
Tied by Destiny[A Novel's Extra fanfiction]

Hello Readers! This is my first fan fiction, and English is not my native language, so I hope you point out any Mistakes, be it grammatical or with the Plot, so that I can correct them. The story will follow the light Novel with some slight changes, sometimes major changes as well. Main Characters: Kim Hajin Rachel Evandel ________________________________________________ Warning! I don't own any of the Characters, the Novel "Novel's Extra" belongs to its rightful author Jee Gab Song(소설 속 엑스트라). This is only a Fan-fiction! made for my own and the readers' entertainment! Also, as this is a fan-fiction done for my own entertainment and satisfaction, others are allowed to adapt this story to their own with some level of changes, and not outright the exact same storyline. If someone wants to adapt this, you may do so, but please give credits to the Original as well. Thanks for reading, Hope you enjoy! Note : The cover art is not mine, feel free to ask me to take it down if it belongs to you.

Astral_Void · Cómic
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38 Chs

Chapter 6 : Intervention and Surprise

3rd Person's POV

Kim Hajin could be seen jumping on the tree branches with great speed. He was heading towards the disguised Djjins that were trying to escape. He used [Long Dash] to close the gap between them but there was still a few meter of distance between them.

It seemed that the Djins were running towards the tower at the center of the forest. They probably thought that they would be able to survive if they pretended to be running away from some monster.

The others might believe them and if that happened, Kim Hajin wouldn't be able to kill them easily He had no proof of them being Djjins.

On the other side, Kim Suho had just come across Rachel while hunting along with him team. There were Shin Jonghak, Chae Nayun and of course, Kim Suho himself.

It seemed that Kim Suho had seen the last part of the battle and was able to grasp the situation. But the others didn't know since they were behind. Chae Nayun was bombarding Rachel with questions on what just happened. Shin Jonghak was quiet. He seemed to be assessing the situation around, as expected of the second strongest cadet in Cube.

Kim Hajin's POV

I was running towards the escapees. While closing the distance, I used [Thousand Miles Eye] and took out my Desert Eagle. I shot a bullet, which hit one of the enemies on the leg, which caused him to fall on the ground.

"What Happened?!" Asked one of the other three to his teammates.

"Someone's on to us! We have to run fast if we want to stay alive" He said to his teammates.

"They are probably long-range fighters since they used a Sniper to kill the others. If we gang up on them, we could win!" replied the one that seemed to be the leader.

"You're right. Hey healer! Heal me quick and give us support!" The one who got shot in the leg shouted and the other one began to do what she was asked. The other swordsman was covering for them. It seemed they were quite close considering they had good teamwork even though they were Djins.

Normally. Djjins would just run away if they assessed that they couldn't handle the situation. These ones were probably either contractors of the same being or that they were friends even before they became Djjins. 'Well whatever, its not like that changes anything'. I thought as I shot another Magic Bullet, it hit the Healer in the head and she fell on the ground. The other two were now terrified. They probably thought that they would be able to escape if they were fast enough.

Suddenly, a blue light started emitting from the hands of one of them. Just than, a barrier formed around them. 'This is troublesome'. It was probably the Magic Caster's doing.

I converted my desert eagle into a sniper and used [Stigma] to further fuse the bullets with more Magic. I shot the bullet and it flew towards them at Supersonic speed. The mage was looking confident, probably thinking that they would be safe within the barrier. Unfortunately for them, they just had bad luck as their opponent happened to be the one that can negate barriers.

The bullet shot right through the barrier destroying it in the process, hitting the mage obliterating his skull. His body dropped dead as the barrier canceled itself on the caster's death.

I quickly changed my weapon into its original form and shot a bullet again hitting the last one in the stomach. He was able to survive because he had Magic Reinforcement covering his body but he still suffered a lot of pain from that.

I spared this one since I still had some questioning to do, I could just use the [Book of Truth] to find the answer I wanted, but that would cost too much SP and this method was, even though less trust worthy, more cost-effective and could save me a lot of SP.

However, I shouldn't do the questioning here because if that happens and someone comes across and sees me, it'll be troublesome because this guy could just cause a ruckus of me trying to kill him for no reason. I would be at a disadvantage than because I wouldn't have any proof of him being a Djjin.

I opened the system through my smartwatch and began creating a gift. The guy was laying there unconscious so I had nothing to worry about. As for the name, I decided on [Dimensional Storage]. Its functioning should be as the name suggests. A closed personal space only I could access that should be able to store things. As for the size, I think a few meters should be enough. I also could need it since I would probably have to carry corpses of dead enemies in the future.

