
Time Traveler's Indian Dream

A man discovers a way to travel through time, and uses his newfound power to try to change the past for the better. But when he changes too much, he finds himself trapped in a cycle of unintended consequences, and his own existence is threatened.

NovaSupreme · Ciencia y ficción
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2 Chs

Echoes of Compassion: Navigating Time

After four long years away, Rahul was finally returning home. As the train pulled into the small village station, his excitement grew. He stepped onto the dusty platform, the familiar Kerala heat enveloping him. Rahul hoisted his bags and began the walk down the worn dirt road he knew so well.

He smiled, passing open rice paddies where farmers tended their fields. In the distance, Rahul could see the small thatched hut he had shared with his twin sister Lakshmi since childhood. He could make out Lakshmi standing outside, shading her eyes. As he got closer, her face lit up with joy.

Rahul dropped his bags and they ran into each other's arms, embracing tightly. "You're back!" Lakshmi exclaimed. Rahul held his slender sister, overcome with emotion. After four long years apart, they were finally reunited.

Arm in arm, they walked to their hut. Lakshmi playfully ruffled Rahul's hair.

"My brother, A college graduate!"

Inside, familiar aromas filled the small space - dried herbs, coconut oil, roasted spices. Rahul smiled, breathing it all in.

That evening, Lakshmi prepared a feast of Rahul's favorite childhood dishes - spicy fish curry, sweet mango rice, warm chapattis. The rich smells transported Rahul back to simpler times.

After dinner, the twins stayed up late talking and laughing. Rahul told stories about college pranks, hikes with friends, late night study sessions. Lakshmi spoke of her sewing and embroidery work. Just like when they were young, they whispered and giggled until the early morning.

Over the next few days, they settled into an easy rhythm - morning tea on the porch, strolling village paths, cooking meals together. Rahul taught Lakshmi a simple curry he had mastered in college. She showed him traditional embroidery techniques as they worked side by side.

At night, they stayed up recounting childhood memories - stealing mangoes from their neighbor's tree, racing to the river during summer storms, caring for baby goats behind their hut. Rahul felt incredibly grateful to be home with his sister whom he loved like no one else.

One afternoon, Rahul went to gather firewood behind their hut. As he collected branches, he noticed a strange glint hidden in the brush. He uncovered a smooth metallic cube, about 8 inches across, with peculiar etched symbols on its surface.

Rahul picked up the cube, intrigued. Suddenly, it glowed faintly and hummed. A flash of light blinded Rahul momentarily. When his vision cleared, he found himself transported back centuries to 16th century Kerala.

Shocked but amazed, Rahul explored the dusty streets and primitive buildings. Based on the clothing and architecture, Rahul realized when he was. He spent hours observing life in this era - people cooking over fires, wearing simple handspun fabrics, primitive medicine and technology.

As dusk fell, the cube's powers returned Rahul to his present. Mere moments had passed. Rahul stood behind his hut, clutching the mystical device. He considered telling Lakshmi, but hesitated. Rahul wanted to understand the cube's powers better before involving his sister...

At first, Rahul simply stared at the metallic cube in his hand, pulses of blue light reflecting off its smooth, shiny surfaces. He traced a finger over the cryptic etched symbols, utterly perplexed. Rahul's mind raced with questions - where had this strange object come from? How had it transported him through time and space?

Cautiously, Rahul grasped the cube again, picturing his hut in the present day. Immediately the blue glow intensified, momentarily blinding him. When his vision cleared, Rahul found himself back in the present, mere moments after he had left.

Over the next few days, Rahul said nothing to Lakshmi as he privately experimented with the cube. With some picturing and concentration, he learned to control the destination time period. Night after night, Rahul activated the cube when Lakshmi fell asleep. He took short tactical jumps, observing life in ancient India before quickly returning home.

After experimenting with the metallic cube, Rahul prepared for his first major leap. Focusing intently, he transported to 16th century Kerala. He spent hours exploring the ancient village and surrounding jungles, fascinated by this glimpse into the past.

Without modern medicine, treatable illnesses often meant tragic death, especially for children. One day while observing village life, Rahul witnessed a horrifying accident - a young boy fell badly while climbing trees with friends. The wound became infected, and the child developed a high fever as the infection spread.

Rahul helplessly watched the parents' anguish as they tried to save their son, but without antibiotics or wound treatment, the boy verged on death. Rahul realized this child would likely die from the infected injury despite the parents' desperate efforts. Back in his own time, this could be easily treated.

That night, Rahul returned home and gathered medical supplies - gauze, ointment, bandages. Upon arriving in the past, he approached the grieving parents as a wandering medicine man and gained permission to treat their son.

Carefully cleaning and dressing the wound brought the infection under control. The parents were amazed when the boy's fever broke overnight. Through basic first aid and hygiene, Rahul had saved the child's life.

This experience showed Rahul that even minor medical improvements could prevent needless suffering in the past. He knew he couldn't cure every illness or injury. But small interventions - proper wound care, antibiotics for infections, rehydration for diarrhea - could alter fates.

Rahul spent several more days in the village, cautious not to arouse suspicion. Under the guise of a traveling apothecary, he introduced herbal remedies and tinctures that could effectively treat many common maladies.

Rahul was careful to never reveal techniques that too advanced from future.

At night, cloaked under the cover of darkness, Rahul showed families how to craft clean bandages from boiled rags and use medicinal plants to fight infections. Improved hygiene and sanitation practices he encouraged prevented rapid disease spread.

One day, the village elder summoned Rahul. He feared they had angered the gods by using foreign witchcraft. Rahul simply smiled and said he wished to ease the people's suffering. That night, he returned home, not wanting to alter too much.

But Rahul now knew his future knowledge could subtly improve primitive medical care. He resolved to remain judicious upon returning, focusing only on achievable interventions that prevented deaths from common illnesses and injuries. A few lives saved was worth the risk.

Lakshmi noticed Rahul's pensiveness as he kept his incredible secret. "What's going on in that head of yours?" she asked with sisterly affection. Rahul just smiled vaguely, his thoughts consumed by his adventures through time and contemplating his next compassionate act centuries in the past...

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