
CH:1 Mission Gone Wrong

One mission... One itty bitty recon mission to New York City to find out what was causing all the internal power shifts, since most of the gangs cleared out. That's all I had to do and the commander would wipe my slate clean of all my past failed missions... That weren't even my fault but I'm not going to bitch about that.

My name is Kasumi Haiko, and I am a secret Black Ops agent for the National Intervention Association Department, NIAD for short. They are an under-cover agency that mostly works against terrorism around the world. For some reason I'm always put on the worst teams even though I'm the best undercover agent in our department and they know it. *sigh* My file says eccentric but efficient. All I can tell ya' is that I almost always end up carrying the whole team. Usually doing the entire mission objective on my own, and do I ever get any of the credit that I deserve? Not one bit! *heavy sigh* Yet, most of the time it's just one idiot that fucks up and blows the entire mission, screwing over the whole team.

Anyways, my team was spread thin all over New York City when it happened. They were each hunting down their own leads. Which drives me nuts because they usually just end up goofing off and not completing their actual job. *eye roll*

Well, our team leader, Parker, radioed in with a report of something about robot aliens, but that could hardly be real. 'He reads too many sci-fi books and should really lay off the alien documentaries before work, it's really quite the buzz kill when he is too much of a wuss to do the proper job.' I shake the thought out of my head.

The shifty looking rookie who was the most likely candidate for this team's idiot, Jones, was checking out something on the east side of the city called the Purple Dragons. Yet, from their files, they are just a gang of thugs that aren't a large enough group to come close to qualify as a problem let alone to this caliber.

Our techie, Smaaz, decided to check out the security for the TCRI building, stating that she picked up on some off the wall energy readings, but that's the science geeks for you. I told her that scientists are more than likely to overdraw their energy output and that it's most likely nothing, but does anyone ever listen to me? Nope.

Me on the other hand? Oh, I had a legitimate lead for my perfectly normal discovery. I stumbled upon a freaking long lost clan of ninjas.. Now that was suspicious if I've ever seen some sketchy ass shit. NINJAS... in FUCKING NEW YORK! Sure, there are tons of Chinese restaurants and Sushi joints but I don't think they have the space or resources to train ninja assassins in New York. Heck, I can barely find a proper dojo that isn't watered down with western idealism.

Now, if I've learned anything in my life, it's that when you're trying to track down notoriously sneaky people, it's best to set up a good camp spot and let them come to you. So, I found a nice high advantage point on the rooftop of a skyscraper and tucked myself in the shadow of a water tower. I pulled out my hi tech goggles that have night and thermal vision, plus a zooming feature to make the task at hand a little easier. It didn't take too long before I spotted something out of the ordinary, some crazy light flashes coming from a building on the other side of downtown Manhattan.

I quickly packed up my gear and make a mad dash to the building, easily jumping from rooftop to rooftop with my spring loaded combat boots. As I'm soaring over the 20-ft gaps I couldn't help but giggle to myself, 'Gotta love high grade agent tech!'

Once I get close to the building, I noticed that it's much taller than I originally anticipated as it's roughly 10 floors bigger than all the other skyscrapers around it. So, I stop and look for a way up while I try to radio in for backup, glancing up at the flashing light coming from the second to top floor right under the Stock Corp sign. Since I only hear static over the radio I guess I'm doing this the hard way, and I leap across the gap between the two buildings, I activate the magnetic suction on my gloves and boots just before I hit and start crawling up the building to the floor that has my destination on it.

Once I got to the right floor, I peaked inside to get my bearings before I decided to act. Just as I expected, I found some ninjas! There was three of them standing behind a big japanese guy in modernized samurai armor. One of the ninjas that I am assuming was the second in command, was a female with the top half of her jet black hair pulled into a tight pony and the bottom half in the back was shaved short and dyed bright red. The big guy with armor looks to be giving orders to everyone. I also saw a scientist in a lab coat, I can't be sure but I think that's Baxter Stockman, and two knuckleheads that are probably just some goons. They definitely stand out a bit in there leather spike studded biker clothes. The one even has purple slit shades that matches his bright purple mohawk.

Just as I'm trying to figure out what they're doing, the large imposing guy in armor shot some sort of darts at the knuckleheads and I couldn't believe my eyes! It was a little hard to see through all the smoke and flashing lights but I swear to God, I saw two people turn into huge humanoid animals. One rhino and one warthog with purple hair still in that signature mohawk. 'Definitely need some proof of this or people are going to think I'm crazy. I mean I'm still having a hard time believing it and I just saw it with my own damn eyes.' So, while everyone on the floor is distracted, as silently as I can, I cut open a perfect me sized circular hole in the window and crawl into the building. The manimals, as I am officially calling them, are still in the midst of their transformation and are in a locked down area of the lab. Thrashing about, unable to control their bodies as they change.

While I'm trying to get my bearings after seeing that horror show shit that should be in the freaking comic books, I overheard the scientist command the computer to scan the subjects.

He then started maniacally chuckling a little and said, "Miraculous! Inside every human is a dormant gene that ties us to our animal ancestry. It's as if that glowing green ooze returns them to their rightful place in the animal kingdom."

After hearing the super geeks explanation I almost cursed out loud, 'Fucking scientists...'

Once the manimals mutation was complete they start bumping into each other, briefly stopping to check inside their pants before hollering "My man!" to each other and fist bump.

Then I heard a cold, deep, condescending voice coming from the Samurai, "Prepare the entire container. The more of them we create the less chance anyone will be able to oppose the Foot Clan."

As the manimals skin toughened into the hide of their specific animal, the darts that they were shot with pop out of their skin and one slides over to the wall that I'm hiding next to. 'Now I just need a way into the room...' But I didn't have to wait long, shortly after the thought runs through my mind, the rhino manimal kicked a large oxygen tank like it was a soccer ball, rocketing it across the room into the wall in front of me. Knocking loose one of the panels just big enough for me to squeeze my small curvy figure through. Just before I make my move to grab the dart, I noticed a canister full of glowing green liquid plugged into a large machine with more of these little darts on the other side. 'Bingo!' I took a chance after I grab the dart and I quietly dash for the canister, but I guess those manimals have heightened hearing as well. The moment I pulled it out of the machine, making a small metal on metal scraping sound, they both whipped their heads in my direction spotting me instantly.

The warthog lifts his glasses, "Hey Rock, who's that?"

As the armored leader yells out immediately, "An intruder?! GET HER!!"

'Crap! Busted!' was the only thought to run through my mind before I spotted the emergency shut off switch. I smacked the big red button hard on my way out to buy myself some time as I ran for the door that's now already closing. Sliding on my hip to just make it out under the security door before it slams down on the floor. Unfortunately, this only buys me 10 seconds since the security door was built to hold humans back, not freaky manimals. With one good charge from the rhino-man, the gate was smashed down and once again I'm cornered, or so they thought. I already lined myself up with the weakened window that I previously cut open and with a quick hit in two spots the entire window shatters just as they take down the barrier between us. I quickly pull out my grappling gun and shoot a line across to the other building.

'One quick swing to Freedom!' and with that thought I jumped out the window just to be shot in the back with whatever the bastard in samurai armor shot at those freaks of nature. I feel the green goo enter my bloodstream and my whole body begins to tingle. Thanks to this my gun slips from my grasp and I fall multiple stories to my inevitable demise. 'I guess this is how my wretched life ends' is the last thought that runs through my mind before I pass out from the Ooze ripping its way through my body.