I pressed enter as I thought I had written enough. Now lets see how much SP it needs. I had around a few thousand SP with me, so I was confident that I could make it since the requirements were that not great. A message popped up after some time.

[Would you like to create the Gift "Dimensional Storage"?]


[Affirmative. Creating the required Gift.]





Huh?! What is happening?

[Intervention from a Higher Being is detected. Activating the self defense mechanism!]

[Error! Unable to defend against the sudden attack]

[The Higher Being is requesting to change the results of the process]

[Gift is being changed]

[Successful! Gift has successfully been changed]

[You have acquired the gift "Imaginary Space"]

[The Higher being is waving at you and says, "I am looking forward to how this story turns out. This is just a starting present, but I hope you can entertain me enough."]

What just Happened...? I had so many questions in my head wanting to be answered.

Why would there be an error in the system? Isn't the system Omnipotent? What or Who is this higher being? And how are they able to intervene in a process such as this?

I took a deep breath trying to calm down my brain. Okay... It seems that some sort of higher power that is more powerful than even the system is unable to stop. But what or who is this being? I definitely didn't create such a thing in my Original Story, so this "Higher" being is not someone who is from the Original Story. However, the co-author doesn't seem to be someone who would intervene with the system for no reason. And he wouldn't side with one person.

But than again, if this being is not the co-author than who is he? Isn't the co-author supposed to be the strongest being? I thought he was the closest being that can be said to be "God".

Well, I just hope that this being is not an enemy, and does not make things hard for me like the co-author. 'Leaving that aside, I should probably see what the skill is'. I thought as I checked the specifications of the skill, But what I saw was not just shocking, it would be able to make any being go crazy just from reading it.

[Imaginary Space]


Grade : Transcendent

Sub Skills : {Pocket Dimension}, {Absolute Observance}, {Imagination Exchange}, {Battle-Field Removal}, {Null Generator}, {Self-Transcendence}

Pocket Dimension : An Infinite Sized Space that can store any and all things. Time doesn't flow here and space doesn't exist here, therefore, anything stored inside will not be effected in any way and will remain completely unchanged. Can store living beings as well. User can change the flow of time and space to change the items inside himself, can also change certain areas according to the user's liking. Limitation : Requires SP to store very Large Objects, required SP depends on the size of the object.

Absolute Observance : The pocket dimension and anything inside it is absolutely observant to the User. The User is absolute and almighty over anything inside the Imaginary Space. Anything inside the Imaginary Space will be recorded and will not die or be affected in any way as long as the user wants. The User can change any laws inside the Imaginary Space like bringing dead back to life, reversing the time of something, reading mind etc. Limitation : Requires SP to perform any of these actions. Bringing someone inside the Imaginary Space back to life will consume all SP the user at that time, minimum SP required is 50,000.

Imagination Exchange : Can exchange any actions that is done inside the imaginary Space to a target into reality. The user is able bring anything he imagines into reality. Does not require SP. Limitation : Can only be performed once a month. Cooldown time can be reduced if the Creator wills it.

Battle-Field Removal : Can teleport a selected target from outside into the imaginary Space. Limitation : The User must have a firm image of the target in his brain. Depending on the Target, the user may feel intense pain as a result, is directly proportional to the strength of the target. Will not work if the target is more than 2x stronger than the user.

Nothingness Collapse : A super destructive, supreme energy of nothingness that is continuously generated in an isolated Void Dimension. It is pure nothingness that can erase anything the user wishes, be it body, soul or concept. It can also be coated on weapons. Limitation : Can only use this function if the Creator Wishes it, the user's Body must be able to withstand it or it may be destroyed just by bringing this energy into reality.

Self Transcendence : The Gift is in a sealed state. Thus, it cannot be used to its full potential. However, it will evolve along the user and as the user gets stronger, the seal will get weaker.



Just what kind of being was that?! For it to this powerful even though its sealed... On top of that, that being said that this was a "Starting Present", which means that there's more to come... right? With this, I can finally hope to compete against those tyrants in the future. But the question arises, will I ever even get permission to use this gift? Well, I doubt I would need to use that ever.

Seeing his message, I think this being thinks of me as just a source of entertainment. Even though I don't like it, I can only hope that this being is a good person and won't make me do something unreasonable.
