an old film reel, a flashback. Some of the lyrics that Glory wrote in her notebook read:

'It's one of those days I wanted to go back to you. You still have my heart, I'll hold you dear. Let me be by your side on our way back home. If you lead me there, I'll carry everything that reminds me of you'

It was simple, full of emotions from a teenage girl who lost the most important man of her life, a wistful dream yet traumatic one, not with a slightest thing in her mind that it will happen again in the future.

It's one of those serendipitous days when the sunshine is warm and the breeze could make everyone feel that nothing could go wrong, a rare one. Gloryjane Deveraux woke up in her pajamas as she heard the banging sound of the alarm clock. With a body that is half awake, she stared at it with a bored look and put a stop on it. She then lumped herself back in the soft and comforting bed and buried her face on her pillow, but that was only for a moment when she realized what day is today. She raised up again in the bed, yawning while stretching her arms upwards before she looked around, her eyes shot at her desk. She got a glimpse of her notebook and the next thing she was doing- was leafing through it, she read the lyrics that she wrote a long time ago as she pointed it with her finger, then a faint smile hinted on her lips and then she looked at the glass window.

"Today is the school's cultural festival, I should prepare now."

Glory is a student in Alvarez High and like any other students in her league, she wanted to leave a mark on the school where she invested a lot of memories and achievements. Something like a treasure that she could share to the next generations, a thing that she could be proud of. After minutes of preparation, she stood up in front of the mirror, summer matched on her uniform. The white polo is perfect with its black skirt along with a black necktie that is pretty much cuter along with it. One of the reasons why she loved her school is because of its cute uniform though. With a soft honey-colored hair which she wore short and wavy while staring at her reflection in the mirror, she suddenly remembered one of her teachers said, 'If you're beautiful and have a brain and a vagina, you can own anything.'

She smirked at the thought of it and picked up her bag, however, even though she is brimming with confidence, there is one thing that she found a big disadvantage and that is her short height. Like in some situations, it can really be a curse. She went out of her room and went straight down to their kitchen where her mother is cooking some fried eggs. Her mother has the same soft-honey colored hair that was stylized in tight tousled curls, one that may look vintage and retro.

"Good morning! I'll be taking some of this," Glory picked up her lunchbox on the other side of the counter while humming. Using a fork, she put one of the delicious fried eggs on it.

Her mother looked at her sideways, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes as she spoke, "Glory dear, I'm sorry if I couldn't go with you to school today. There's a lot of things I need to finish, my boss is expecting me-"

"Sheesh mom you don't need to apologize," Glory put her lunchbox on the table and packed it properly before she put it inside her bag. "Your work is much more important than this, and I'm not sad, not even in the slightest part, besides I'm with my friends. Just focus on what you have to do okay?" She smiled at her mom. Her mom felt somewhat relieved and smiled back to her daughter.

"I am really lucky to have a daughter like you." She said tenderly and her eyes glistened.

"Oh enough of this drama! It's too early for this," the two shifted their heads to where that voice came from. It was Glory's eldest sister, who seemed to just rise from the dead, with her messy sleek black hair that she got from their late father, and face that was all scrunched up.

"Shut up, can you look in the mirror? You look terrible. And don't waltz into the house wearing only underwear!" Glory shouted, glaring at her sister.

Her sister raised a brow. "Why not? We can do anything we want here. Our house, our rules!" she answered back as she scratched her head and yawned.

"Georgia, go to the bathroom and fix yourself," their mother announced sternly, making her eldest daughter roll her eyes and walk out.

Deciding that she is done with everything, Glory said goodbye to her mother. The ray of sunlight feels good along with the blue sky. She started to walk. Like her, there are other people who are on their way to their own destination. She smiled at the whole city that seemed so good today. She walked past the loading and unloading area of buses until someone screamed her name. Glory looked back only to see her dearest friend who's running towards her and waving.

The caramel-haired girl stopped in front of her, catching her breath.

"You know, you didn't need to run right?" Glory said. "It's not like we're going to miss the bus."

Pearl stood up straight and rolled her eyes but then she wondered as she smelled something, something sweet that reminded her of cotton candy, or flowers. It's only for a moment before she grins.

"W-What?" Glory asked nervously, making a few steps back away from Pearl.

"It's just that you feel different today, did you just spray on a perfume?" Pearl stared at her expectantly, judging and investigating every inch of her. "Oh my gosh! Did puberty just hit you so hard recently?"

Glory was almost lost in words, thinking that she just tried to put on some perfume this morning that she regrets now because of its strong smell. 'Is it really something?' She thought. "E-Enough," she said as soon as a bus arrived and they both went in.

"You're shining like a diamond today!" Glory thought that Pearl is done with the adjectives but not, she rolled her eyes. "What? I'm just stating the facts," Pearl insisted and the other one started to laugh at her.

"What? Now you're laughing. Sometimes you're just weird," Pearl commented and scrunched up her nose while resting the other side of her face under her palm, looking at the window.

"You just acted like Yujin," she chuckled, which made the other furious.


