
Take 'Em By Storm

Leo and Raph were sparring against each other while Don and Mikey were taking each other on. It was becoming clear to Leo that something was up with Venus that he couldn't figure it out, wondering what was going on. He felt like something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out; he takes down Raph without too much afford. Raph knew that his older brother had been acting weird ever since that day. They were in Venus' home. He wasn't one to care about what his brother was doing unless it was something reckless. But he would be the one to talk about being reckless. Not looking too deep into this, he figured he would do his training since Leo didn't notice him walking away.

Picking up one of the dumbbells, he looked over at his brother, thinking that this was about Venus. What else could it be really? Because he was concerned about her too since she was like a sister to him though he wouldn't admit this out loud. Leo wondered what Shredder would even want with Venus since his plans with the mutation failed the last time. He asked what chances the Foot would have this time because of her blood. She was human before and turned into a mutant. Could that be it? Could it be because she was human before she was mutant?

If so, they would need her to stay with them for a while until they had this whole situation taken care of. Leo knew that Venus would be stubborn and want to take care of this by herself, but that wasn't something he would just let slide. Because even the greatest of warriors would count on more allies to win a battle, especially when it would come down to the Shredder and mutation, it would be a deadly combination. Don had won against Mikey, which didn't take much honesty because Mikey would make it easy for him. Mikey had been thinking about his friend Venus knowing that everyone was an edge about it besides Venus.

Was he wondering what else they could for her besides having her stay here with them? It wasn't like they didn't mind having her around as company though they knew that she didn't want to stay here forever since she has her place. Donnie went out of the dojo, heading over towards his lab, need to think about something else for the time being; it would help with figuring this out. Mikey went to the kitchen to get something to eat since he was hungry. Then again, he was always hungry. Knowing that Splinter wouldn't be giving up the TV until his show was over, noticing that Venus was watching it. He thought that it was nice of her to be the one to watch it with him.

His face lit up, looking through the fridge, seeing the leftover pizza grabbing it, sitting down, and started eating it and smiling in satisfaction with every bite he took, wondering what was going to happen today. Leo continued spare with Raph, though stopped after a while; Raph decided to hit the showers; Leo stayed in the dojo meditating since he needed to clear his head. Later on, Venus was growing restless about staying here, wanting to go back to her home. However, Splinter told her that she should head out.

If the Shredder wanted Venus, then he would go to extremes to make sure that he would have her. Splinter had been getting visions of his own about something terrible happening to Venus though he never got to see what happened to her every time he woke up. These visions Venus has been receiving wondering what she indeed saw because something new might have come up. Splinter went over to Venus to get some idea about how they would prepare themselves for what was to happen.

"Venus, I would wish to speak with you, please," Splinter said before walking into the dojo.

Venus walked over to the dojo and talked with Master Splinter, wondering what he wished to discuss.

"What is it that want to discuss with me about Master Splinter," asked Venus, sitting down on her knees in front of Splinter.

Splinter poured them some tea for them, "I want to know more about your visions. Has there been anything that new that has come up in your visions that never happened before?"

Venus shook her head, "Unfortunately, nothing has come up other than someone saves me before I blackout. I'm still unclear about how comes to my aid."

Splinter sighs, thinking that this would be something that he would have to be patient with her. Venus had been through a lot lately though that only made her stronger, which would be nice to see her have something good happen to her. Splinter handed Venus a cup of tea, which she gladly took and started drinking it. Venus sighed, noticed Mimi walked over to her curled up in her lap, which made her smile, stroking her back gently.

Splinter smiled warmly, "Don't worry, Venus; we'll figure this out together; we'll continue our meditation exercises to tap into your visions deeper."

Venus listened to think it would be a good idea because she wanted to know what was going on. Why this happening to her? She would like to have the answers for this because the Shredder wanted her blood. Her blood was somehow the key to all of this because he wanted to cure the city. Whatever that was supposed to mean, it didn't need a cure of anything really -- other than the thugs and Foot Clan. Splinter and Venus started to meditate in hopes of tapping into Venus' visions for some more answers, something that miss in it.

~ * ~

Karai had been searching everywhere for the turtles and Venus knowing that they were her friends. The Shredder started to grow impatient with them coming back empty-handed with no trace of the turtles or the female turtle that he needed. Sacks had been working on the containment unit underneath his estate that was his lab. He knew that his Master would like to hear some good news about what they were planning to do with the turtle once they had her.

