

WinterAngel101 · Acción
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3 Chs

Too late

Down the hall on a right is what ran through my head as the lady's words recited over and over. Hearing large amounts of foot steps I ran, my heart beating like speeding in a race car, my mind full of answers, questions, and knowledge that just might safe my family from being slaughtered.

( breathing heavily) I run behind bundles of wood by the burning walls of the cabin, holding a breef case full of money just enough to leave to country. hearing foot steps I make a run for it knowing that could lead in two different ways; 1. get cot and die than and there, or throw a rock a couple of yards away from me and in a quick steady pace make a run for it. Running through the woods I hear the guard yell,

" she's going this way"

slowing down I had an idea, taking off my shoes and throwing them as far away from me as possible I start climbing the nearest tree, steadying my breath I stay as quiet as my humanly body with allow, hoping they would pass by and leave me where I lay.

( 2 Months Earlier )

Walking home from work down the "Dark sided " alley, my mind was scrambled and my hands hurt from writing orders all day. The smell of burning rubber and the taste of chemicals and iron pushed away my thoughts and left my mind blank and thoughtless. "Can't wait to get home."

All of a sudden the hairs on my neck began to stand up and give me shivers, my coat must have a hole in it, as I locked to see if my coat what torn or possibly wet I noticed something rather strange, it was wet but with a thick texture like blood but I didn't feel any pain. Feeling rather faint, I sat down at the nearest bench to rest, and out f know where a figure sits by me, the darkness made his face invisible, and his cloths were boldly matching at every string, after a moment of silence he speaks l,

" we've search all over for you"

not know what he met as I'm about to ask, he quickly in one moment stabs me with something sharp. My body is suddenly paralyzed, trying my very best to get up a sudden jolt of pain hits my left cheek and leaves me cold, wet, and aching, my eyes slowly drift closed as I speak,

" why are you doing this?"

As the stranger answers no words came out but his mouth moved but my mind faded out into darkness before he could finish his words.