Felix is just a young man trying to navigate university life with the help of his wonderful best friend, but then he meets someone who catches his interest. Of course, he tries to avoid him and everything that he's tried to runaway from for the longest time, but it seems like at the moment, he's stuck.
Psalm was trending online. It wasn't the first time he was trending in Nigeria for the slightest things, really, so Felix wasn't surprised. He'd ignored anything that had to do with him and proceeded to get to class. If it was anything serious, he'd find out later.
Turns out he didn't have to find out anything by himself. He'd forgotten that Jon, his new friend, was a big fan of his boyfriend and had his eyes on the internet for the guy, way more than Felix.
"Did you see what's trending online?" Jon asked, an excited look on his face the moment Felix stepped into his car.
"Nope. I'm sure you'll tell me though," Felix said, settling in the passenger seat and putting on his seatbelt.
He'd honestly rather not be told, but he wasn't going to stop his friend.
"Psalm is dating someone!" Jon exclaimed. "Some American singer.'
Felix did not expect that to be the news. He had so many thoughts and questions.