
TLOU Reincarnation

A junkie with debts dies and meets the devil. He has two choices go to hell, or reincarnate in a doomed world. Which one did he choose?

magmabeam · Derivados de juegos
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4 Chs


Oh fuck

Oh, fuck!

OH fuck!!


Was what's going on my mind at the moment.

After a couple of minutes, my mind slows down after seeing the situation.

I decided to get some cloth to close the blood flow. And decided what to do with my situation, I'm pretty fucked as the infection will continue more and more, but it will take about 20-30 hours to turn.

I decided to rest the night and locked the doors and had the window closed.

During the night we are shown the community living near the village.

We are brought inside a room where volunteers come in to sign for patrol, we are met with an average height and a slight lean guy with medium-dark hair.

Also in a room was an above middle-aged guy who looked like he was in his 50s. He was pretty skinny but had no muscle as he stopped patrolling long ago after his injury.

"Coleman you and Richard have to patrol around the village out west for supplies and infected."

"Righty-o Pops."

Coleman got his M14 and made sure it had its attachments, It had an ACOG and a vertical grip attached to it.

He also made sure to pack 3 mags into his bag. He got his M1911 and decided to take two mags with it.

After all the preparation he went to Richard who was already geared up, he was a tall guy with reddish short hair.

"Hey Cole, how ya hangin' lucky boy."

"Shut up Dick"

"Alright alright, let's go."

They both started walking as they made the trip at least three hours, though they had horses there wasn't enough for everyone to have one.

It took about three hours to get to the tower for them to reach the outpost tower they had a trail that made it faster to get there.

They cleared infected which was almost scarce but sometimes they would find groups of 3. They would still take care of them.

When they reached the outpost they got introduced to a big building in the village which was the police station.

They had already barricaded it and made sure the coast was clear and no one was there to ambush them.

"Ugh its almost day time since that night trek, wanna see the sunrise?"

"Sure I gotcha lucky boy."

"Why do you keep callin' me that man?"

"Whatcha mean yer' lucky to be walking right now, three gunshots to the stomach, and still walking?"

"Man I wish we could find some sort of music, you know that music that one old guy at our settlement has? I think it was some sort of earbuds or somethin'"

"Wish I could hear a tape from that band called Queen or something, heard one of the older guys had a tape of one of their songs."

"Ever think of what the old world was like? I mean I was only around 2 or 3 when it happened."

"Nah, I mean I was a kid like around 8 or 6 when it happened and it was pretty crazy. I never got to see the friends I made at this place called "School" ever again. Well not like you see the people you meet ever again after what happened."


After a little bit of silence was shown the sun was now above the buildings and began shining towards the village.

"We should go look around for some supplies to bring back to the settlement if we don't find anything lets find some game in the forest."

"Alright, Richard."

They then were walking in the middle of the street and checked each house and store that was shown. They were at the Clothing store at the moment looking to see if there was any cloth they could get back with.

Coleman then saw a small mall almost the size of an NBA court but it had a sort of Walmart vibe to it.

"See that mall there you wanna check it out?"

"Alright, let's be careful first though I'm having some goosebumps at the moment for some odd reason."


They then made the trip to the mall and saw that the main door was locked, they decided to try and look for another way in.

They decided to check the right side and didn't find anything, they went to the back but the door seemed to be locked as well. It was until they found a sort of bus that was near a window that was open.

Coleman boosted Richard up onto the bus and Richard pulled Coleman right back up.

"Alright boy, you go in first and if you see anythin' tell me I'll be right behind ya'"

Coleman just vaulted through the window and saw some boxes that were below him, it cushioned the fall then he searched around to see if there was any infected.

All he found was dead infected, they were all beaten and sliced to death with some sort of fist or sword, or was it a knife? which is odd to be using your first to fight infected.

One Infected was strangled, the other neck was broken.

"Bunch of dead ones here!"

"Of which?"

"Just Infected."

Richard was just there thinking of the situation

Coleman still found some supplies that were shown and some were taken as a look of a rushed job was done.

Bandages were taken and medicine as well

'Did this person get wounded or something?'

Coleman thought.

He then saw a blood trail that came from a sharp object from what seems to be from a toy or something that fell from above.

The blood led to some door that was the manager's office.

After seeing a bloodied up infected on a chair looked like it had blunt weapon damage from the neck all the way to the head.

'Just who did all of this?'

The blood trail then stopped around the backside of the building's door.

'Guess I found out why the back was locked, from the inside?'

'Oh, that's how... wait a minute this person did that long of a jump?'

He saw as a scaffolding of an open window which was in no reach for them as there was nothing there to elevate them.

It was as they didn't see any blood at that spot though the person could have covered it with something.

Then he heard a fall from afar, it must've been Richard.

"Wow, you weren't kidding"

"Yeah, we should go back and tell them about this."

We then are brought back to a Teen running from what seems to be a horde.

"Ah, shit! I shouldn't have started a fight!!!"

The teen yelled out as he was a pretty dumb kid though he got a calm ability he still wanted to do that.

"Could use a smoke right now man..." Though he has priorities he still has to worry about the many Infected that were behind him.

He cut through the forest though tripping at some points, every time he saw one runner coming at him he would weave and kick its legs and make it fall. At one point there was one he tripped which got a little nibble on his right shoulder.

His whole outfit was filled with bites and he was bandaged up with still bloody.

'You know one thing about being immune is just charging through a horde is easier than I thought.'

He smirked as he was running, though inside his mind it was in endless turmoil in thinking in how he was gonna get out of this situation.

'Okay, have to find either some climbable tree or some buildings to get on top on.'

He ran and ran, his stamina won't last this long as he was still sustaining an injury.

'Hmmm, right over there I see some smoke It could be some survivors and they could be my last hope I just got to run over to their camp without getting shot at first.'

He ran towards the smoke in the distance, It might be bait but he was the bait for something even worst for these people.

After getting quite near to the fire I see a group of people who were there, one of them already heard me rustling through the bushes and pointed a gun at me.

"Hey! Hey! Stop!"

'Oh boy, let's see if my dodging skills are good'

He then dashed and dashed across the open space with the fire and grabbed some dirt and threw it at the person with the gun

"Fuck! My eyes!"

They yelled as they fired a shot.

Later on, they would regret as if inviting the devil into their lives where horror was in their eyes as the horde came and consume them.

The teen then dashed out and made sure to climb the tallest tree to rest on.

'Shit, just killed two people for survival was that a good Idea? Well, I don't know them hopefully I don't meet their relatives that guilt trip me.'

After a while silence was then heard.


magmabeamcreators' thoughts