
Time Mage's Heir

In a world where magic exists parallel to our own, "The Time Legacy" follows the journey of Keal Pyreclan, the youngest son of a powerful family of fire mages. However, he is tragically exiled and discarded from the family's legacy when it becomes apparent he lacks the fire magic talent for which they are renowned. Reduced to working as a scavenger, Keal roams the magical world, collecting materials from mana beast remains to eke out a living. One fateful day, while exploring the aftermath of a mana beast habitat, a powerful mana beast attacked his party everyone but him was killed and he was next. As the imminent threat closed in, the last memento of his late mother, a worn-out silver ring, seemingly awakened in response to his dire circumstances. In that critical moment, the ring's true power was unleashed, enveloping Keal in a blinding surge of light. With the magical energies surging through him, he felt a profound connection to the ancient spirit within the ring - the enigmatic time mage, Lyra. Through an unforeseen twist of fate, the silver ring sends Keal back in time to the moment of his family's betrayal and exile. Armed with time magic and guided by Lyra's wisdom, Keal seizes the opportunity to rewrite his past and build a new family and legacy. Driven by the thirst for revenge against his former family and a desire for redemption, Keal embarks on a perilous journey. He gathers allies, including mages with powers of different elements, and builds a powerful clan to challenge his former kin. However, the path to vengeance is riddled with challenges and adversaries, and Keal must confront his deepest fears and misbeliefs to succeed. As he delves into the secrets of the silver ring, he uncovers forgotten histories, hidden dangers, and the true extent of his magical potential. "The Time Legacy" explores themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the consequences of manipulating time. Keal's quest for revenge evolves into a journey of growth and understanding, teaching him the true value of power, friendship, and the importance of preserving the delicate balance of time.

Lazy_Introvert · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Exiled Embers

The sky crackled with hues of crimson and gold as the setting sun cast its warm glow upon the rugged landscape. Amidst the majestic mountains, a young man with fiery red hair stood, his amber eyes filled with a mixture of pain and defiance. Kael, the disgraced youngest son of the Pyreclan, witnessed his world crumble around him. The once mighty and revered family of fire mages had forsaken him, branding him a failure with no magical prowess to speak of.

His elder brother, Garon, the heir to the Pyreclan's legacy, approached Kael with a cold, ruthless expression. With a cruel smirk, Garon raised his hand and brought it down with a swift, powerful strike. The impact shattered Kael's leg, causing him to fall to the ground in agony. "You're no longer part of this family, Kael," Garon sneered, his voice laced with disdain. "Your lack of talent for fire magic brings shame upon our name. From this moment forth, you are nothing to us."

Kael gritted his teeth against the pain, a single tear escaping his eye as he watched his family turn their backs on him. His mother's absence weighed heavily on his heart, knowing that she would never have allowed this to happen. But she was gone, and Kael was now truly alone in the world.


A distant voice pierced through his painful memories, pulling him back to the present. He blinked and turned his attention to the middle-aged man named Oren, who was standing a few feet away. The man's weathered face bore the marks of countless battles, and his eyes held both kindness and understanding.

"Sorry to startle you," Oren said, his voice gentle. "I've been calling your name for a while now. You seemed lost in thought."

Kael shook his head, attempting to shake off the memories that haunted him. "It's fine," he replied, trying to force a smile. "I was just reminiscing about the past."

Oren's eyes softened, as if he understood the pain hidden behind Kael's facade. "Well, don't let it weigh you down too much. We have work to do," he said, motioning towards the group of mages and scavengers nearby.

Kael nodded and followed Oren to join the small team of scavengers. As a 2-star mage, Kael was not strong enough to face mana beasts on his own, but he found a purpose in his work as a scavenger. They played a crucial role in supporting mage teams and guilds, picking up useful materials from the surroundings and collecting valuable remains left by defeated mana beasts.

Their job was not without danger. Mana beasts were fearsome creatures, and even the smallest ones could be deadly to an unprepared 2-star mage. But the pay was decent, and Kael had nowhere else to turn.

The day wore on, and the team ventured deeper into the wilderness. They moved with caution, always on the lookout for any sign of danger. Kael's thoughts were focused on the task at hand, trying to push away the memories that threatened to consume him.

Suddenly, chaos erupted as a massive minotaur-like mana beast ambushed the squad. Panic spread like wildfire as the creature swung its giant arm, crushing a 5-star mage, the group's leader, in its merciless grasp. Kael's heart pounded in his chest as he witnessed the terrifying power of the beast.

Without hesitation, he knew he had to do something. Oren had been the only person to show true kindness to him after his family kicked him out. He couldn't leave him to die.

Ignoring the fear that threatened to paralyze him, Kael rushed to Oren's side. The older man's eyes widened in surprise as Kael reached out to help him. "Kael... what are you doing?" Oren managed to say, his voice weak with pain.

"I'm not leaving you behind, Oren," Kael replied, determination in his eyes. "You've been kind to me when no one else was. I won't let you die here."

With every ounce of strength he could muster, Kael helped Oren to his feet. Together, they stumbled away from the beast, Kael's limping gait matched by Oren's weakened steps. Fear coursed through their veins, but they pushed on, driven by a bond forged through compassion and friendship.

The minotaur-like beast noticed their escape attempt and charged after them with unbridled fury. It swung its giant arm toward Oren, who had valiantly tried to shield Kael from harm. The impact was devastating, sending Oren flying through the air, spilling blood as he landed on a sharp rock. The old man's lifeless eyes met Kael's, and in that haunting moment, a torrent of fear and anguish surged through Kael's veins.

Kael screamed in anguish, the pain in his heart mirroring the pain in his maimed shoulder. With the beast closing in on them, Kael knew they had to find a way out of the forest. Bruised, battered, and grieving, he mustered his strength to find a way out.

Keal ran for his life, his wounded shoulder throbbing with each step. Blood dripped from the wound, leaving a trail in his wake. Panic and adrenaline coursed through him as he searched desperately for a way to escape the minotaur-like beast.

In his panicked state, he stumbled upon a small crevice in the rocky wall. It was narrow and a bit cramped, but it was his only chance at survival. Keal didn't hesitate. He squeezed himself into the crevice, wincing as the sharp edges of the rocks scraped against his already wounded body.

The small hiding spot offered little comfort, and fear clawed at Keal's chest as he heard the enraged roars of the beast and screams of his employers just outside. He pressed himself against the rocky wall, trying to make himself as small as possible, praying that the beast would lose interest and move on.