
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Cómic
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508 Chs

Chapter 474: Chaos Rift (1)

World No. 426727, Unknown Universe... 




The sound of explosions echoed, along with the sound of bones crunching, and the roar of monsters.

On the outskirts of the world, a shining crown rotated around her, protecting her. This crown shimmered continuously, nullifying all attacks carried out in the world.

"Advance! Never retreat!"

In the midst of what looked like an army of skeletons, a woman with black hair sat on a throne of death. Her bright green eyes shone, her skin as white as porcelain. She was remarkably tall, standing at about 1.98 meters. Two skeletal horns protruded from her head, with a short green veil. She had two large black and dark green wings on her back. She wore a dress with black pirate pants and ballet flats. Her hands were skeletal with claws, black and green in color. In one of her hands, she wielded a huge scythe, green and black in color...

This girl was literally death, at the same time the third Parallel Will of the Dream Champion, Dead Master.

The world had changed and was now protected by the protective crown of worlds, "Worlds of Infinite Dreams."

And at this moment, there were three parallel crowns protecting this world, with the "World of the Dead" being the strongest of the three. The world had changed; a black and green aura surrounded it, and the sky was filled with gigantic black chains. The army of skeletons imbued with the aura of death rose from its rest to fight in the war and save the world...

Dead Master, seated on the throne alongside two giant skeletal heads, began to reorganize her army and give orders for the fight. Facing the enormous army of death were hundreds of millions of grotesque creatures. The aura around them had no shape; everything was chaotic and limitless. Behind this army of monsters was a huge chaotic rift.


Both armies clashed, bones turning to ashes, and the blood of these creatures flowed, staining the ground with their black ink-like blood.

And amidst this army of the dead, large mechanical spiders with doll heads fired candy bullets, causing great losses to the army of creatures. These mechanical spiders were literally the tanks in this army of the dead and were mainly responsible for long-distance casualties.



But not all the mechanical spiders stayed behind; there was a special one among them. Chariot, piloting Mary, was at the forefront, traversing the battlefield, swinging her sword and destroying these creatures...


Similarly, two huge machine guns fired rapidly against this army of creatures, which were torn apart by these bullets of Order and Dream. The person manning the cannons was Black Rock Shooter...

(Damn it! This has no end!)

Black Rock Shooter's left eye burned fiercely. It had been some time since they came to this world and had destroyed millions of these creatures, but there seemed to be no end. Every time they destroyed one of these creatures, another emerged from the rift to take its place, and more creatures kept coming out...

Initially, the Dream Champion thought they would quickly finish the job. Life still existed in the world, and the world had not reached a critical stage of destruction, so the Overlord would not be so powerful. After all, this was a level 3 world.

They were wrong. There was never an Overlord to face; they encountered something even more problematic, a Chaos Rift...

Chaos Rifts are very bad news for Order, as they only meant that their borders had been breached, allowing creatures of chaos to enter this Multiverse.

These Chaos creatures were not simple at all. Unlike Overlords, who were born in Order and were contaminated with Chaos, Chaos creatures were born from Chaos itself.

Although they were not as powerful and troublesome as Overlords, who succeeded in destroying a World, Chaos creatures were limitless. They were born faster than they died and were a terrible headache because they could only be destroyed by Order. The low-ranking ones had no intelligence, and their souls were chaotic, their only instinct being to destroy Order. What's worse, their infinite number made them difficult to deal with. Champions, in particular, preferred to face Overlords rather than face these fearless, death-defying, and infinite creatures.

So, every time a Chaos Rift appeared, it was a prelude to a war between Order and Chaos.

The Dream Champion did not want a war on such a scale, so they tried to close this rift. Unfortunately, the rift was too large to do so, even with their fourth parallel will, Black Gold Saw, who had the ability to seal space.

Because of this, the Dream Champion carried out a war of attrition to gain time and wait for reinforcements. Unfortunately, not everything was going as it seemed.

They had even activated up to the third level, where the army of the dead could stop these chaotic creatures, but Dead Master's army was getting smaller...

"Tch! If only the Shadow Monarch hadn't fallen..."

Dead Master lamented. Perhaps the Shadow Monarch was the weakest among them all, but he was still the best army destroyer. After all, his army was unstoppable and almost without any weakness.

Dead Master was a necromancer just like the Monarch, but unlike the Monarch, Dead Master did not have the power to make the fallen his own. Her army of death was more like puppets, without souls and also consumable. Each shattered skeleton needed energy from the dream world to create another, whereas the army of the Shadow Monarch was eternal, possessing souls and being independent, reviving endlessly.

Also, the Monarch grew stronger as more deaths occurred on the battlefield, and he had a domain where his summonings received a buff. In the last war between Chaos and Order, the Shadow Monarch played a great role in the vanguard, destroying the creatures of chaos. It could be said that the only weakness of this army was the inability to make beings of Chaos and Order his own; otherwise, the Monarch would be unstoppable.

The fact that the Shadow Monarch had fallen was due to the super massive army of trillions and the ambush on his weakness by three Overlords. Otherwise, this Champion would not have given up so easily...

And in these Chaos Rifts, it was the perfect job for the Monarch, where two eternal armies would clash in an unlimited battle...

Losing the Shadow Monarch was a great loss for Order; unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done. One of theirs was already resting and had returned to Order; all they could do was wait their turn.


In the midst of a war, Black Rock Shooter raised her head. A few minutes ago, she felt the connection of the bell she gave to Yuki, where she sealed a part of the power of Order.

Someone had tried to penetrate her soul...

"Well, this is unexpected. It hasn't been long, and someone already wants to attack his soul..."

Unfortunately, Yuki's soul, the dark part, was not protected by the crown, so Black Rock Shooter had no choice but to protect it.

Fortunately, it was not an Overlord or another Chaos creature, which did not pose a danger to Yuki, and the power of the Bell could easily deal with it...


The sound of weapons and footsteps was heard. Dead Master turned her head in confusion, and what appeared on the horizon surprised her.

An army of armed living beings with battle auras was advancing steadily. These were the inhabitants of the world...

"Advance, my children!"

Leading the army was a woman in a Valkyrie battle suit. Her hair was crimson like blood, her appearance wild, and her teeth quite sharp, like those of a beast.

"Mother, there are times when you do unnecessary and stupid things..."

Dead Master sighed. The Valkyrie woman leading the army of living beings was the will of the world.


Author's Note: From here on, I start with the true plot about the Champions.

TN: Should I finish the translation of this arc asap so we could move on to data a live arc already?!