one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .
After getting the message from Suzy Arthur took Robert along with him to the location . Arthur was driving the car and Robert was sitting beside him they both were talking . Robert is telling do you think it is safe for us to go to the location Arthur said we have no other option to know the truth we need to go and find out . Robert said I know you ate in a hurry to find the truth but why are you going in such a speed can you slow down a bit I think the car is going to get into an accident before knowing the truth and I don't want to be a ghost . Arthur said if you don't shut up now may be you will be the ghost which want to take revenge on me for killing you.
After 15 minutes of travel they reached the location . They actually thought the location would be a old factory or something like that but to their strangeness it was a big house precisely a palace with a fountain in the front plenty of workers . Which is far away from the city. After entering there Robert is telling why did she called us to a place like thus and whose place is this . I don't think suzy's both the companies can afford such a place . Arthur said first let's enter over infront of the palace at the lawn there are two cemeteries. They looked at both of them and started wondering whose cemeteries were that . And finally they entered the palace. In the palace all the workers started treating Arthur as if they know him . They gave him the coffee which he likes . Robert aftervseeing this asked Arthur weather he has been here before. Arthur said that it was his first time that he came here . He also said that these people are actually new to him that he never met them. Robert After listening to that started looking around and asked are you sure about it then why is your childhood photos are hanging on this house walls . And who is the lady holding you . Arthur asked were are those photos . Robert pointed his index fing to the wall on the stairs. on that wall Arthur childhood photos were hung. Following those photos he went up and there he could see his growing up photos and many other photos. Arthur replied the lady who is holding me in those photos is my mom . Robert asked your mom . Arthur said yes she is my mom she is the women who I hate the most in my life she left me and my dad for an another man . I don't even know where she is living right now it turns out to be that she is living here . Suzy walking down the stairs and said to Arthur that she used to leave here but now not anymore .
Arthur looked at Suzy and opened his mouth in order to ask her what's going on but Suzy intruppted him and said that I know you have a lot to ask but before that I have a lot to tell to you once you here to me you can know answers to my questions. If any question is unanswered we can find it's answer together . Arthur looked at Suzy and said fine we will listen to you and later I will ask my questions.
Suzy said then let me start with the facts . First of all I am not Suzy I am Hyena . Robert After listening to that he said you must be kidding you look exactly like Suzy are you telling me that you are a doppelganger to Suzy. Hyena looked at him and said will you please shut up until I complete my story . Later you can find answers to your question. And by the way I am not a doppelganger of Suzy.