
Time to reveal him

one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .

DaoisttWW76u · Ciudad
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76 Chs

where does love leads to

After getting the news Suzy rushed to Oliver. She entered Oliver's office . Oliver was waiting for Suzy in his office but when she entered the lobby the secretary of Oliver asked Suzy to wait for him . Suzy ignored her and started walking towards the lift . Two of Oliver's bodygaurds came walking towards her inorder to stop her she beat two of them and entered the lift . She reached the floor Oliver was in . She opened the door if Oliver's office and entered into it . Oliver looked at Suzy and smiled as I was expecting your entry was dramatic. You never fail to disappoint me Suzy. Suzy replied but you always disappointed me with your cheap trics . Oliver asked what according to you was a cheap trick me killing Arthur. Suzy replied don't utter the word you don't deserve to speak his name . Oliver shouted stop being dramatic Suzy he is just a normal person he couldn't even protect himself why are you taking his stand . Look at me how well I cleared my path . Shouldn't you be in this type of men . Suzy looked at Oliver and said what do you mean by men of your kind . I don't even consider you as human you are as filthy as garbage to me . And about Arthur you said he can't protect himself but the fact is that he would be the first person to keep his life in the line when it comes to my safety . Forget about choosing you I will never regret loving him . Oliver replied stay on that line but do you still remember the Salvon gang .

After listening to that Suzy couldn't hold herself from getting back to past . All the past traumas hit her once . The name Hyena echoed in her ears Her brain was full of past memories and riots too many gun shorts blood flowing . The life's those were lost infront of her eyes all were flashed in her mind at once . She looked Oliver and asked what do you mean by Salvon gang I don't know anything about it . You better don't divert the topic . Oliver started approaching Suzy and said you better don't change the topic Hyena he raised his left hand and took it near her face and wiped the sweat drops from her forehead . She looked at Oliver and asked what do you mean by Hyena what are you talking about . Oliver went near her table and throwed a bunch of papers and photos proving that Suzy was dead and the person living in suzy's place is Hyena . Suzy looked at it and stated walking toward the Oliver chair and sat on it and said since you know all about me then I won't act infront of you anymore . Since you gather enough information about me by now you should know that how cold blooded I am . So stop playing around me . Oliver smirked and said I never liked the Suzy version of you but once after listening to your past and now I started falling for you again . But this time Suzy I will make sure that you will be mine sorry Hyena . Corrected himself . Suzy looked at Oliver and said you are going behind your death and I will make sure it is true . But now I didn't came to talk to you about my past . I came here to ask about what you and Arthur talked for the last time . Oliver looked at Hyena and said I told him that I am going to kill you . Hyena smiled and looked at Oliver and said you better not be lying . Oliver said it's true I just only said that I am going to kill you but after listening to that Arthur's car bhoooom blasted .

Hyena walked out of Oliver's office furiously. Talking to her self I know this bastard would lie that is the reason why I already heard their phone conversation. Hyena has already heard to the conversation the conversation between them was actually about the island people and Oliver warned Arthur that he will kill if he doesn't give him the evidence .

Back in the Oliver office Eva rushed yo Oliver and asked what is Suzy doing here Oliver replied she came to talk about your step son . Eva started exclaiming look what happened now every news channel and newspaper are showing me as villan . By the time the body came to me it was already in pieces how can someone perform postemotem on it that is the reason why I asked to conduct the funeral. Why everyone are scolding me is that my fault . Oliver smiled and said how can you be so dumb Eva . Are you going to manage a company with this brain . Eva looked at Oliver and said stop underestimating me . Oliver Said whatever I ant trust you from now you joined me because you want have your sons company and I gave that to you now here ends our deal . Eva asked but you weren't the one behind Arthur's death why did take blame infront of Suzy. Oliver replied so that she won't find the real culprit . Suzy went back to her home and started thinking that why did Oliver lied to her . Is the fact something else am I missing something .....

At the same time someone knocked Suzy house door . She went and opened the door she saw a parcel . She opened the parcel . There was a photo of her from the past written hi Hyena already missing you . Hyena left the photo and fell on the floor . She couldn't understand anything how did dead Scot entered into her life again what's happening to her life she started crying as if there is no tomorrow she started shouting Arthur this is the time I want you why weren't you there for me now I won't forgive you for this .