
Tinkering With Life (GoT SI)

You wake up in Westeros - Panic, You have one of the most broken powers from a world filled with broken powers - Manic Laughter --------- Hey guys if you like my writing and want to read 8 chapters in advance: patreon.com/user?u=85247229 I used to have a schedule, but now I am simply doing my best to post a new chapter every three days.

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48 Chs

Chapter - 17

As I lay in bed, I pondered the circumstances that led to this situation. I had finished everything I had planned to do in the capital, and now, a few hours before I planned to leave, I had fucked up.

With a heavy sigh, I turned my gaze to the left, where the source of my vexation lay sprawled naked in my bed, still unconscious. Memories of the previous night flooded my mind.


The moment I entered my room, after I finally stopped acting drunk, I saw that I was not alone.

Sitting on my bed, with a lustful expression on her face, was the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, draped in a sheer garment that could barely be considered a robe.

As I entered, I noticed a flicker of fear cross her face, but she quickly concealed it behind a mask of lust that didn't seem entirely fabricated.

Given the shock she must have felt during the feast earlier she was understandably drunk.

As I tried to comprehend the situation, she rose from the bed and sauntered towards me with an enticing gait.

She stood before me, her gaze locked onto mine, and for a moment we simply stared at each other in silence. The air was thick with tension and I could feel my heart racing as I struggled to understand what was happening. Then, with a sultry smile, she spoke.

"What are you going to do now?" she asked, her voice low and husky.

I pause, considering my next move. I was aware of her methods, attempting to manipulate me through seduction after her previous attempts to have me assassinated failed.

However, before I can form a response, she moves closer, pressing her body against mine. The heat from her skin radiates through the sheer fabric of her robe and the fragrance of her perfume is irresistible. I am caught off guard by her boldness, but I cannot deny the attraction I feel towards her.

In that moment, I was torn between desire and caution. On the one hand, I was acutely aware of the potential consequences of succumbing to my carnal desires, plus this bitch was obviously crazy. Who else was mad enough to try to sleep with someone they had just attempted to assassinate, while also failing and getting caught by said person?

On the other hand, It was always the crazy ones that were the kinkiest, so the sex was definitely going to be mind blowing.

As I struggled to make a decision, she reached up and ran her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer for a kiss. I didn't offer much resistance, and as our lips met I was consumed by a fiery passion that threatened to overwhelm me entirely.

The kiss was intense, our bodies pressed together as we explored each other's mouths with our tongues. I could feel the heat building within me and I knew that I was quickly losing control.

It was at this point that I decided to throw caution to the wind and take full advantage of the situation. I lifted her up, she quickly wrapped her legs around my waist, and I carried her back to the bed. We continued making out furiously as I laid her down on the bed.

She gazes up at me with a look of lust and pride, and slowly lets her robe slip from her shoulders. Her eyes gleam with a challenge. "I imagine someone as young and powerful as you, would love to prove their prowess to the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, right here in the heart of her castle," she says with a smirk.

I was going to wipe that smirk from her face, and show her what it feels like to be truly pleasured. With my powers, I make her nerve endings hyper-sensitive, and I can see her eyes widen as I kiss her and begin to tantalize her nipples. The thrill of dominating her is a rush like no other, and my only goal now was to make her scream with pleasure.

I continue to explore her body, using my powers to make each touch, kiss, and caress more intense than the last. She moans with pleasure, her body responding to my every touch. I can feel her arousal growing, and I know that I am about to take her over the edge.

With each movement, I can feel the tension building inside of her, until she finally erupts in a climax that leaves her gasping for breath. I continue to pleasure her, drawing out her orgasm until she is a quivering, satisfied mess in my arms.

As she catches her breath, I lean in close, whispering in her ear, "You were almost right, Queen Cersei. I am a young mage, and while I do love proving my prowess to a beautiful woman like any other man." I kiss her once more, before continuing "What I love more than anything is to show arrogant sluts like you their rightful place."