Before she knew it, Pearl continued on outraging, spouting some complaints about the red-head, unmindful of the people with them inside the bus, muttering some words about her level that was far more superior to Yujin. It was too early in the morning yet, Glory found herself laughing hard with something so trivial. It was only the start of the day.

They both reached the school and there they already saw Noctis, Yujin and Jade waiting at the main gate. Pearl waved at them and so did Yujin.

The redhead beamed. "A pleasant morning to the most unpleasant lady I have ever seen!" He pointed out Glory, which earned him immediately a hit on the head that made him screech. "Ow! It hurts!"

"Served you well idiot!"

Yujin was wincing while rubbing his head, he averted his eyes for a moment until it widened in a realization. He looked at Glory suspiciously.

"W-What? Don't look at me like that, it's creepy," Glory moved away from the red-head.

"Something about you seemed different today! Hmm..." Yujin continued on staring at the girl, studying her for more than seconds until an idea popped out.

"I see! You're totally different today because of the smell of perfume!" He flashed out a grin and pointed out Glory, making her stunned for a moment.

"Eh? I don't think I've done anything especially," she continued to move backwards. 'I swear! Is putting on some perfume really a big deal?! I'm just curious and tried some of it! If it's really making some fuss then I will be glad not to use it again!'

"W-What's this?! Is something stirred up from your hormones trying to make a change for yourself? This is not like you at all! It's like your aura has changed!" Yujin continued to pry over. "Is there some kind of strange parasite inside you? Maybe you should go to the hospital! Or maybe... A lingering soul from your house just possessed you! Oh damn it! Whoever you are, get away from this girl's body!"

"Okay, stop imagining before it leads us into even more weird stuff," Glory exhaled heavily and put her palm on her face.

"Yeah you should stop that Yujin, I mean what about me? How come that only she got the attention? I came prepared too, you know!" Pearl pouted, staring at the red-head. Yujin, who was scratching his head, looked at Pearl and scanned her from head to toe.

"Oh come on! I know I'm unbelievably gorgeous. There's no need to be shy Yujin, just say it!"

Yujin stared at her blankly "Actually, there's no way I could say anything, you're not even worth the praise," and with that he just got another hit, making everyone laugh at him again.

"Hey! Ow! Ow! Hey! Stop that!" Yujin was running away as Pearl smacked him endlessly, everyone was used to it, the playful banters never stopped.

"Poor guy," Jade whispered to herself while Noctis quietly shook his head.

"It's early in the morning yet all of you guys are already noisy?" Edward just came with the sight of Yujin being a pitiful creature. He formed a smile while looking at Pearl chasing his friend, then he glanced at Glory, his stare made her a little uncomfortable in an instant.

"W-What?" She asked the brown-head.

"Did you spray some perfume?" Edward asked casually that made her even more surprised. Noctis and Jade looked at her unbelievably.

'Again, is it really a big deal?' She thought helplessly.

Jade sniffed the air a little and was surprised. "Now that you mention it, the scent was really coming from you. At first, I thought it was from Pearl but I doubted it because it doesn't smell like hers."

"Right? It's subtle but it gradually smells like rose with a hint of vanilla." A familiar voice came in.

"A-Andrew?!" Glory turned her back only to see the guy. Tall, with a bewildering handsome face, same hairstyle that he put in a man bun. She immediately stiffened and felt her blood rushing up to her face.

"The smell suits you," Andrew said casually and that's enough to make Glory to be flustered even more and lose all her strength. She remained standing while trying not to be affected by his words. She cleared her throat and tried her best to regain her proper self.

"T-Thank you..." She uttered nervously. 'Stop shaking! You're better than this!' She screamed internally.

"Hey there bro! Looks like you're all prepared today huh?" Yujin beamed and placed his arm over Andrew's shoulder. He then caught Glory on the side who was still blushing red like a tomato.

"Hey aren't you blushing?" He asked.

"N-No d-don't mind me!" Glory vigorously shook her head and stayed back from everyone.

"Really?" Yujin replied doubtedly, raising his eyebrows. "But your face is all red! Are you really good? Seems to me that you're not- oww!!!" Glory pinched him on his arm which made the red-head yelp.

"What is that for?!" He yelped, holding his ears.

"Will you just shut up?!" Glory growled with eyes pierced and Yujin raised his hand instantly, forfeiting.

Edward stepped up and greeted Andrew with a smile. "You're early today huh."

"I couldn't help it, our club prepared a lot of activities for today's cultural festival. It would be a loss of face if I would come late," he lifted his head and looked up at the school. The premises are decorated with a lot of colorful and festive motifs, after all the students did their very best to show off their skills and boast their prides as students of Alvarez High, they all prepared these stuff for people to enjoy the day. "Well it looks like our hard work paid off."

"Easy for you to say," Yujin butt in the conversation. "Unlike our purposeless class who just copped out and went with an all-out survey." He said with such boredom plastered all over his face.

"That's why I keep on saying you should at least suggest an idea," Edward replied who shrugged.

