
who is he ?

Suzy and Sam took the car and reached George. All the news channels were focusing them George was thinking that Suzy took a wrong move by meeting him now I am going to break her emotionally so that she is going to loose her face infront of the media.

Suzy got down of the car by taking a flower bouquet and the grabbing the entire media attention with her fabulous walk.George was shocked by looking at her she gave him the bouquet and said welcome from the prison my old friend and I am here today to tell you that we are actually family friend so let's be good friends . George took up the topic of Lilly as he planned how about me killing your bestfriend Suzy replied that that is the reason why you were in the prison all these years I mean to tell that you have got the punishment for the crime you have done. Every one over there were shocked including George and there is were the media dispersed . Meanwhile Suzy went to George ear and said I have been so kind at by only sending you into the prison but you have been released now forget about the good night sleep I will make sure that you are not going to have sleep anymore.

By the move of Suzy she has been the trending topic once again in the internet . On the 19th of August Arthur the company owner of zeera was in his office and switched on the television in his cabin . The news was telecasting about Suzy and her meet up with George immediately after watching the news . Arthur opened the internet and Suzy was the trending topic he shouted at his secretary zayn telling tody we have released a news about one of our model which is supposed to be trending but Suzy wantedly met and made the topic the second most trending how can this be possible. Zayn replied Suzy meeting George is one of the most unexpected thing that has happened in the city that to with a flowerbouquet is one of the most unexpected thing because of which she was able to gain the public attention.

Arthur replied due you know how much loss is this company going to suffer because of this hire many writers so that that can be the trending topic . He sighed and said is she going to play these games in order to make her company number 1. zayn replied by these things sir she can only give us few millions of loss but inorder to take the first position miracles should takes place till then she can't.

zayan also said sir tomorrow you both are going to meet in the party held by George patents in the return . Am I going to attend that party for what to loose my reputation in the city zayn don't you know I have many female fans .

zayan replied I know sir but I accepted the invitation because you can meet Suzy over there you have been insisting to make me meet her up with you since you know her. Arthur said reduce your voice zayn if someone listen to you they may get the wrong idea .I was just thinking of meet her to know how she looks and also to get to know about her companies mystery.

zayn said I was also telling the same sir. If that is the case then I will go to that party tomorrow and meet Suzy said Arthur