I look at her face as she comes out of her post-orgasmic haze and comprehend what I had just said to her. Her expression contorts into anger, and before she has a chance to speak, I pull her body to me, spread her legs and shove my cock deep into her wet folds. Whatever she was going to say is lost as she screams wordlessly and I watch her back arch as I fully sheathe myself inside her.

As she was lost in pleasure, I took a moment to fully appreciate the work of art that she was. I couldn't help but be entranced by the luster of her long, wavy hair, reminiscent of shimmering strands of pure gold. Her exquisite face, highlighted by those enchanting green eyes, left me in awe.

Her every curve was in perfect harmony, enticing and alluring. She had legs that seemed to go on forever, legs that were currently wrapped around my waist trying to keep me deep inside her as I pulled my hips back. It was a sight to behold and I savored every moment.

I leaned over to suck on her breasts as I continued to mold her insides to fit my dick perfectly while making her feel things that she had never felt before.

When I notice her fingernails trying to claw their way into my back unsuccessfully I feel that she was close so I push her over the edge by biting her nipple and her walls clamp down on my dick. Her loud moan echoes through the room and I see her eyes roll back into her head as she passes out, her brain unable to handle the pleasure her hyper-sensitive nerves were sending her.

I wake her up with a simple use of my powers "I didn't give you permission to pass out did I? Especially since I'm not done with you" and continue thrusting inside her without any mercy.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and a sudden shriek escaped her lips as she was jolted awake. But within moments, her demeanor transformed, and she appeared to relish the experience. She moved in sync with my rhythm, and her legs got tighter around my waist.

I stop moving my hips and I hear her almost whine in frustration. As much as I wanted to see her to beg for my dick I didn't really have the self control for that at the moment. I flip her on her front and thrust back into her while watching her shapely ass ripple from my thrusts. Her moans are music to my ears.

I use one of my hands to grab her neck and lift her back against my chest, tilt her head and kiss her again while using my other hand to knead her breasts.

I was very close and judging by how tight she was getting, she was close too. After a few more thrusts I feel her cunt squeezing my dick in a vice grip as she cums letting out a scream of ecstasy, so I stop holding back and drown her insides in my cum.

I feel her body shudder against mine and go limp once more. I laid us both back down on the bed and I saw her desperately trying to catch her breath and the only thing keeping her conscious was the adrenaline I had filled her with to keep her awake.

As the intense workout came to an end, my mind gradually regained its rationality, and I started contemplating the potential repercussions of my actions.

While I was lost in thought, Cerci rose from the bed with unsteady legs, and turning towards me, she declared with a smug expression on her face, "Now that you've experienced pleasure like no other, you'll remain in the Red Keep and comply with my every command if you wish to feel it again."

At first, I was taken aback by her audacity and couldn't believe what she was saying. I paused for a moment, hoping that she was just joking, but her expression didn't change. Instead, she continued to stare at me with that smug smirk on her face.

Eventually, I burst out laughing, unable to contain my amusement at her preposterous demand. I laughed heartily for a good minute even after I noticed the anger building in her eyes.

After my laughter had died down, I composed myself and responded with a hint of amusement, "Sorry, but I'm afraid I'm not interested."

My mocking tone seemed to ignite Cersei's anger, and she retorted with a sinister tone, "Well, if you refuse, I'll inform the entire castle that you forced yourself onto the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. By dawn, your head will be mounted on the walls of the Red Keep."

Her venomous threat gave me pause, not because I was afraid, but because it was a stark reminder of the kind of woman she truly was. Her tone stirred a realization within me of the kind of depraved and vain monster that I was dealing with.

For the first time since my arrival, something inside me snapped.

Unable to tolerate her grating voice any longer, I acted on impulse. Without a second thought, I grabbed her by the neck and dragged her towards the mirror that adorned my chamber.

Her eyes widened with terror as she realized the direness of her situation. As I loomed over her from behind, I whispered into her ear with a cold, menacing voice, "You seem to be misunderstanding the situation you are in right now. You think that by accusing me of having my way with you, you'll be able to summon the guards and have me killed. But you're forgetting a very important detail."

