
Under the law

What actually happened in the negotiations is that . Every minister who have a problem with collaboration with zeal came over there . Oliver was waiting for them . He started speaking like this till now we were having a good collaboration now why are you people cutting it off . If you guys are thinking about the Civil War happening in your island trust me I will end it soon so don't think about it much . A minister stood and said it's not about the civil war it is about the government and our island future if you people keep on doing this I think our island will be left with no people they will either be your soldiers or dead by using your . Listening that Oliver noded his head and said you are true since you people started thinking and let me show you the results of thinking and actual situation of yours . He took a knife and chopped the head of the minister who spoke . After that he asked them to hang the body in their island and send the head to Arthur. Every minister over there was in a huge fear of him . They got to know how dangerous is Oliver and decided to continue their collaboration. Oliver looked at eva and said . See this is how you make illegal businesses.

After looking at the hanging body in the island the island people started getting even more annoyed yaa but few people started fearing due to difference in opinions the civil war there took a hault . Using that as a opportunity Eva and Oliver trying to start there companies over there to conquere the economic of that country so that they will never cut ties with them so as Paul also started the competition with zeal with the help of Selena company on behalf of Arthur. After knowing this news Hyena asked Arthur you made Paul to do the business and not me may I know the reason . Arthur said ever since Oliver got interested in you he started dragging you in everything . So this time to he thought the same but I gave him a different result . Hyena asked so what are you going to do with the island issue are you going to leave it as the same . Arthur replied no I am not I am going to use my Trump card soon . Hyena said trumph card what is it . Arthur said you will know it soon.

On the next day morning almost every news channels broke the news of zeal company under the international Court for stamping on a island . Looking at the news Hyena said to Sam so is his Trump card is the international court . San said yes they will accept the case cause this island was never under our country . At first they used this point to cancel the case in our country now sir is using the same point to stamp on them . Hyena said that's.......impressive . Looking the news Eva called to Oliver and said have you seen the news what are we going to do . Oliver said stop the idea of establishing your company in that island first we will figure out the issue in the court . Eva said fine can I speak to Arthur and discuss about the issue like case withdrawal. Oliver smiled in the call and said you have a huge intrest in getting humiliated . Eva do you think the Arthur sitting in the chair of ceo position in that company is the same dog you have raised in those years no he isn't. He is now no less than a viper who is ready to kill you and me for what we have done to him . So start using your brain and stop these ideas . He said that and kept the call . Mean while suzy's father said he didn't allow you to speak to your son . How about I speak to my daughter . Eva replied my son only humiliates me your daughter will step on your mouth and pride at the same etime so don't even think about it . Suzy's father said no wonder they make a good pair . Eva said don't let these words spill infront of Oliver he might kill you . Suzy's father said I understand. Eva said I think we have to stamp them in the court. Suzy's father said can we ?