"Master, we have the containment ready for the mutant; all we need now is her," Sacks said to the Shredder.

"Good, once Karai and the Foot soldiers return with the turtle, all of my plans will be complete to have this city to its knees finally," Shredder said though his voice sounded more metallic than usual.

Karai continued to search for the turtle that her Master wished to have in his hands.

"Mistress Karai, I found something down the tunnel. It appears to be where our turtle may be hiding," said one of the Foot soldiers.

Karai smirked, "Excellent, check it out because we might be close to where the turtle has been hiding. Once we find her, then we can head back to the Master with the turtle."

They searched Venus' home set off the motion alarm system causing it to right out through the sewers with an ear pitching sound. Karai ordered the Foot Soldiers to hide since the turtles would show themselves, which would help them lead toward the turtle. Planning to be patient was important when dealing with this mission because they didn't want the turtles to know about their presence just yet. The turtles were running over to the sound of the security system that Donnie had installed in Venus' lair. Leo was looking around to ensure that no one was around to follow them once they were finished here.

"Donnie, do you know what set off this alarm system," asked Leo, concerned about what could have done this.

Which made no sense to him since Venus would have known the passcode for the security system. Meaning it was someone or something that was looking for her, meaning the Foot had been down here.

"Anything really...though I would have to go back to the lair to look over the security footage to be sure exactly," Donnie explained, looking over at Leo once he finished putting the code in and shut off the alarm.

The turtles were heading back to the lair, unaware of the Foot were still here, and started to follow them. Splinter and Venus, even in the dojo meditating exercise, hoping to tap deeper into her visions. This helped her out then woke up quickly from her dreams, now knowing what happens to her. We thought it was extraordinary for her to know what would happen to her after all this time. Slowly getting up off the bamboo floor, hearing the guys were back in the air, wondering what was going on.

"Guys, what's going on," asked Venus wondering what was happening.

Leo looked over at her, "We're not sure exactly Donnie wants to look through the security cameras outside your lair. Because the security system went off earlier and we didn't see anything...'

Leo soon realized the Foot was still here, thinking that this was really crazy since they had just led them back to the lair. Karai and the Foot were just outside the shelter, placing explosives on the walls of the refuge. They set them for ten seconds, knowing that this would be an easier way of controlling the situation. Splinter walked outstanding next to Venus before sensing something was wrong, pulling Venus away from the wall.

"My sons get back now," shouted Splinter just in time for the wall to blast open.

The Foot soldiers started to pile in through the hole in the wall, knowing that this would be easier than initially planned. Karai made sure the soldiers entered first before entering to attack Venus, knowing that she was the main objective.

"Remember, do what you want to the others, but the female turtle must be left alive. The Shredder, what's her alive for the plans that he has for her," ordered Karai thinking that it was going to be along night.

Venus turned to look, noticing the Foot soldiers were filing into the lair, pulling out her katana to fight them. She didn't allow them to kidnap her or harm her friends since this would fight for their lives. The turtles and Splinter were ready for the fight since they weren't about to let them take Venus from her. Thinking that this was going to be something they were going to have to deal with since they were once again having unwanted house guests in the lair. While the others were fighting, Karai snuck up on Venus only to have Venus notice this kicking her in the gut.

"You're not taking me to your Master, Karai," Venus said in her fighting stance.

Karai smirked, "I'm afraid that's not a choice for you to make a turtle. My Master will stop at nothing to make sure you be brought to him alive. The answers you seek will be answered if you just come with us and we'll spare your friends. If not, then we'll rid them of existence."

Karai threatened she engaged at Venus, ready for combat with Venus doing the same thing since it would be alright. Mimi noticed the fighting, knowing that this was weird for her, thinking that the fight was impressive. She walked through the chaos only to feel strange, passing out one of the Foot soldiers had hit a dart on her that would make her fall asleep. Venus noticed this knocking Karai to the ground, sheathing her katana running over to the soldier only to have herself get knocked out in the process.

Leo and the others were wide-eyed, running over to help Venus only to have the lair get damaged even more. The explosion knocked them out cold while Venus and Mimi were taken to the Sacks' estate in the underground lab. Venus had been placed into the containment unit, soon opening her eyes slowly with them quickly realizing how her visions started. Venus was freaking out about what would happen to her or if this was the end for her? Was it the end?