My fingers tightened around her throat, cutting off her breath as I drove home my point.

"You seem to be under the impression that me being alone in the heart of the Red Keep makes me vulnerable."

"It would take me a mere minute to turn all of King's Landing into a place that would make the ruins of Valyria more habitable in comparison," I said, my voice dripping with a cold, dangerous edge. "And I wouldn't even have to lift a finger."

I could see the fear in her eyes, but it only spurred me on. "I've made it quite clear that I don't like killing indiscriminately, but you seem too dim-witted to pick up on the subtle clues I've given you."

Leaning in close, I whispered my warning into her ear. "So I'm going to teach you a lesson. While I could simply threaten to kill you, death is too quick and easy for someone like you. No, I'm going to show you exactly what I'll do to you if you dare cross me again."

I looked at her terrified reflection in the mirror and used my powers on her. The changes become visible immediately, her luscious blonde hair turned into a dull, lifeless gray. I shifted the shape of her face, adding wrinkles and lines until she looked like an ugly old woman. Her mouth hung open in wordless horror.

"Now," I said with a cold, finality. "Do you understand who you're dealing with?"

"I'm going to drop you in the middle of Flea Bottom like the whore you are," I spat, my voice laced with venom. "And then I'll find some random maid in the castle, give her your face, and make her the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Meanwhile, you'll be screaming your lungs out, trying to convince anyone who will listen that you're the rightful Queen, while they laugh and jeer at you."

The horror on her face was very satisfying, and I could feel her legs beginning to give out. But I held her up by her neck, forcing her to look at her own reflection in the mirror.

"This is what I'll do to you if you test my patience again," I continued, my voice low and dangerous. "I'll take away everything you hold dear by taking away everything that makes you Cersei Lannister, and give it to someone else. And then I'll leave you begging in the slums without a way out, while no one notices anything amiss."

I leaned in close, making sure she heard every word. "And when you finally give up and try to kill yourself, you'll realize that I've taken that choice away from you too. You'll feel the pain of every attempt to end your miserable existence, but you'll never die. That's how you'll spend the rest of your days, trapped in a living hell without any hope of escape."

With a final threat, I released my hold on her throat, and she crumpled to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. I watched her for a moment before turning on my heel and leaving the room towards the balcony, feeling a dark satisfaction wash over me.

I stand on the balcony, my heart still pounding in my chest. I try to calm my racing thoughts, taking deep breaths of the cool night air. I've never lost control like that before, and a part of me wonders if I've gone too far.

After taking a moment to compose myself, I heard the sound of Cersei rising from the floor. Slowly, she walked up to me and stopped a few steps behind, still trembling and crying.

With a desperate voice and tear-filled eyes, Cersei pleaded with me, saying, "Please… please, change me back. I'll do anything you ask of me."

The sound of her broken voice tears at my heart, and for a moment, I feel a pang of guilt.

But then I remember all the things she's done, all the people she's hurt and will hurt in the future. And I know that what I've done is justified.

I didn't look back at her and continued staring out at the city. It seemed like I had completely crushed her. She hadn't even noticed that I had changed her back the moment I had taken my hands off her neck.

Seeing me not reply, she gets down on her knees to continue pleading. Finally, I turn to face her, and I see the broken, terrified, and desperate face of the once proud woman before me. While I didn't feel any joy in what I did, I knew that it was necessary.

I simply stare at her, letting the weight of my silence hang in the air between us.

After a few moments I bent down and gently lifted Cersei's chin, causing her teary gaze to meet mine.

"I will change you back," I said, "I will even make it so that you actually become the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros, but… there is a price you will have to pay."

I paused for a moment, considering my words carefully. "The price is that you will never be able to feel pleasure ever again unless I allow it. Do you think that's a fair deal, Cersei Lannister?"

Cersei nodded her head in furious agreement, her desperation obscuring her ability to understand the gravity of what she had just consented to.

I gave her a smile and patted her head, "Good girl".

Gradually, her body started to give in to the weariness brought about by the events of the night, and she began to slip into a state of unconsciousness.