
Titan - Humanity's Last Hope

Abel, a genetically modified human, is forced to travel between planets to get to Jupiter's second largest moon. TITAN. After humans for hundreds of years continued to pollute and neglect Earth. World leaders were force to come to term's, however it was too late, overpopulation and increase in global temperatures plagued the world, leaving only the rich and powerful unharmed. However, this would not work forever as earth was slower becoming more uninhabitable for humans, and the only option left was another planet. leader's started to fund research into research. After years of research, scientist Gregory Mendla, managed to find a way to genetically modify humans to allow humans to survive on Titan, only 10 people were able to be modify successfully, and John was one of them. Follow along as the last hope of humanity journeys across planets, with only his spaceship and 300 fertilised eggs, to restart human civilization on Titan.

grimygrim · Ciencia y ficción
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3 Chs

Garden of Eden


"wake up....."


"Uhhhh" I groaned as someone screamed into his ear. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a man in military uniform with a red cross on the side of his left shoulder, standing to my right. I tried to lift myself up, but then pain from yesterday washed over me, like a tidal wave.

"Where I'm I?" I asked to the well built man, overcoming the pain that I was feeling.

"You will be told where you are during orientation, so stay still whilst I measure your blood pressure." replied the man.

The man then proceeded to measure my blood pressure and asked what age I was, "I'm 12 years old" I replied, the answer shocked man, but he regained his composure just as fast. "Seems like stunted growth, and minor malnutrition". The man then injected some liquid into my arm, which stopped the aching pain I was feeling. "What was that?" I asked. "That was some morphine, a type of painkiller" responded the man, with no emotion almost like a robot.

After check up with the military man was finished, I was lead out out of the room, into a large gym hall. I saw at least 80 children aged between 7-13 years old around me. Some of the kids were crying, but I didn't try to help them. The number one rule that I had learnt in the 2 years on the streets, was 'mind your own business"


"Welcome to Eden children" said the booming voice

"Here we will be training you to become the bester versions of humans, specifically human that are able to live on different planets"

"WAHHHH" "Where's mommy?" cried some of the children, as they were shaking in fear, in this unknown place.

"Its ok now children, we will take care of you, just like we promised your parents we would" gently said the loud voice. Then signalled to the guards to sides of the hall.

BAM!! BAM! the guards shot their guns in the air to quiet down the children.

"The number which are going to be handed out to you are going to be your new names, so forget about your old ones, children" added the voice, before going silent.

After the voice went silent, me and the rest of the children were given numbers, and we were told not to lose it. After eating food from the cafeteria, we were lead to their rooms which they shared with one other person.


<Wow such a nice room> I thought with stars in my eyes. He continued to look around the room, admiring all the things in the room.

'Click' 'Creeeaaaak'

Tobias instantly turned his attention to the door, but what he saw was a girl, being escorted inside the room but one of the military men.

Tobias observed the girl for a few minutes, before going back to admiring the room.

"Hello?" said the girl, but Tobias wasn't paying attention.

"Helloooooo" said the girl once more.

"HELLO!!" shouted the girl, which made Tobias flinch and scared.

"What's your number?" asked the girl, but the wary Tobias didn't answer.

"N.U.M.B.E.R" said the girl condescendingly.

"I understand you, so just stop!" I spat out in a annoyed tone.

"Then what's your number, mine is 0028", said the girl in an even more annoyed tone.

"Mine is 0014" replied Tobias.

"Nice to meet you 0014" said 0028, sticking her hand out for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too 0028" replied 0014


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