
CH:3 Jumping To Conclusions

Once they got to the lair they left the new wolf mutant to rest on the couch as Donnie went to his lab. He wanted to start the synthesizing of the green residue in the dart and prepare the right equipment to figure out just what happened to her. While Donnie was busy getting everything ready, Leo decided to stand guard over the Sleeping Beauty since he wanted her to wake up to a friendly face instead of Raph's sour look that he's had since they left for home.

As she laid there motionless, Leo couldn't take his eyes off of her. He tried to notice every little detail. From the scars on her shoulders making her fur tuff out a bit there, to her perfectly fit body as proof of her dedication to training. He hasn't even had a conversation with her yet he feels an understanding of her.

Just as he's starting to get mesmerized by her looks, her eyes start to flutter open and he sucks in a breath as he stares at those vibrant yellow spheres.

Unfortunately for Leonardo, the thought was not mutual. As the wolf stares back at him, her face becomes hard and aggressive as her ears roll back and her snout wrinkles. With quicker then normal instincts, she does a handstand on the couch, kicking Leo away with a spin before she flips over the back of the couch landing in a perfect battle stance.

Through her gritted fangs she spits out, "You manimals might be okay with blindly taking orders from that creep in the samurai get up, but personally, I like to think for myself! So, come at me if you want to risk your life!"

As Leo just stood there completely shocked by the turn of events, Raph bursts out laughing from behind the wolf mutant, "Oh! She's a feisty one!"

Just as she's about to turn around and attack Raphael, Leo snaps out of his daze, "Wait! You had eyes on Shredder? We were trying to take him down before he literally disappeared out of thin air. Do you think that you could help us track him down?"

Raph chuckles a bit sinisterly, "She was just issuing death threats and now you want her help? We don't even know her, and you're willing to blindly trust her?!"

Confused, Kasumi shakes her head as she starts to relax, realizing that she's not imminently threatened, "Okaaay... So, if you guys aren't with the dude playing dress up, then who and what exactly are you and why did you kidnap me?"

Just then Donnie walks in the living room with an arm load of equipment, "Why didn't anyone tell me that she was awake? Now I can't do half of the tests.."

This makes all of Kasumi's fur stand on edge and her ears lay back against her skull as she gets flashbacks to her childhood growing up in a lab. With a bit more aggression than intended sneaking into her voice she says, "What do you mean by tests?"

Leo cleared his throat as he's walking around the couch to get a little closer, "We did not kidnap you, you were passed out and.. changed. My brother thought that he could help you or at least find out what happened to you, so we all can have some answers. As for who we are, my name is Leonardo and these are my brothers. The genius in purple is Donatello, the grump in red is Raphael, and in orange is Michelangelo. Never a dull moment with him around."

After hearing their names she couldn't help but giggle, "Seriously? No offense, but those are the most pretentious names I've ever heard."

As Donnie set down his equipment he gives a little nerdy chuckle, "Yeah, our father is really into Renaissance art."

After hearing all of the commotion Mikey came walking into the room while saying, "And he's a rat!"

"Okay seriously, did I fall into some crazy reality show?" She couldn't help but ask that she goes to run her fingers through her hair like she always used to whenever she got a bit stressed out. Only to be completely shocked at the fact that her hand ran over a large pointed furry ear on the top of her head. As her eyes widened, she goes to cover her mouth from shock just to realize that she's grabbing onto a snout. Her shock continues to climb when she notices the fury paw-like hands. Making her yelp and jump backwards as she finally takes in the look of her now trembling body as she whispers mostly to herself, "...what the actual fuck."

Donnie picks up a large machine and points it in her direction, "Don't worry, with this I'll be able to figure out exactly what happened to you. I just need a steady scan first."

She takes a deep gulp trying to study her nerves before she asks, "Just a scan right?"

Donnie scratches the back of his head, "Well, I might need a blood sample as well if you don't mind."

With a deep breath she says, "I think I can tough out a few more needles in exchange for some answers... Just not my shoulders!" She finishes her point by presenting her wrist for Don to take his blood samples.

Once Donnie had everything that he needed, he disappeared into his lab again to start running tests. Mikey got bored a while ago and went skateboarding down the tunnels, and Raph just got tired of no one listening to his skepticism so he went to take out some anger on his favorite reinforced punching bag. Leo on the other hand wouldn't leave their guest's side.

