
Chapter 12

The next day Kuriko was walking through the halls of her school. Her head was held down, her eyes glued to the floor. Her mother had said something today. It was a question actually. She was serious when she said it. There was a look in her eyes as well. The look that made Kuriko want to see her happy. She glared at the floor as she dodged some random kid. Why did she have to bring that up? Why did she have to talk about it with that look in her eyes? Of all the looks. Kuriko stuffed her hands in her pocket, her glare remaining.

She sighed. Of all the things she could ask of her.

Kuriko was pulled out of her thoughts when the feeling of guilt washed over her. She froze. It was not her emotion. She wasn't guilty. Someone else was. The guilt was strong. It annoyed her. She adjusted her glasses as she eyed the person said guilt was coming from. She stared at him, ice blue eyes digging holes into his back.

So he lived.

She had heard about what happened to him yesterday. Saw it on the news and everything. It made her really despise heroes more than she already did. They couldn't help because their quirks were not suited for the situation? So they would let a kid die because of that? Isn't a hero supposed to risk their lives?


Although she didn't mind them not doing anything. If a news report popped up with the tragic story of a dead blonde middle school boy she would be totally ok with it.

But there he is. Alive and well and surprisingly guilty.

He looked at her and glared.

"What are you staring at you damn mute!? " explosions erupted in his hands.

Kuriko blinked and adjusted her glasses. She tilted her head as she eyed him. After a few seconds she lost interest and shrugged. She walked right past him. She knew he would do nothing. Not in his current mindset. She would take interest in him did she not wish he was pushed off the face of the earth. Although it would be insightful to study him. A new subject to observe. More emotions to criticize .

Or she could have her fun with him. Pull him into the darkness and break him. She smirked. It would be fun to break him. To increase the intensity of his guilt tenfold. To watch him buckle under the pressure. Emotions are dangerous things and can easily break even the strongest of people. She would know.

But then again, she could just watch the boy break himself.

It would be delightful.


Katsuki was seated at his desk. He wasn't paying attention to anything taking place. He couldn't. Kids were talking but he was not listening. He was too distracted. He felt... he didn't know what he felt. It was a feeling in his stomach and chest. He didn't like it. He felt bad. Really bad. So bad that he felt like he could cry. He had pushed the feeling away. He tried to leave it buried but it always resurfaced.

Izuku tried to kill himself yesterday. He had told him to kill himself and the idiot listened to him. He actually tried to do it. Why would he listen to him? He didn't mean it. It just slipped out. He knew he went too far but he was too prideful and arrogant to take back his words. He couldn't apologize. He couldn't allow it. Why did he say that?

He glared down at his desk. When his mother had mentioned the boy's name yesterday he was angry. He almost died yesterday. Some disgusting villain tried to kill him and use his body as a meat shield. How could that woman bring up that good for nothing? She said he was in the hospital. He didn't care. The Deku probaly injured himself. He didn't see why that was any of his concern . They boy was a weak fool. He could care less. But then his mother told him what had happened. He had jumped off the roof of the school. He was seriously injured. Jt was a miracle that he still lived.

It was then and there that he felt a stab in the chest. He jumped because of him. It was his fault. He knew it. He didn't say it. He couldn't say it. But he knew. He told him to jump. He went too far. He crossed the line.

He couldn't bring himself to look Inko in the eyes. The woman was devastated . She was a crying mess. Bawling her eyes out. Asking why. Why did he do it? How could she not see it? She knew he was being bullied but she didn't know it was so bad.

She didn't know who his bully was.

Katsuki was silent the entire time. His mother went to see the boy, but he couldn't. He went home by himself. There was so many feeling bubbling up within him. It was his fault. Someone tried to end his life because of him.

And he dreams of being a hero.

What kind of hero tells someone to kill them self?

He was such an idiot.

All because he thought the boy was looking down on him. All because of his pride and arrogance.

He was scum


Kuriko was starting to really get annoyed by the guilt she kept sensing. Despite that she was enjoying it. She was enjoying the fact that Katsuki Bakugo, the big shot, was feeling guiltly. He realized what he had done. What he had caused. He realized it and was trying to push the feeling and realization away. He was conflicted

If his guilt continued he would be so wonderfully broken.

But the fact remains, the constant guilt annoyed her. She closed her book with a sigh and walked away. She left the cafeteria and walked down am empty hallway. There was no one around. With each step she started to fade into the shadows.

She'll enjoy her darkness.


"Hey, did you hear about Deku? "

Katsuki hardly heard his friend ask the question. But he did and he nodded. His face was contorted in his usual scowl. He was trying to push the feeling away. He didn't need to feel guilty. The idiot should've known better. He shouldn't have been so stupid.

"Looks like he took your advice" one said amused.

"He really is a useless Deku. He couldn't even kill himself . How pathetic can you get? "

For some reason those words angered the boy. Why were they so casual about it? Why wer they laughing? He tried to kill himself . That's no laughing matter.

So why was he laughing with them?

He didn't know. He figured he didn't want them to know. He didn't want them to see the guilt he felt. It would make him weak. He would lose his power. So he laughed.

Everyone knows power is the only thing that matters in this world.


Kuriko let her eyes follow her new interest. The blonde boy looked angry as he walked home. His friends were left behind and looking on in confusion. What's up with him? Kuriko wanted to follow but her mother was there to get her. She was not left to make her way home again. She stood there watching the blonde for some time before retreating to the familair car.

