one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .
The scandal has shocked the zeera company . And they held a meeting to held down Arthur from his position the meeting is going to held at Monday. Arthur was very annoyed and shocked by want model said and he also understood that all these were planned earlier . First he doubted on Suzy but later realized that she has some work to do with Arthur so she can't be the one who did all these.
zayan got a call and he was shocked about what he heard.
zayan heared that Selena is returning from her trip and she is already digging into this scandal . Arthur was actually didn't expecting this but he really don't want Selena to involve in this thing. Selena came from the airport many writers were waiting for her as she is a fashion icon. Once she came to country she went to Arthur she asked Arthur what happend and how is he going to solve this issue.
Arthur said asusual I am going to dig into this and collect the evidence and going to prove my innocence and at the same time I am going to knock the person who is behind all this . Selena exclaimed are you serious Arthur do you think you have time for that the meeting is in around 4 days and the company stocks are falling apart . Arthur asked Selena that then what is her plan . Selena said I have one by which the model herself turns in . And later we can investigate who is behind this .
Selena asked zayan where is that model at present now. zayan replied she is in a fancy hotel. Is she having any fashion shows in her hands at present zayan replied no she don't because of which she spoke she has been kicked out of the company and her chargers for contarct breach were high I think someone else is helping her to pay her bill .
Selena said now first I am going to meet the model take me to the hotel and tell me which room she is in. Selena met the model. The model was actually afraid of Selena and her presence infront of her when she opened the room door but she pretended not to be. Selena smiled at her and said I came to talk to you about Arthur's girlfriend I am sorry the ex because he is your present boyfriend. So can I ask since when you both are dating to . The model replied since 3 months . Selena smiled and said ok fine I am leaving.
The next day morning there was a news about the model telling that she was actually two timing between the Arthur and her boyfriend because there was a leaked photo of her with her boyfriend which is taken exactly one month before because a poster of beauty product launched was over there and the product was launched just a month ago and the poster was just a month ago . There was also the voice recording telling to Selena by model that she is dating Arthur since 3months. The news broke out and people started raising sympathy towards Arthur for loving a two timer and the model started getting hatred.
The public even sided with Arthur to break up with her even in few public opinion the model was just blabbering all this for attention .
Now the model is left with no other option but come out of her self and clear her name orelse she is not going to gain anything because of this and public were really anger about her.
So she posted a video from the air port telling I am leaving this country and I was actually forced to tell all this about Arthur. Actually Arthur and I have never dated what all I spoke in that press meet were lies please forgive me for what I have done.
By the time the people reached the airport she left the country. Selena said she was afraid of this so she left the country. Arthur replied no she she has done what she was instructed if caught her she would definitely tell who has told her to do all this so she escaped from the country with a video by thinking that she is safe out of this . Selena said you are right but first we have to think about the board meeting it is just day after tomorrow.