
Time Warp - Jikan no Rupu

A warrior, fighting against a long-time opponent, had no choice but to use his Time Loop ability. It was the only way to fix and change the events leading to the fateful battle. Will this warrior succeed in reaching his goal. How will he change everything with one Time Loop?

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17 Chs

Update #2

Hey. So…

When I wrote the first chapter of this book, I felt that this book could have a future. It would make me proud to see it take off. As time passed, this book was getting views on views. I had planned ahead for a fate far off in the future.

Right now, I still see a future for this book. However, it's not time to start yet. Maybe soon, or maybe another month or 2. Just not now.

This is not a discontinuation note. The most that I'm doing is putting the book on hold. I'm still trying to get through this semester of high school, and I want to focus more on that than this.

Another thought: You might see more fan-fiction content from me. I've had a lot of ideas in mind. If you've read my Avatar The Last Airbender: The Lost Episodes book, I'm still gonna work on that.

With all that said, see you until next time.

(Shout out to my family that have been supporting me since the start, and shout out to the people out there that have been reading. I appreciate you!)

- Dominic McCall