"Hah! As if they will listen. Anyway! Given this freedom, we should at least try every treat this place could offer! Come on Noux you should come with me!" Yujin managed to grab Noctis in his arms.

"Huh?! Why me?" He asked, pulling his arm against the red-head's strong grip.

"Who else? Come on, I know you would enjoy it! I recommend that we should try the science club's barbecue! Believe me it tastes perfectly!" Yujin continued and pulled the ravenette against his will.

"Go by yourself! I don't want to eat this early! Hey are you even listening?!" Noctis tried to push away the red-head but it was futile as they already made some steps away from the group.

"And then they disappear that quickly," Jade took a deep sigh, still hearing Noctis' complaints from a distance.

"Well this is not new," the brown head said and they all decided to walk.

"I think I need to go now too, I will be helping our other members. Well then see you later!" Andrew said it quickly and before they knew it, there were only four of them who were left.

"So what are we going to do first?" Jade asked.

"I have a pretty good idea." Edward smiled.


The sound of a perfect shot from a bow made the audience clap their hands. The one who made that shot is a girl whose skin is almost like a pearl- Janine. She saw from a distance her friends cheering for her and smiled at them.

Janine is a member of the archery team of the school, it was her father who taught that skill to her. When she stepped on high school, she decided to enroll for the program and since then she managed to be one of the top and skilled archers, winning several gold medals and outstanding achievements from various competitions, earning her such respect not only from her juniors but with all the people of Alvarez High. Beauty, wealth, grace and talent, she is the perfect package, she's a lady in the truest sense of the word. That is how talented Janine Millers is.

The exhibition was over and Janine rushed to her friends as soon as she changed back to her uniform. "Thank you for waiting!"

"You did great," Edward handed over a bottle of water and the other one happily took it.

"I was nervous, but thanks," Janine said then smiled.

"I know this is not my first time watching you but you're really awesome, right?" Pearl leaned over to her friend with eyes that sparkled with amazement.

Just as the group were talking, two of the members from the archery team came out from the room. "Miss Janine, you were so amazing as always! Please don't forget that we will have our practice tomorrow, the competition for the School Archery League is weeks from now. A-And also please help us practice," The girl with a pony-tail said, bowing down as she blushed a bit.

"Of course, I'll see you tomorrow!" Janine beamed warmly that almost made her junior blush further and lose her consciousness, she then turned back and face her friends.

"So what are we going to do for today?"

"We can check the okonomiyaki on the third floor! It's the talk of the day," Pearl suggested while scrolling on her phone.

Alvarez High is celebrating its cultural festival and everyone is on the highest feelings, it is an occasion not only for the students and their family but also for the citizens to share the fun and smiles. Every place is decorated with colorful papers in a festive theme. Food stalls can be seen everywhere with people holding different kinds of food like bagels and cream cheese. No one will be bored because of the different food stands and showcases that are prepared at every corner of the school.

With that mood of the place, Glory was quietly staring at the happy families, it's not that she's jealous or feeling envy, in fact, her childhood was idyllic. She was an extraordinarily and cheerful kid. Her mother was a housewife and her father was a judo instructor, most of the youngsters who became his father's student would respect him for his unbendable belief- 'Judo is not for hurting others, but for protecting yourself and those who you love'. Glory as a kid adored her father so much, their summers back then were fun and memorable, she would ask his father to train her too and that would be the best days of her life. Her father treated her like a princess, and with her mother and older sister, nothing could stop her from being happy.

Then, on her middle school days, she went home immediately. Excited, holding a certificate of her being one of the top students of their school, and in a blink of her eye, her wonderful life vanished.

Wearing a happy smile while making big footsteps, jumping along the way to her house, Glory found herself in a blissful moment of success, being a top-notcher that someone of her age could brag about. Stepping in front of their house, she lifted her toe, reaching the doorknob that was a little too high for her. When she opened the door, she couldn't stop herself from smiling excitedly as she tip-toed all her way upstairs to surprise her parents. With the certificate in her hand, she carefully reached the door of her parents' room but she stopped as she heard a faint sound coming from the other side.

Her young mind couldn't comprehend at first what she was hearing, but it was for a few more moments knowing what it was.

There was someone crying.

She hastily opened the door only to see in her surprise that her mother was crying on the floor, screaming the unbearable pain she was holding, her screaming echoed in Glory's mind like nails on a chalkboard. The room turned dark as her eyes widened in horror seeing her mother in a helpless situation. Panic fueled her. The hysteria zapped in her head so fast that she gasped, dropping her cherished proof of being a top student on the wooden floor of the room. She looked at her mother quizzically and cleared her throat, shifting uncomfortably as she ran to her and hugged her.

"Mom what happened? Why are you crying?" Her tiny voice croaked.

A scream tore loose from her mother's throat as she continued weeping, she couldn't meet her daughter's eyes, all she could do was absorb the sadness that was forcibly piercing in her heart like a cannonball. She coughed numerous times for almost choking from crying, gasping for air.

