one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .
Hearing to the death news of Arthur Suzy collapsed over there . Every news paper main heading was about Arthur's death and every news channels scrolling was about his misterious car accident . In Arthur's funeral everyone were crying atleast they were acting as if they were crying a well irritating acting was done by Eva and every one over there can tell that she is just acting but definitely not crying . Suzy was not crying Sam approached Suzy she said to Suzy why don't you just cry maybe only then your brain can accept Arthur's death . Suzy replied I can't cry and let his death go in vain I will make sure that Oliver sees a living hell in his life . Sam replied Oliver is one step ahead of us now there is a threat to your life so it is safe for to stay calm for a little time . Suzy replied what us the worst part among all of these that I couldn't never tell Arthur that I loved him and he was the reason for the most of the happiness in my life and rest of the hope and dream whatever I couldn't tell him he asked me it was just enough to go with him and he will take care of the rest why did he tell me such things when je decided to leave me in the half way like this . Sam laied her hand on the Suzy and said may that is the reason why we should appreciate the love it approached us . Zayn came near Sam. Sam asked zayn didn't Arthur told yiu anything about where he was going and what he was about to do that day . Zayn replied he only told me that he got a lead and we might win the case in the international court . Suzy looked at zayn and asked what is that lead .zayn replied he didn't tell me anything about that . Suzy told to zayn I need all the record about Arthur's call list .I need to find the lead first and crush the Oliver in the international court next which is filled by his death next .
Sam looked at Suzy and said speaking about the devil there comes the Oliver disgusting how does he have the from to come to the funeral of the person one who he killed . Suzy replied his flowers shouldn't touch Arthur's body make sure of that . Zayn ran to Oliver took the flowers from the hand of his assistant and placed it very far from Arthur's body .Eva came running over there and said how can you act like this zayn those are such precious flowers why did you place them so far just place them near by . Suzy replied the place is preoccupied with many other flowers over there .And I think if the flowers or so precious why don't you have them cause I think It will be soon used be any two of you again because death can occur at any time so....she said looking at Oliver and Eva .Oliver said I appreciate your brave act infront of the media . But don't just falsely accuse me for his death . Suzy said when did I accuse for his death o you think that a lame like you can kill something which I decided to protect for the rest of my life . Oliver said were you able to now you are just a lame like ne who couldn't protect your own thing .Suzy looked at Oliver and replied do you think by just Arthur's death you have won no that's wrong you will never win in your life and I will make sure of that . Oliver smirked and replied I will look forward for that left from there .
The funeral was about to end and also the glycerine bottle used by Eva. Eva came to Suzy and asked why don't you go to your house Suzy and rest for a while . Suzy replied definitely but I have something to ask you Eva Suzy said . Eva replied yes my dear what is that . Suzy asked why were in such ahurry to conduct the funeral of Arthur I heard you didn't even accept for the autopsy. Eva replied I don't want the company reputation come down by the autopsy and also I don't like people talk bad about his death so I heald the funeral early . Suzy replied ohh really then why are there so many rumors about his death now . I think that is because there was no autopsy report . A journalist was secretly listening to the conversation between them and after letting to that he ran from there . Eva said whatever now everything came to an end rake care of you .
Suzy replied sure you too . The next morning the newspaper and tablets news were like why Arthur body didn't went to postmotrem why did the family hesitate to do that . After looking at the news Suzy said to Sam our plan went well . Sam replied as Eva is Arthur's step mom the netizens started doubting her . This may lead to some positive way for . Suzy noded the head . Sam got the call from zayn . She lifted the called zayn said that the last person Arthur spoke to was Oliver. Suzy got the news .