

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

S1eepless · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 14

Out of all those who were in the top ten of the 104th regiment, only one decided to go into the Military Police branch.

And that's what confused Armin the most. It was Annie, one of the people he saw that day commit that action.

It should have been obvious to him, and it was, but he refused to acknowledge it. He was still living in denial. He hoped to meet with Eren soon, as he would know what to do.

Regardless, the passing of who would choose what as their branch went by quick. He remembered the speech Commander Smith gave. He recognized just what the words he said exactly meant, and why he said them.

However, Armin refused to think any more on the matter.

He was afraid of just what it all implied, even though the evidence was right before him.

Regardless, he would just have to contain onward.

It didn't take long for the new recruits to make it to their branch of choice. Eren could only watch the minuscule amount of bodies that joined the Scouts from afar. He had heard that many were going to join, but after what happened in Trost was much of a wake-up call.

Understandably, the amount who joined the Scouts were low. However, it was who joined that surprised him. Almost everyone in the top ten joined, besides two from what he could tell. It was only a matter of asking and receiving that he was able to chat with his friends.

At first, they all seemed wary of him. It was only Mikasa and Armin that were truly delighted to see him. The former surprising him with a hug that she quickly broke.

Pleasantries were exchanged, topics were discussed, however, it was what Jean spoke of after Eren mentioned who didn't join.

"Marco… is dead?" Eren asked it to confirm it, glossing over his death which irritated Jean.

"Yes, he was bitten in half. Odd thing was, his gear was removed." Eren seemed to raise an eyebrow at that in curiosity.

"Did someone come before to remove his gear? Or was it gone when he died?"

Nobody noticed the pale look on Armin's face.

"Who knows." Jean stated.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but Jean," Eren spoke up. "Why did you joined the Scouts."

Jean didn't seem to want to answer. It confused Eren, but he had an idea of what it truly was.

"Forget it. I'm just glad you're all safe."

"Is that so?" Jean walked up to Eren, putting a fist on Eren's chest. "Then you better be prepared. You're seen as some sort of savior."

His eyes narrowed.

"So act like it."

It was all that was really said between the two. They soon broke apart, other obligations forcing them apart. However, Armin still managed to pull Eren aside and relay him information of importance.

"Armin… are you sure of this?"

"I am," He said, although he was still pale in the face. "I can even confirm that it was Annie who killed those two Titans we heard about."

"When they checked the vertical gear." Eren recalled the attempt to find the culprit.

"Wait, you don't mean?" Eren started, only to see that Armin nodded.

Armin looked at the girl beside him. Guilt ate at his stomach at what implications the girl was doing that confirmed the crimes she had committed.

"Tell me Armin." She spoke up to him. "Would you die if you were ordered to."

He didn't know what to say in that situation, so he allowed his heart to do the talking.

"If it was for the betterment of mankind, I would gladly give my life."

"Thank you for this information." Eren said, turning away to signal the end of the conversation. However, before he could come up with any ideas on what to do, Armin spoke to him once again.

"I don't want to believe it." Armin said, quivering as he did. "My comrades… Why, why do you think they did it?"

"Who knows." Eren lied. "But we'll find out."

Time went by, and it was time for the expedition.

Horses and carriages lined the road that led up to the gate. Since Trost was the main gate that the Scouts had used when setting up supply lines, they had to completely start over now that it was sealed in such a fashion.

Every effort they made in the past five years were undone in a day. However, the action that caused that saved the city of Trost, so there was no one who complained about it.

Still, Eren couldn't help feel a little agitated at the notion that the Commander would think this plan would help. Eren had indulged him and told him the truths he was willing to depart.

Yet the Commander chose to ignore that. Whether or not he trusted him was out of the option. He looked at the Commander and he saw a prideful, manipulating man. He hid behind a humble mask of someone that wanted the best for his comrades, but Eren could see through it and tell it was pride that drove the man.

The pride to prove that his father was right. Erwin and Eren had spoken of many things. Eren told his plans. Erwin told his.

Luck of the draw and timing dictated that it was Erwin that would implement his plan first. Begrudging, Eren allowed this. However, when things went wrong, he would step in.

It would be a debut that only he could pull off, but if he suspected the enemies plans, then all should go to his accord.

The question was a matter of who was going to die in the process.

Those of the Kräfte had changed. Scott knew this as a matter of not just failure, but losing someone close to you in an instance. Scott realized that Titus was cruel. He cared not for his friends' lives, only the fact that the mission was completed. Jeremiah was logical. He realized that their deaths meant so much more, that they should be proud of themselves. Scott never mentioned the times of despair that would overwhelm Jeremiah.

The two that changed the most were Helen and Wilfred. No longer did Wilfred lead, no, Jeremiah assumed that position. He recalled when he picked those two up. One was at the back of a brothel, beat and bruised from a recent customer. The only reason he picked up the prostitute known as Helen was that she had an undying fire in her eyes. A fire that gave out when she witnessed the death of people close to her. Most likely, her thoughts were that she could have been one of them.

The other was Wilfred, who was picked up off the street. It was an odd encounter, but Scott had just seen Wilfred staring at him. It was the look that he gave that indicated that he would be a good choice.

He was wrong.

He regrets it now, having those children join such a force as that. Some had no doubt killed before, for those were the ones who seemed unfazed by the situation. But those who never experienced such a thing, what would happen to them?

They became detached from reality and sought comfort in the presence of each other. Scott knew about Helen's and Wilfred's nightly debaucheries. He was pretty sure everyone knew, but no one spoke up.

Let those who are broken confine in each other.

It was what Titus had told Scott. In angered him deeply, however, he knew there was nothing he could do.

Nothing but this. He received orders to add more members to the Kräfte. They were to begin immediately and spread bias propaganda about the Titan Shifter known as Eren Yeager. For what reason was beyond most people, but Scott saw it as the ideal chance to sway the common folk towards Eren's side. Having the back of the people was the surest way of usurping this kingdom without any problems.

However, back to the topic, Scott knew what must be done. He had already gone out and begun the recruitment process. Now, all he had to do was deal with two certain people. Those people stood in front of him.

He relayed the news.

They seemed indifferent about it.

And so, Helen and Wilfred were relieved of duties and any obligations to the Kräfte.

"That plan is quite scary. To predict it down to such minuscule detail. Are you sure it will pan out like that?"


"If it doesn't?"

"It will."



"...Fine, I'll trust you. By the way, have you met with Hugo?"

"Yes, before Trost. He updated me on everything. It seems all preparations are almost in order."

"I just hope it goes off without a hitch."

"If there is one, we'll adapt. We always do.