Poor little Glory wasn't able to do anything, hot and salty tears escaped from her eyes as she helplessly comforted her mother with a hug. It was when her mother decided to speak out of despair.

"Dear, your father got into an accident."

At first, Glory couldn't understand it, she could not accept everything her mother said that day.

"He'll never come back."

Those words echoed the whole room and it spelled out pain.

'My father is dead?' Glory thought. And that was the start of her violent days. Their dojo had closed and everything that reminds her of her father seemed to be locked and faded in that place. Glory thought she could never do judo again. She couldn't adjust herself. Neither her sister nor her mother, but life isn't going to stop there nor so will she. She discovered a thing to cling to her rotten self.

It was a year after her father's death when she saw a video of an artist singing a song about a loved one who passed away. She was severely moved by that and so she tried to write songs. Her mother tried to find some work and even if it's not the best offer they could have, her mother became a housekeeper near a big subdivision.

There were times when her mother caught Glory's passion for music, singing in the middle of the night.

It was in July when Glory received her very first guitar as a gift from her mother and older sister. She thought once that 'dying of a broken heart' will forever be her life but she realized she still has the people who are still there for her and realized that time heals wounds.

"Hey!" Yujin's voice did make Glory stop remembering the past. She didn't realize that the two were already back. They were currently on the third floor and were waiting in the line for their turn to be catered.

"So how was your sightseeing?" Edward asked curiously.

"Nothing like what I expected! The science club's barbecue wasn't that bad I guess. Well, class 3-6's chickpea salad was commendable and class 1-4's banana sundae- heh, it was really full of chocolate syrup!" Yujin responded with a fulfilling look all over his face.

"What? You've only been eating. No wonder Noctis looked displeased," Jade gestured her hand towards the ravenette who was all impassive.

"Huh what are you talking about? Healthy guys like us should be eating a lot of food and enjoying the prime of our lives! That's the mission after all! Eat all around! Now then, let's go to the real stuff and taste some okonomiyaki!" Yujin said cheerfully that made Noctis release a depressed sigh.

"Really do you have some kind of dragon inside your stomach?" The ravenette whispered to himself.

"Huh? Come on bro, be a little livelier! I don't want you to be a grumpy old man! It sucks when you're always bored and frowning." Noctis didn't mind what his friend said and stayed oblivious.

It took them another ten minutes to finally reach the classroom door and they were all surprised to see who was in charge of the food stall.

"A-Andrew?!" They all blurted out.

"Oh it was you guys!" Andrew faced them with his bright smile. He wore a bandana to keep his hair back out of his face, it perfectly matches the black apron over his school uniform. He was holding a spatula on his right hand while his other hand was wiping off some sweat on his forehead.

"W-What are you doing here?" Both Yujin and Glory surprisingly asked. Glory was completely stunned from the sight in front of her, first time seeing the olive-haired guy in such an appearance, in her eyes he's a first-rate okonomiyaki seller who is sparkling brilliantly like a million dollar worth of view, a different radiance that will instantly made someone's gloomy day into a sunshine. With that, she almost forgot that she was holding her breath.

"Huh? This is what our club came up to, wait haven't I told you about this?" He raised his brow while scratching his temples a little while he looked at them weirdly.

"Certainly not! So is this the reason why you were always late at our classes?" Edward asked.

Andrew nodded. "Yeah, we took a lot of effort in doing this food stand, and what's more challenging is the actual recipe of the okonomiyaki, it's hard to perfect it. Without everyone's effort I wouldn't think we could pull this off."

"So, business is good huh?" This time the ravenette spoke, looking back at the longest line of people that were waiting behind them.

"Actually they're really biting today, all these people lined up for us." Andrew responded and laughed awkwardly.

"No doubt, people were already posting your food stand on the internet, look." Pearl whipped up her phone and showed it to him.

"Hmm, yeah you're absolutely right."

"Well I couldn't blame them, after all a handsome guy like you -not as handsome as baby loves- is the one who's catering the customers! Right Glory?" Pearl elbowed her friend with a grin on her face that made the other one uncomfortable. Glory tilted her head and took a quick glance at Andrew while being tongue-tied.

"Uh, uhmm... Pearl is absolutely correct," She announced hesitantly. 'It's obviously no coincidence that this long line consists of girls exclusively.' She thought in the back of her mind.

"I think I need to take your orders, we don't want our other customers to be hangry!" Andrew beamed.

"Okay then! One order for each of us!" Yujin proudly placed his bills on the counter that made everyone, even Andrew, surprised for a bit. "W-What?" He asked as he noticed everyone's reaction.

"Hey why are you all looking at me like that?!"

"Eh, n-nothing. How unlikely of you to treat us all," Glory commented awkwardly, looking at the red-head, as if some kind of miracle of generosity came to him.

"Huh?! Was that an insult?" Yujin snorted rudely.

"Here you go," Andrew placed the first two orders on the counter.

Yujin picked up the other one. "Here, just take it." Glory took the okonomiyaki that Yujin was holding and looked at him unbelievably.

