
Time Travel with the Pop Star

Jack Armstrong is the most famous singer in the world, but in the midst of his popularity he has suddenly disappeared. Many speculate that he is dead, or that he may have escaped the world tour concert because he has a heart ailment. But unbeknownst to everyone, he was sent to another universe with his one lucky biggest fan, named Charlotte.

JTMLover · Ciencia y ficción
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14 Chs

Chapter 1- The Beginning

News has been announced around the world that Jack Armstrong was missing, the most famous singer in the world, he was 21 years old. He started his career in 2012 and became a star with his album "The Promised" in 2015. The album became the best-selling album of all time. People were confused by Jack's disappearance, wondering what happened to him, as nothing is said in the media. One day, many fans went to Jack's star Walk of Fame, to pay tribute. Fans from throughout America are gathered to pay tribute to him. Flowers and candles continue to grow on the singer's star along the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They hold pictures of Jack and they show their grief and love to their idol. The media spread around. "Many fans came here today to the Hollywood Walk of Fame to pay tribute to the superstar Jack Armstrong!" Said a famous reporter named Cathy Johnson. And it interviewed the fans who were around. "Do you believe that Jack Armstrong might be dead?" Cathy asked one of the fans. "No!" The fan replied. "So why are you here?" "This is the only way to show our love for him, to tell him how we missed him so much," the fan replied as tears fell into her eyes. "Jack, please come back!" The fans cried as they shouting his name. But unbeknownst to everyone that Jack was stranded in another universe, through time travel. How he got stuck? This is the story. Year May 7, 2020 Jack Armstrong concerts, held in California. "Jack, it's time for you to go on the stage!" Dave said, his manager. "Okay," he simply replied as he took a deep breath and he went on the backstage, waiting to open the led wall, so he can enter through it. While waiting for it to open, he could hear the beat of the music, the atmosphere was full of excitement. After a little while, the Led wall began to open for him. While opening, just like before, he could see the band playing music, he could see countless of the stick lights turning on hold by people in the audience. "JACK ARMSTRONG!" People screamed and they were so excited to see him come on the stage. He saw the loud, big, enormous speakers. Moments later, the surroundings roared even louder with screams when they saw Jack coming on the stage. When he went in closer, he felt a little hot, the place was burning like hell. It was an outdoor concert. He started sweating, as the beat of the music gets louder, the whole stage started to shake and vibrate. And at this moment the new tune that he was going to sing started, and Jack started to perform. He sang a pop song, he did a little dance, he was avoided to dance fast move because he has a heart ailment. People stopped screaming when he started singing, they want to listen solemnly. Everyone was astounded while watching him. He happily performed the love songs as well, that he famously made. The people at the concert started to sway back and forth, left and right, going according to the beat of his music, he was forced to move left and right to use the huge stage. After a lot of hard work, he was sweating, as if he had a good shower before the concert. He was shaking the place. While performing, a smoke came out, like fog, like a magic show. Millions of colors shot out from a mysterious ball, that was shining like a piece of crystal, glowing like a star on a clear night. The moon was white in the sky, it was a big white face, looking and admiring at this big concert. The spectators were overjoyed as they were screaming Jack's name, others even fainted while watching him, they could not believe that they were seeing Jack perform live. After a series of performances, one last song and the concert are over. Jack, in the backstage and preparing for the final songs of his concert, and even though he was tired, he had to finish his performance. He was sitting on the couch and his assistant were massaging his back, while the other staff was giving him a warm water with his prescribed medicine. "I'm exhausted, I don't think I can make it!" Jack said feeling so tired. "It's three more songs to go and you can survive this concert," said Jack's manager Dave. Jack didn't say anything as he slouches on the couch. "Can I make it two songs, instead of three?" He asked. Dave suddenly thought. "Well, okay then, I don't want to push you through, make it two songs if that you make feel better," Dave replied. Jack gave him a slight smile. And before performing, he smoked a cigarette. Dave was surprised to see him smoking again. Doctors told him to stop smoking because it would harm his health. And his voice will also be affected. But Jack can't stand smoking. Only last year did he learn this. "Jack, the doctors have already told you that you have to quit smoking, and you know that it will affect your voice, stop that," Dave eagerly said. "Leave me what I want, I'm the one who's performing here," Jack replied as he scoffed and puffs the cigarrete that attached on his right fingers. Jack is always hot-headed when no one else is. Only his entourage knew his attitude, Jack is a good man, but very hotheaded, Dave just shook his head. "Well, it's up to you Jack, I'm just reminding you, it's for your own good," Dave said. Later, someone entered, it was one of the concert organizers. "Get ready for the finale, you need to go on the stage in 3 minutes!" Said the organizer. "Okay, I'm so ready!" Jack said and he put the cigarrete in the ash tray, Dave just shook his head when he saw it. "Get ready now Jack," Dave said. After a few moments, he returned to the stage, as he steps on the stage, he saw the people were cheering and swaying the stick lights that the crowd were holding. And he continued to perform. While he was singing the finale songs, the crowd didn't stop screaming while watching him. And after he sang the last two songs, he happily raised his hands and waved to the crowd to give thanks to them, and the fans almost cried with great joy as they don't want him to go. MORE! MORE! The fans shouted, and they keep shouting his name. JACK! JACK! JACK! The crowd screamed. Jack looked at the crowd and he saw nothing, but a thousand of the stick lights that they waving, and they keep screaming his name. He doesn't want to leave his fans unsatisfied, so he decided to sing another two songs. And he asked the band to play another song. Dave on the other hand was surprised. "He said he will sing only two last songs, right?" Dave assistant asked. "Yeah, he said that, but I know Jack, he will not turn down his fans." Dave smiled. And Jack sings again, the crowd were so happy and satisfied. Meanwhile, at the top of the audiences of the bleachers, that is the general admission, the cheap seats of the concert field. Charlotte was astonished as she watched Jack from her seat, who was waving on stage and saying goodbye to the crowd as his concert was over, Charlotte was unaware that her tears were already dripping.
