
Time master

when I was small I leave alone I don't have parents or Friends who will take care of me love have some I wish for a parent and friends but I was alone in my planet all the Lord trained me all days and nights to be a great time master King in the future

Lisa_lucy · Historia
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14 Chs

MISSION 1: the principal office

Sometimes when we need something we do it by ourselves.

I don't think you need to be here Rose , rose don't listen to Caleb slowly walk close to Caleb and place her arms rap around Caleb neck I miss you very much after our broke up I think about you Everytime everyday I can't forget you am sorry for the way we broke up, Caleb look at rose but it too late I can't love you anymore rose did Caleb you know that was mad about is dead this is the new me and anyway I will soon get married I have a fiancé now, but just forget about me and move on they is many great guys out there who deserve you not me, rose look dispointed and annoy after hearing what Caleb told her in whisper how could can I do this now, Caleb am sorry on what I want to do now, Caleb look at the rose with one brown raise, rose push Caleb on the executive office chair Rose what the hell you are doing, rose blend down a little and place her finger on Caleb lip shhh Caleb just have some fun rose slide her finger for Caleb lip down to his chest them unbutton his cloth , Caleb was surprised on what rose was doing rose stop all this madness I don't love you anymore just leave me and my office alone am soon be engaged to my fiancée.

Rose was done unbutton Caleb clothes she place soft kisses on his chest them the door open Caleb and rose the door open and turn the direction of the door to see A lady standing there with surprise all the file in her hand for to the ground am sorry is like I come to the wrong room sorry for disturbing you too, you can continue am leaving already Caleb was surprise after see what happen, Caleb push to the side and stand up, Caleb walk to where rose was and place a hand on her neck Caleb what are you doing do you want to kill me I don't care if what I plan in mind fail I will be your greatest nightmare and you will regret it. Caleb remove his hand for rose neck and go to look for the girl calling her name out Erica Erica Erica Caleb seen Erica walking to the exit of the school with her bag on her arms, Erica Erica please wait I need to tell you something Caleb walk fast to were Erica and block her for moving, Erica bend her head to look at the floor please just my way Caleb I have see enough only one day but Erica just want you to hear me out , Erica look hangry after hearing what said and look Caleb straight to his eyes and push he a little so you want me to hear you out about what that you are cheating on me or you don't know that girl or you will say that is a set-up what ever you say I don't care you know what just leave me alone I not getting engaged with you anymore we are done Caleb done for good and am sorry for telling you to pretend that you not know me don't hold me or pull me back if that happens I will call the police about.caleb leave the way so that Erica can leave.


Rose stand up and place a hand on her neck, ouch my neck who would know that Caleb is strong uh, he almost straggle me to death and who is that lady anyway let me forget about that my job is done I better leave through the window before Caleb will come back.

Outside the window rose dust herself them walk forward to the direction of where big old tree is a see a note on it, rose remove the note out of the tree and read it if you want your money come and met me at the old CHC middle school basement I will be waiting for you their. What his is he thinking that place looks timorous and creepy but I had no choice but to go. 


Caleb was furious on what happens between he and Erica, because of you rose you, Caleb stretch his arms out put a smirk on his face before laughing out a evil laugh hahaha your biggest nightmare had start rose.

Whisper Mandy Mandy where you , Juliet was calling out for her friend in the phone when she felt someone hand on her shoulder slowly she turn to see her friend mandy what the hell can't you speak you fear the gosh out of me, am sorry Juliet you call what up , Mandy I call to tell you that principal is not in the office because and we are in break so she went to buy some delicious meal as usual everyday and also her secretaries Mrs Erica is not around because I heard some students said that her boyfriend betrayed her something like that so are you ready, Mandy with her knee take off her bags out of her back and put it on the floor start bringing thing out of her bags one by one, yes let me show you what I brought Juliet , a drawing that can be used as distraction spray paint shop is lock so that why the drawing is here , donuts are you kidding me Mandy we have a mission now not snacks time, Mandy breathe air out Juliet come down is not a any ordinary donuts but they is sleeping pill in it , a bat in case umm and a masks for us just like what the thieved wear if they want to rug the banks. Ok Mandy everything that we need but why'd you bring a mask that look similar like the thieves own, Mandy stand up after arranging everything in her bag Juliet do you want to do this or you not want to so I can return the thing back to my basement in my room.

Fine Mandy do you remember the plan yes I will distract the security and the camera in the school why you get in the principal office to look for Jacob file good Mandy you remember everything .

Mandy turn her back was about to go when Juliet called her back, Mandy turn back her to see Juliet what is it Juliet I just want to give you something wait a minute Juliet put her hand in her bag to bring out a watch that look alike but one is white and the other is pink, handover the light pink watch to Mandy, Mandy look at Juliet looking puzzle what is this Juliet, this is a smart watch that my brother invented sometime ago and it had a hidden camera inside to watch each other movement at the same time talk to each other is a security watch I set the watch the time to break over so we can live, Mandy shake her head look at Juliet looking puzzle but, no but Mandy we need to go now ok Juliet I will soon go but can I have a good luck hug for my friend before I go, Juliet nod her head to give Mandy the permission to go ahead, Mandy hug her friend and put on the watch in wrist before leaving the room.

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