"Hey, it's on me. There's no need to worry."

"You should just enjoy this moment, it's very rare for Yuu to treat us," Noctis joined the conversation and teased the red-head.

"Oh yeah? Well at least I'm not a cheap ass like you! Come on, savor my money and kneel down before me!" Yujin replied.

"Cheap ass huh? Say, do you remember who paid your electric and water bills last month?" Noctis asked sarcastically.

"Y-You..." Yujin replied with a dull tone.

"Or that time when you don't have anything to eat?"


"And when you don't have any money to buy your magazines filled with ladies in bikini-"

"Shut up!" That made everyone laugh except Jade who was gazing at Yujin fiercely.

"What?! It's nothing!" Yujn insisted himself.

"Anyway thanks for this," Glory spoke and the red-head suddenly blushed and returned to Noctis.

In the end they were quickly chased out by the waiting customers and after finishing the okonomiyaki within five minutes, they left the food stand and bid farewell to Andrew.


"Man! It feels like the school is a theme park," Yujin spoke while sipping on his orange juice.

"Oh shush, it's better this way. A change of phase is sometimes what we need," Jade replied. Yujin didn't bother to answer back and took a sip again. A ball hit him on his back that made him choke on his juice, coughing for a moment before turning back and was about to yell but then he realized it was only kids.

'Ugh this is troublesome,' he thought to himself as he picked up the ball.

"Hey this is yours right?" He said but then the kids just ran away from him.

"What's with them?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Maybe you look like a monster, you scared the crap out of them," Edward said that gained him a glare from the red-head.

"There's nothing wrong with my face!"

"Okay relax I'm just kidding," Edward laughs at the red-head and taps the guy on his shoulders. Glory was just smiling as they started the endless teasing until she heard some voices not far from them as if there was an argument happening. She followed where it was coming from and saw three high school girls who seemed to be their seniors.

'Are they fighting?' She thought as she secretly listened to their conversation, hiding in the corner of the wall.

"What are we going to do now?" The one with the black hair and fair skin asked, brows furrowed.

"Now that Analie has an emergency to attend to, I don't think we could make it," the one who's tall among them declared painfully, tears were already falling down on her cheeks.

"At this point all of our hard-work will be wasted," the girl with thick and bleached hair blinked as she felt the salty tears coming off from her eyes.

"No... No, I don't want to end our last performance here like this!" The one with the black hair managed, she clenched her fist as she held onto those words. Glory kept quiet as she continued to listen, however she felt conflicted, prying over to other people's problems. She held her chest and decided to leave.

"Excuse me but is there a problem?" Her eyes grew wide when she heard that familiar voice, and before she knew it, Pearl and the others were already beside her!

'Since when did they?' She asked unbelievably in her thoughts while looking at Pearl and the others.

"W-Who are you?" The tallest girl managed to ask, clearing her throat uncomfortably and wiping off the tears on her face.

"Oh I'm sorry. It was rude for us to intrude but we just happened to hear your conversation," Pearl released an awkward smile while her hands were clasping at each other on her back. "If there is anything that we could help?"

"No, it's fine. I don't think-" The girl with the black hair was halted as the tallest girl gestured her hand to silence her. Both of their eyes met as if they both came into the same conclusion. The tallest girl looked at everyone with hesitance but then she started to open her lips and talk.

"Well, you see, all of us here happened to be a band and... I bet you knew about the free concert at the auditorium later right? We are part of the lineup, however there is a problem. One of our members who happened to be our lead vocalist needed to attend an emergency. Now that we are shorthanded as members, we don't think we will be able to perform later." She explained briefly.

"Such a waste. This could be our last performance for the cultural festival but I guess we just need to let it go," the bleach-haired girl mumbled as she let out a deep sigh.

"Wait. Is only the vocalist missing?" Pearl questioned, placing her index finger under her chin.


"So if only there is someone who'll fit in that position, are you all willing to perform?"

"Y-Yes!" The girls answered in unison with the most hopeful tone in their voices. A spark lit from Pearl's earthly orbs as she thought of the perfect solution to the girl's tight situation, "Then fret not! I know someone who perfectly fits this assignment!"

"Who are you talking about?" Janine asked curiously as she and Jade looked at each other weirdly. Their eyes follow where Pearl is headed before she stopped and placed both of her hands on Glory's shoulders.

"She's right here!" The other two were surprised as well as Glory.

"M-Me?" She blurted out as if a lightning hit her as she looked at Pearl who was all smiling at her. "W-Wait! Don't be so rash in that decision!" She waved her hands vigorously in objection.

"Why not? We all know how good you are at singing! We always knew you had the knack for it!" Pearl insisted back but that doesn't help Glory to earn such guts to just accept her friend's idea. She couldn't even sing inside their classroom, how much more inside the auditorium wherein hundreds of people would see her.

"But I-" She stammered, and looked down on the ground. Her fist clenched while it was shaking, she had no idea of what would be the outcome if she was going to accept it, her doubts to herself were dominating inside her that it made her stomach churn.