Once she was securely buckled up she pulled her book out her backpack an flipped to her latest read page. She could feel Nozomi eyeing her and she knew what she would want to talk about. She didn't return her look. She didn't want to talk about it. She didn't even want to think about it.

Nozomi sighed, knowing what Kuriko's refusal to look at her meant.

"UA is a good school" She said hopefully. Kuriko didn't respond. Another sigh. "It will be good for you. If you really hate heroes that much why not become the hero you think they should all be? "

This tjme Kuriko did react. She looked at her. Anger flashing briefly before it was gone with the blink of an eye. She made some quick signs, her eyes hard. She didn't want to be a hero. She despised the title. It was worthless. There was no point to it. Heroes give people false hope. They believe everyone can be saved when that is far from the truth. Not everyone can be saved. Not everyone wants to be saved. And most importantly those who need saving are ignored. She will not strive to bare a title that encourages a distasteful delusion. She would not persue something she wanted nothing to do with. She would not pursue the very thing that drove someone to commit suicide.

She returned her gaze to her book. She loved Nozomi and wanted to see her smile as much as any daughter would, but she would not become a hero. No matter how happy it would make Nozomi. That is something she decided for herself since she was four. She would not budge.

Nozomi frowned as she eyed the road. Kuriko was mad, even though she hid it very well. She understood that the girl hated the very title. She knew that she had since a young age. She wanted her to attend UA in hopes she'll see things differently. She wanted her to change the mindset she had. It would lead her down the wrong path. She couldn't stand the thought of that. She wanted her to be happy. She wanted what was best. She had a feeling UA would help. She just needed to convince her to partake in the exam that is to come.

When they returned home Kuriko went straight to her room. She didn't even get herself some ice cream. That was an obvious sign of her displeasure. Nozomi eyed the stairs with a sad gaze. What should she do in this situation? Nemuri told her that she had informed Nezu of the child. The headmaster of the school said he would be happy to have her. He would make sure to keep an eye on her and help her travel the right path.

Kuriko just needed to take the exam.


Kuriko had dumped her back pack in a corner. She was mouthing some interesting words as she stripped herself and entered her shower. For the entirety of the time she soaked in her tub she was trying to dismiss the entire conversation she had with her mother. Even As she got dressed she was trying to forget it. It never happened. She adjusted her glasses and fell to the floor. She was comfortable on her soft carpet. She sighed

She wanted ice cream.

Just then there was a knock at her door. She didn't direct any attention to it. She knew who it was. It could be no one else. She didn't look at her mother as she came to stand behind her. Even when she sat down next to her and nudged her shoulder.

The woman slid a full bowl of Vanilla ice cream towards her. She really couldn't resist. It had toasted marsh mellows sprinkled on top and chocolate syrup soaking into the treat. She still didn't look at her mother as she pushed a spoon full of the delicacy into her mouth.

Nozomi giggled as she watched the annoyed Kuriko. She ate with an angry look on her face that was adorable. She could never look anything but cute in those big round glasses. Nozomi ran a hand through her hair before wrapping her arms around her and pulling her towards her. Kuriko didn't resist. She was sure it was because of her peace offering.

"Don't be mad" Nozomi mumbled in her hair. She was humming a song as she pulled Kuriko close. "I just want what's best for you"

Her tone of voice made Kuriko frown. She didn't like when she had that voice. She didn't like it at all. Her urge to make her smile was strong as she munched on her marsh mellows. She wanted her to be happy.

But UA and being a hero.

She didn't like the idea.

But it would make Nozomi happy

She ate her ice cream with contemplation. It shouldn't be too bad. Just because she goes to UA does not mean she'll be a hero or follow any of their idiotic rules and ideals. She's not doing anything for them and what they think mattered not.

It was Only for Nozomi.

She would be doing it for her.


Izuku was staring down at his hands. His mother was not with him. She had left for a moment. She had not left his side since the very beginning. He felt bad for what he felt. He couldn't sleep. He didn't want to. The doctor told him he should try and get some shut eye. He didn't listen. He felt dead. He wanted to be dead, but sadly he was alive.

At least he was promised power.

He hasn't seen Kuriko since yesterday. She didn't come back. She promised him power, but in what form?

He gripped his hands. He sighed. He was healing. Slowly but definitely. He would have to go back to school. He would have to be around those that belittled him. They probably laugh at him. Laughing at the fact that he could not even kill himself. Katsuki must be having a blast.


At the thought of the boy so many emotions bubbled up. Katsuki really wanted him to do die. Why does he hate him so much? Hr asked himself this question before, didn't he? What had he ever done? All he ever did was try to be nice to the boy and that's the treatment he got? He was there yesterday. At the hospital. His mother came to see him but Katsuki didn't join. He probably thought he wasn't worth it. Why would he come see the useless Deku?

Izuku was so distracted by his emotions that he did not notice the objects in the room start to float around him. They levitated in the air, bobbing up and down idly.

The sound of glass breaking is what snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up to find every window to be broken. What? Objects were floating around him, even the very bed he was on. He was so confused. Why was everything floating and why did the windows break? He looked to his hands and unclenched them. He stopped thinking about Katsuki and all the other people that made his life hell.

Everything suddenly dropped out of the air. He winced at the pain he felt when his bed touched the ground again.

He looked to his hands in question.

"Do I have a quirk now? "