
Chapter 1: Waited

The days had gone by. The years continued to pass on.

The life I have been dreaming of, married to the man of my dreams have long been fulfilled. 5 years and counting if I recall it correctly?


I'm still empty. The husband I married rarely even go home. Even though we have good connection, the days we spent together every year is also short. Our relationship improved though. As every year passed by, he gradually opened himself to me.

I love him, that man Reeve Taylor. I fantasized being with him from high school. He was such pretty man with so much respect for his parents and mine as our families' been friends since like forever. Reeve, of course have many suitors be it cis gendered people or people of LGBT.

I would say he's nice. I pestered him from day to day, even in college. Bring him flowers, go home with him. Its like I became his little tail. Where ever he was, I was there.

He gave in, finally. My constant pestering finally bore fruits. I was so happy as we dated. He was still indifferent but who cares? I'm with him now.

I would tell him, everytime I have a chance that I love him. Reeve will only grunt as a response but atleast he answered right? Fore sure, my feelings have reached him. I proposed to him, actually. Luckily and fortunately, he agreed.

When he comes back home, as a doctor he would be really exhausted. Reeve would just slam himself on the couch.

This guy... just really! He haven't even bathe yet!

"Hey, hun. Reeve! Take a bath first before you sleep!" I shook him gently, waking him up.

"Just let me take a nap first, please. My eyelids would drop everytime I open them," said Reeve whining.

"I'll wake you up in an hour, okay? You need to disinfect your body. You work at a hospital afterall," I said. This is what always happens when Reeve go home. I would always give in to what he wants. This is what love will do to a person. Woooh

"Okay, an hour it is." His voice muffled, head burried in the throw pillow as he raised his hand in an 'ok' sign.

Dinner is ready and Reeve just got out of the bathroom. His hair still wet, water dropping on his bare shoulders.


"You're hot. You know that? You're making me wanna eat you for dinner." His abs are fully exposed you know? Those rock hard abs with a face so angelic? Who woudn't drool?

"Haha. You always say the most absurd things Lin. You can eat me, you know? I'm your husband after all," he said as he sat. Winking at me while smiling, brandishing those white canines.

"Wow, dude. I'll eat you for dessert. Just you wait. First, let's eat dinner. I'm starving." He rarely answers me and reciprocate from my provocations. What did this guy eat today? Whatever it is, its enough to make me happy for a month. I'll remember these memories I rarely have with him.

"Until when are you on break?"

Small talks.

"A week maybe. We can visit mom and dad this week if you like."

After we ate, it was Reeve who washed the dishes.

"Hey, sexy dish washer. Can you please hurry up so I can devour you on bed? You look extremely domestic right now." I joked.

"Just so you wait, Mrs. Taylor. Your provocations are quite the extremes. It makes me want to breed you."

"Woah woah woah that was..." blushing so hard, I burried my head in my arms. Those words made me feel flustered. I heard him laughing. Teasing me for just now.

"Just go up if you're done. My gosh that made me blush. I didn't expect that!" I ran upstairs fanning my face. Gosh, that dude and his charm with words.

"I was just wondering, how come I never heard you say you love me?" I hugged his waist. Reeve is sitting on the bed, leaning on the headboard, reading his book. I am lying on the bed looking up.

"That came out of nowhere. What nonsense are you talking about?" Brows furrowed, he looked at me.

"The thought just came into me. I always say I love you. I have been after you since we were young. We've been married for 5 years. I never heard you say 'I love you' to me." If you think about it, I courted this man for 10 years you know? Even though I am the woman.

"You're just sleepy. Your thoughts are over the place. Lets sleep."

Reeve hugged me. I wiggled my way closer to him and burried my head on his chest. He smells amazing. Reeve's scent is lavender? Maybe he used my shower gel. That's my favorite scent.

"I do wish to hear it sometime. But don't be pressured. I know its hard." We hugged each other. Me tapping his back. I fell asleep right there.