'What I am going to do? I don't have any experience with all of this, I don't want to be a let-down for these girls, I will only fail them if I do so.' She was in the middle of a conflict inside her when the tallest girl stepped up.

"Please, don't pressure yourself just for us. If it's too much for you, it's really fine. You don't need to feel responsible for our problem," no matter how gentle and positive it sounded, it didn't cover the sadness that was reflected in her eyes. Glory looked at them and understood the challenge; however she just didn't have that confidence. She wanted to help, but what if she failed? What if she fails in front of hundreds of people at this school? She shut her eyes and bit her lips in uncertainty. While thinking those hazy and foggy ideas, she felt a gentle and welcoming hand covering her fist. When she opened her eyes, it was Jade who was holding her, giving her courage through her gaze.

"We knew you could do it," she whispered, which made Glory touched, all of the hesitance slowly disappeared, the storm inside her stopped and rays of sunshine started to pass through from the sky.

"Believe in yourself," Janine held her hand too and gave off a bright smile.

"Come on. It's time for you to shine, just think of it as your confession to Andrew!" Pearl blinked cheerfully and even though it was embarrassing for Glory to hear it, she just smiled.

"Really, I don't know what I am doing now if it wasn't for you guys," she uttered as she looked at her friends with warm eyes. Gathering all the determination, she took a step and spoke up and faced the girls.

"I'm an amateur when it comes to things like this but I... I don't want to see your dreams be destroyed in a way like this. You practiced and trained so hard just for this day, so if I will be of help to make your dreams come true," she paused for a moment and turned back to her friends.

"Then I'll do it."


"Man! I never thought she would finally do it!" Yujin exclaimed proudly, they were already inside the auditorium and the free concert had already begun a few hours ago. Lots of independent bands from their school shared their talents and have already performed.

"I'm just so proud that I could cry now!" Yujin wiped his eyes as if tears were coming from it.

"Stop doing that, she's not your child," Jade demanded simply while fixing her bag on her lap.

"Then why don't you help me make some?" Yujin grinned that instantly made the other one blushed in hot redness. Noctis whistled hearing that while the others giggled. Jade remained quiet and didn't hit the red-head for some reason. She avoided his eyes and pretended to focus her sight on the stage.

The red-head gulped after realizing what he just said. He sat straight up on his chair like a retreating soldier, blushing. 'Seriously...? What kind of dumb joke is that, you idiot!' He scolded himself.

Yujin was cringing at what he just said.

"Anyway, how did you convince her?" Noctis asked who was sitting next to Yujin.

Pearl grin. "Oh you know, just simple words of encouragement that will finally push her from her own cliff," She replied confidently.

"She's already at her limit as well." She whispered to herself with a thoughtful expression on her face. The ravenette did manage to hear it and he just plastered a smirk while shifting his gaze at the stage.

"Looks like Andrew is up next," Edward said expectantly as he sat up.

"I'm really excited to hear his voice again, it's like a canary," Janine commented. "Oh there he goes!" She clapped her hands appropriately as soon the members of the music club started showing up one by one.

Meanwhile Glory was backstage and was preparing. She was stiff, biting her lower lip, shivering a little as she sat on a bench with the other band members, her heart was like being pounded in her chest.

"This will be your first time right?" The girl with the black hair asked, which made her almost jump in surprise. Maya giggled as she saw Glory's reaction.

"I'm sorry," Glory managed and smiled shyly.

"No worries," Maya shook her head and looked below the ground. "I was just like you back in my first performance. You know, a heartbeat that would make you go crazy and butterflies in your stomach, all those uncomfortable feelings. I was just like then, innocent and wary of all the possibilities. It's funny to think how time flew so fast. It was still all clear in my mind, that moment when I set my foot up on the stage and faced a lot of people, it was nerve-wracking!" Glory was listening quietly as she rubbed her thumb to each other. "But you know," Maya continued. "Once you already perform, I promise you, it will be fun!"

Glory was overwhelmed by the smile Maya gave when she spoke of those words, for her, it's like passing one's memories and dreams to her. She was convinced after all. Now, all she can do is to perform and make this girl's final wish a reality.

Her eyes widened and was awed when she heard a familiar voice. She suddenly felt the rush. She held her chest as the voice she was hearing grew louder and crystal clear. She knew it, the music club was performing. The people in the room were sitting and quietly listening to the beautiful soprano reverberating but her ears were set on the strikingly handsome guy, with olive-hair and beautiful silver eyes giving out a warm smile. She can already imagine Andrew just by hearing his voice.

"That was Andrew's voice right? So angelic!" Maya commented as she beamed to Glory.

Glory was caught off guard and blushing for some reason as she nodded in response.

The beautiful voice of Andrew touched every single one and so as Glory who was waiting backstage, captivated and imagined herself in a dream singing in front of people, well that dream will turn into a reality in a few more moments. She really wanted to do it after all, she wanted to be like them. She wanted to share the music that helped her recover during her darkest times because she firmly believed that someone, somebody, somewhere out there, would understand the pain she went through. It is a song that holds her personal feelings.