He cleared his throat feeling oddly nervous being alone with her, "Through all of that commotion we didn't actually get your name."

With a heavy sigh she begins, "Forgive my earlier rudeness. A person tends to get a little testy when they think their life is on the line." She gives a weak little chuckle as one of her ears dropped to the side in a cute manner. "My name is Kasumi Haiko. Although... Now, thanks to that asshole Samurai, I'm nothing more than a Rogue." She looks down at her hands as both her ears fall to the sides, even her tail goes limp in her sadness.

Slightly confused Leo asks, "What do you mean rogue? What were you before?"

Kasumi pauses for a moment debating whether to tell the truth or not, but realizing that at this point she doesn't really have anything to lose, she decided to throw all caution to the wind and tell Leo at least a little bit of her past. "I was a highly trained top Black Ops agent for NIAD. they're an agency that protects the people from terrorists and like-minded organizations." She takes a deep breath before she continues, "But now that I've gone AWOL, they will think that I have turned. Classing me as a rogue. Now the whole agency will try to find me. Once they discover that I have changed..." Her ears fold back as she grits her teeth to get the last part out, "I'll probably just be thrown in another lab to be someone's experiment again." Leaving Leo speechless.

Getting pissed off at her circumstances she stands up and starts pacing back and forth as she continues to rant, "It was hard enough trying to fit into society as an immigrant but now I even have that taken away from me! Just as I was starting to really enjoy Japanese heritage!" She lets out a little puff of air in frustration as the tip of her tail starts flicking around, making Leo try hard to muffle his chuckle at her cute little display.

He gets up and walks over to her and with a know-it-all smirk on his face he says, "Actually, your eyes still kind of have the same shape. They're just a lot larger and the most vibrant electric yellow I've ever seen."

She looks up at his big blue eyes in shock, "...no one has ever said anything so nice to me before."

Leo chuckles a bit, "I'm just speaking the truth."

As Kasumi feels her cheeks beginning to burn, she looks away to hide her face out of pure reaction. When she realizes that her fur now covers her blush, she almost starts to get excited that she can now hide her emotions even better than before. Yet out of the corner of her eye she can see her tail whipping around wildly. Horrified she tries to grab it to make it stop but it's wiggling to much so she can't get a grip and ends up spinning in a circle trying to catch it. Then she stops abruptly asking "Did I seriously just do that?" Making Leo burst out laughing.

Kasumi's cheeks heat up more in embarrassment and her ears drooped in a sad manner, she muttered, "It's not funny… I really don't recognize myself anymore."

Leo slowly stopped laughing and put a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry about that…"

"Jigou Jitoku…" Kasumi said sadly.

Before Leo could ask what she ment by the Japanese karma mantra, Donnie comes rushing in as he is fiddling with a gadget on his wrist, "Leo! The police scanner picked up heavy Foot… Oh am I interrupting something?"

With the look of a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Leo removed his hand from Kasumi's shoulder sheepishly, "No, whatcha got Donnie?"

The two walk away to talk in private but a certain wolf that didnt like to be left out, crossed her arms in a huff.

"Boys and their toys." She said ruefully as she wished for a family connection like they had.

Just then she heard yelling and looked towards the boys just to see Raph storming away to their humble little kitchen. Leo comes up to her and says, "Sorry Kasumi, but we gotta head out. Good news is Mikey's here if you need company."

She glances over Leo's shoulder, "What about Mr grumpy shell over there?"

Leo shrugs, "He'll come around, he may look tough but he's a big ol' soft shell if you ask me."

Once Leo and Donnie were gone, unable to handle not knowing, Kasumi started to walk straight over to Mr grumpy shell who was sitting at the bench they called a dinner table and promptly sat beside him, "Soooooo…." She inspected her claws like she wasn't freaking out that she had them, "Anyone else getting the feeling we are being ignored?"

Raph scoffs, "All the time! Just cause Sr Fearless Leader thinks we don't need it doesn't mean that we couldn't use it. I mean, just because he's fine with the status quo doesn't mean we can't make our own decisions." He more or less vents to himself.

As her ears perk up she asks, "What exactly are you talking about?"

Raph looks her dead in the eyes, "I'm talking about turning into a human."

Kasumi's eyes grow as big as dinner plates and she mumbles under her breath, "You mean... I can be normal again?"