
Chapter 4: The Final Battle

With a roar of anger and defiance, Harry challenged Voldemort to a final, epic battle. The wizarding world watched in awe as the two most powerful wizards of all time clashed in a display of raw power and magical might.

The battle raged on for hours, the ground shaking and the sky turning dark as the two wizards fought with all their might. In the end, it was Harry who emerged victorious, defeating Voldemort and claiming his place as the greatest wizard of all time.

And with that, Harry took his place as the ruler of the wizarding world, his power and influence unchallenged. He was the Dark Wizard, feared and revered by all. He had achieved the ultimate goal, and nothing could stand in his way.


Years passed, and Harry's reign continued unchallenged. He ruled over the wizarding world with an iron fist, his power and influence growing stronger with each passing day.

But as time went on, Harry began to realize that his quest for power had come at a great cost. He was isolated and alone, feared by all and loved by none. He had become a monster, consumed by his own ambition and thirst for power.

but he didn't care.