The whole club ended their song. Applauses can be heard from the audiences, and there is Glory with her adoration to the whole club and of course, for Andrew.

'It's our turn now!' she screamed inside.

She and the other girls stood up and picked up their guitars, when she felt that her heart was being pounded earlier, right now it changed and was being shook all around in her ribs! It made her so much nervous, she could already feel her knees being jelly. She didn't realize that the others were already at the stage and people started whispering and uttering some words. She peek at the stage, hovering the little amount of black curtain and was greatly shocked by the numbers of students. She gulped and tried to swallow the lump in her throat.

"Next up is the band named, The Ink Jet."

Noctis and the others on their seats clapped their hands and looked expectantly at Glory who finally made an appearance. Yujin and Pearl started to cheer, screaming her name. There were a few more moments when the crowd turned quiet and was waiting for the band to play.

Glory was sweating cold, her hands were shaking incredibly as she held the microphone. She breathed so fast that she felt suffocated, all the crowd and the nervousness inside her were giving her some attacks, at the moment she was having a hard time battling with herself.

The audience in front of her was somehow worried as they noticed her behavior. They suddenly gave off doubts if she could handle it.

"Up until now, everything that I've been doing was somehow indifferent. I couldn't match the things that I really want to do, and what others should think of me. If it wasn't for my friends, I don't think I would have been able to overcome the past. Yet, here I am, standing in front of many strangers, being suffocated by myself."

"How could a song be reflected in one's life?"

"It's in the lyrics."

"And it's the singer's job to let the audience feel what the lyrics are meant to tell."

"At the very least, I wanted someone to understand me through this song."

"Glory," She shifted her head as she looked at Maya who was all set behind her with the drums.

"Let's just have fun."

A smile hinted on Glory's lips.

'It would be a shame to back out now. I needed to overcome this challenge or else I would never get this chance by luck ever again.'

She inhaled deeply as the tallest girl started hitting the bass guitar, the sound of drums rolled in and for the next seconds the audience were already listening to a melody that was nostalgic to hear even though it had never been played in front of so many people.

Glory held the mic tightly as she began;

'I guess this is how it was going to be in late summer, where the story ends and there's nothing I could do.'

Noctis, Yujin, Pearl, Edward and the others were all stunned and were in awe as they heard the beautiful and attention-thief voice of their friend. It was their first time hearing her voice filled with such an emotion- an emotion that was stored in for so many years.

'It was like a movie scene, you're a part of it, they wanted me to go back and watch it. I was so sure it was the time of everything, of everything we couldn't have.'

Glory continued to sing, the faces of the crowds were all in amazement as they heard her voice, even the other members of the band were feeling excited as they finally saw her singing in front of these people and be able to perform with them in their last chance at the cultural festival. Her voice was enthralling and somehow magical to hear that it could send shivers to one's body.

'The time of resonating land filled my chest. Crestfallen, I wasn't so sure of it but I remember...'

'It's one of those days, I wanted to go back to you.

You still have my heart I'll hold you dear

Let me be by your side

On our way back home

If you lead me there

I'll carry everything that reminds me of you'

'What the hell.' Andrew thought. As soon as he heard that voice from the backstage, he couldn't help himself but to be curious of who owns it. He rushed and followed the trail of the voice. Now he was standing in the corner, watching where the familiar yet so different voice is coming from.

Some of the audience felt the sadness of the song. One girl closed her mouth with her hands as it perfectly reminded her of a certain someone. She wanted to close her eyes as it almost brought up tears from the corner of it.

It's a story that happened in late summer, a tragedy that would be forever etched in someone's heart, a pain that even time couldn't fully heal. It's because no matter wherever she goes, she could still see him, he was still there.

'Now I'm walking in an eternal darkness as someone who can't say her goodbye and sorry. If money can buy happiness, then why am I crying on the bedroom floor?'

'You're always in my dreams and your sweet smile is what you left me, I miss you.'

"Glory," Jade whispered. "You must have been enduring it until now huh?"

'It's one of those days I wanted to go back with you.'

He still have my heart

Please hold me dear

Let me be by your side

On our way back home

If you lead me there

Please carry everything that reminds you of me'

The performance ended and Glory caught herself sweating and was catching her own breath as she gazed at the crowd. There were a few more moments when the audiences started to clap and cheer for them, it was so loud that it echoed throughout the auditorium. Pearl and others clapped and cheered for her name. She was surprised and couldn't help herself but to feel overwhelmed, the emotions she was holding up until now had finally released. She realized that the weight of it somehow lessened as if she was carrying a boulder on her back.

She turned around at the other band members and smiled at them. Maya was wiping off some tears that escaped from her eyes. She nodded at Glory with a congratulatory smile. Glory felt satisfied and fulfilled with what just happened.

Andrew from the distance, was fully impressed as well on what he saw, giving her a round of applause. 'I see. So she is one of those people who are naturally blessed with talent,' He thought to himself.

