
Chapter 11: Walking With the Dead

In the dimly lit alley, shadows danced along the walls as the night enveloped everything in its cold embrace. Each step echoed softly, the sound muffled by the darkness that surrounded them. The air was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the faint rustle of leaves in the distant wind.

Above, the moon peeked through wispy clouds, casting an ethereal glow that illuminated the narrow path ahead. It was a hauntingly beautiful sight, yet it carried an undertone of foreboding, as if the night itself held secrets waiting to be unveiled.

The alleyway seemed to stretch endlessly, its walls lined with graffiti and forgotten remnants of urban life. Trash bins sat in the shadows, their contents unseen but hinting at the daily hustle and bustle that once filled these streets.

Occasionally, distant footsteps could be heard, a reminder that they were not alone in this nocturnal journey. Each sound sent a shiver down their spines, a reminder of the dangers lurking in the darkness.

Despite the chill in the air, there was a sense of urgency in their steps. The clinic awaited them at the end of this labyrinthine path, a beacon of hope in the midst of uncertainty. And so they pressed on, navigating the maze of alleyways with determination in their hearts.

"So how long do you plan on hiding?" Alicia's father remarked, noticing my presence despite my attempts to remain unseen.

"So are you in military or something in the past? Because I know for sure that I hid myself well" I joked to him as I show myself

"You're just not good in hiding yourself, I can hear your footsteps." He joked back

"Is that so?" I know that I was quiet earlier, there's no way he heard my footsteps that easily. This guy might be something I should be cautious with.

"So can you tell me young man, why and what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" he inquired as we continued walking.

"Would you believe me if I said I'm here for to take a stroll?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"A mile away from the house? I don't think so" he replied, his tone serious.

I sighed, realizing I couldn't easily deflect his questions. "You already know why I'm here," I admitted.

"Yes, but what does a young man like you want in a clinic filled with undead?" he pressed, his skepticism evident

"You said it yourself, that this place is empty because the police draw their attention away. Now isn't it weird that the clinic is filled with zombies? That's only because the police go there, for medicines maybe?" I answered

"And what are you getting at?" He asked skeptical

"That place might be filled with zombies, but that place is still filled with important things for Healthcare. But that's not the only treasure, it also has tons of guns laying around don't you think?"

"Are you sure you're a young man?" He joked

"I just adapt fast" I died for a hundred of times, who wouldn't adapt in that situation.

Alicia's father nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging my reasoning. "Adaptability is a valuable trait in these times," he commented, his gaze scanning the dimly lit alley as we walked. "But be cautious, young man. The undead aren't the only threats out here."

"I'll keep that in mind," I replied, grateful for his warning. Despite his initial skepticism, there was a sense of understanding between us now, a mutual recognition of the dangers lurking in the night.

As we approached the clinic, the faint glow of emergency lights flickered through the windows, casting eerie shadows on the street filled with zombies. The atmosphere was tense, filled with an unsettling quiet interrupted only by occasional distant of the zombies.

Inside a certain building near the clinic, we manage to kill a single zombie who isn't paying attention. As we caught our breath, the gravity of our situation sank in.

"So what's the plan?" I asked "That place is filled with zombies, both entrance and exits" eyeing the darkened entrance and exits of the building. It was clear that venturing into the place of zombies outside was a dangerous thing to do.

"Remember when you asked what my job was?" he asked looking at me

"Yeah? And what about it?"

"Well, I am human anatomist"

"Human anotomist? What's that?" I asked

"Basically it's a job that study human bodies," he answered

"And…?" curious but also apprehensive about where this was heading.

"We still don't know how zombies recognize one another, why don't they eat each other? Because they can tell that they are their own kin. Then again, how can they tell? No one still know, but it's dark right now. They couldn't possibly see each other, that's the perfect way to start this experiment" he explained

"We still don't fully understand their behavior. Maybe it's a scent, a sound, or something else entirely. But what if we could mimic that recognition?" he added, his eyes glinting with a mixture of curiosity and determination.

