
(TL:L)1:1 Meeting in the bar

"Hi, what can I get you?" said the bartender. "Yeah, just a beer." Zach responded his request.

"Just a beer? Ok", the bartender then poured a shot of beer. " How are you? " said James , the bartender.

"Yeah, I came here to meet someone." Zach responded. "Have you seen someone wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, and a necklace with a cross pendant? " He asked James.

" He is near that door, over there" James answered. Zach thanked James. He drank the shot and handed it over to him. Looking around the bar. Purple lights, people chatting, a band singing in the corner, he looked around. Looking for the door , he found Leo.

"Hey, what's up man?" Zach approached Leo.

Leo shushed the girl beside him. " Been good man. "

Zach sat down, looking at Leo. With no hesitance, he asked "So when are we going to start the investigation?"

Leo confused, probably forgotten the mission.

"What do you mean by investigation? Are you making up some s-" Zach interrupted Leo

"Are you serious? Did you forgot the mission? "

Zach pulls out his phone, searching for the message the boss sent. Mia , the girl beside Leo asked " Who is this guy? " Looking at Leo seductively, she grabbed Leo's left chest " What is he doing here interrupting our sweet time. "

"Oh , He's Zach. He is in charge with a mission.... in a mission.. OH SHIT!" In realization , He pushed away Mia , leaving her confused. He remembered the mission the boss gave them.

Zach still looking for the message the boss sent so he can have a proof. He looked at Leo.

"Ok ,ok , I'm sorry man. So when are we going to investigate?" Leo asked Zach.

"Oh my god, finally. We are gonna be investigating after the second hand passes 3 o'clock." Looking at the clock , the second seems to be still far away from the 3 o'clock. Mia asked Leo and Zach " So are you two policemen? " The two agreed Mia's question. James over heard the conversation. He reached to the button below the counter. With the room filled with chattering, people having fun , ruined by the red lights alerted the guards. The door shut with metal bars leading the two trapped.

"Alert, Guards in the building, capture table 21"

Zach looking at the table number handed over the table when he was pointed out where Leo was. " Table.... " Zach read it "21"

Zach immediately said Leo "We gotta get out of here."