Glory decided to speak and as she held on the mic. "Uhmm..." She halted as she waited for the audience to calm down. "Everyone, please welcome, The Ink Jet. The Ink Jet was composed of four beautiful and talented students here in Alvarez High. They started five years ago during their junior high and up until now they were still performing and doing live performances. This year is their last cultural festival so they wanted to perform for all of you. However due to some unfortunate circumstances, their lead singer, Analie, isn't on the stage today. In other words I'm not really a member of the band but only just a stand in."

The crowd started making whispering sounds, even so Glory continued.

"That's why I'm really not confident, sorry for that. I actually just got the music hours ago and we're kind of winging this. Anyway if you prefer to listen to the original recordings please you can drop by in class 4-6." She halted as she caught her breath for a moment. "Anyway since we were short on time, the next song will be our last performance. I might not feel like enough but we're going to do a cover of one of the band's favorite songs so please listen to us! This song is called Moments." She cleared her throat as she prepared.

The sound of the bass and electric guitar resonated with each other and soon Glory started to hit the lyrics.

"Shut the door, turn the light off. I wanna be with you, I wanna feel your love, I wanna lay beside you. I cannot hide this even though I try."

"Heartbeats harder, time escapes me. Trembling hands touch skin, it makes this harder and the tears stream down my face."

Andrew knew the song Glory was singing, and he couldn't help himself but to follow the flow of the lyrics.

"You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be my love, my heart is breathing for this moment in time I'll find the words to say, before you leave me today."

Even though she didn't know, at that time, it was actually a clash of kaleidoscope colors as she and Andrew were singing the same song, putting their hearts aligned.


The next day arrived and it seemed there were no signs of what happened yesterday, students had their usual classes.

Glory is on her way to the library to return some books she borrowed for her class. She walks past the music club, she has this habit of stopping by and checking what the club is doing but surprisingly there is no one.

"How can I help you?" Glory almost dropped the books she was holding and turned back only to be more surprised as she saw a fellow classmate.

"A-Andrew?! W-What are you doing here?" He's wearing a maroon vest that suited him well, and only with it, a girl's heart could beat one hundred times faster because of him. He was not at all what Glory had expected. There was a completely unexplainable sensation when she was near with Andrew, for a moment she was at a loss for words.

"Well aside from the fact that I'm the president of this club, I left some things inside the room," he replied with a smile. Glory gulped.

"You were really good yesterday."

Those words took her breath away. Just like how she sang in front of people the other day, it felt so unreal. It was music to her ears, it's the first time she heard it from him and she could already tell how it's making her heart beat fast. Her eyes widened in remembrance as she looked up at him.

"So you heard it?" She managed as she looked up to see Andrew scanning the school grounds from the window.

"I was really surprised when I saw you." He said before turning to look at her with a light and warm smile.

Her heart leapt into her throat, choking her for a moment as she met his silver eyes. "Well, Maya and the others are all in their last year so they wanted to perform in their last cultural festival even if it killed them."

"I see. So that is when you decided to step in?" Andrew asked, looking at her, referring to the explanation Glory spoke of yesterday.

"It's not actually what it is." Glory's voice trailed as she looked down. "It was Pearl and the others who pushed me. Well, without them convincing me, it may have turned out different for both sides, but when I saw how determined Maya and the others are. It didn't look like anything could be done. Just that, I would feel bad for not helping them. They've been frantically practicing for that day anyway."

"I see. Well, you did what you think is right and that's how you're amazing. Honestly you were really great." Andrew encouraged her as he moved a step back and leaned on the wall. Glory paused for a moment and looked at him.

"Well at least I could pull off for the singing part..." She answered slowly, sounding unsure.

"If you're telling me that," Andrew leaned over to her to match her face and it made the other one stiffened and blank. "So tell me why are you making that face?" He looked at him as Glory somewhat realized she was making a gloomy face.

Glory avoided his eyes and made a step back, she bit her lower lip. "There wasn't enough time..." She started. "We didn't have enough practice so we decided to just arrange the song into simpler parts. That is also the reason why we decided to sing a cover instead of their original songs. If only I was able to practice for a few more hours... I could have been better prepared."

"Hey don't be hard on yourself. That was a pretty good performance for winging it." He said, his voice calm.

"Was it really enough?" Glory seemed unsatisfied and was still doubting herself but Andrew suddenly grabbed one of her hands and looked at her sincerely.

"Of course it is. Believe me okay?" She was seriously gazing at the handsome face in front of her.

She couldn't respond quickly. She just wanted to bury her face for being sure she was already blushing hard. She felt she was seeing Andrew in a whole different way. It was way too far different from the day they met. Was it because they are already acquaintances now? She wondered.

"T-Thanks," She managed as she held her hand back and looked away from him. "It's just that I started questioning what I'm doing with my life..."

The summer air blew from the outside and passed through them, making their hair dance. Andrew smiled and laughed a little which made the other one intrigued by it. He stepped back and looked at her, this time his eyes were determined.

"If that's what bothers you, then why don't you join our club?"