"No… you're not doing this" I said getting what he meant

"It's fine if you don't want to, I planned on doing this alone at the very beginning" he said

"It's a risky experiment, but if it works, we could move more freely among them," he continued, unfazed by my hesitation.

"This is fcked up, so fcked up man… dammit, Fck it. Let's do this" I forced, knowing that desperate times called for desperate measures.

With cautious precision, Alicia's father made a small incision in his abdomen, carefully extracting a sample of his blood. "Don't let it touch your skin; we don't know how the infection spreads," he warned as I followed suit, spreading the blood on our clothing while wearing a gloves.

The process was stomach-turning, the metallic scent of blood mingling with the stench of decay in the air. I fought back the urge to puke as we coated ourselves, hoping this absurd disguise would fool the undead.

As we stepped back into the darkness, our clothes stained with gore, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. But in this new world where survival hung by a thread, sometimes the most unsettling plans were the ones that offered a sliver of hope.

As we prepared to face the horde, Alicia's father and I took a moment to steady our nerves. The stench of the zombie blood and guts smeared on our clothes made my stomach churn, but it was a necessary disguise to blend in with the undead.

"Are you ready?" He asked, I nodded silently. Feeling uncomfortable with the disguise.

With determined steps, we approached the horde. The zombies were in a frenzy, their attention focused on something in the distance. It was our chance to slip through unnoticed, if we played our cards right.

As we moved cautiously through the streets, trying to blend in among the undead, a tense silence enveloped us. The zombies around us started to sniff the air, their decaying nostrils flaring as they picked up unfamiliar scents.

Alicia's father signaled for us to remain calm and keep our movements slow and deliberate. We mirrored the sluggish gait of the zombies around us, trying our best to mimic their behavior.

The undead shuffled closer, their vacant eyes scanning our group. A particularly alert zombie turned its head toward us, its milky eyes locking onto Alicia's father. My heart raced as I braced for the worst.

However, much to our surprise, the zombie simply grunted and turned away, seemingly satisfied that we were just another part of the horde. We let out a collective sigh of relief, realizing that our impromptu camouflage had worked—at least for the moment.

Alicia's father motioned for us to keep moving, and we continued our journey through the undead-infested streets. Each passing moment brought us closer to our destination, but the constant threat of discovery loomed over us like a dark cloud.

As we navigated the eerie streets, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gnawed at my insides. Surviving in this new world required us to adapt and make difficult choices, all while facing the ever-present danger of the relentless undead.

Suddenly, a loud commotion echoed from a nearby alley, drawing the attention of the surrounding zombies. We froze in place, watching as a group of survivors emerged from the shadows, desperately fighting off a horde of undead.

Alicia's father swiftly ushered us into a nearby building, away from the chaotic scene unfolding outside. We found ourselves in an abandoned store, the remnants of old merchandise scattered haphazardly around us.

"We can't stay here for long," Alicia's father whispered, his eyes scanning our surroundings for any signs of danger. "Those survivors drew too much attention. The undead will be swarming this area soon."

He led us deeper into the building, eventually finding a small room at the back that offered some semblance of safety. We huddled together, the tension palpable as we listened to the distant sounds of the ongoing struggle outside.

"I'm sorry for getting us into this mess," Alicia's father said, his expression filled with regret. "I thought we could slip past unnoticed."

"It's not your fault," I reassured him, trying to calm our nerves. "We're all in this together."

As we waited in tense silence, the noises outside intensified, indicating that the horde was closing in. We braced ourselves, ready to defend against any undead that might stumble upon our hiding place.

The minutes felt like hours as we held our breath, praying that the chaos outside would subside. Eventually, the sounds began to fade, replaced by an eerie calmness that settled over the area.

"It seems like they've moved on," Alicia's father remarked, cautiously peeking outside the room. "We should take this opportunity to find a safer route to the clinic."

With renewed determination, we ventured back into the dimly lit streets, our eyes scanning for any signs of danger. Our encounter with the horde served as a stark reminder of the harsh reality we faced in this post-apocalyptic world. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, we remained united in our quest for survival.