
Chapter 18

Luffy and the others looked ahead and saw a small shadow of what Luffy believed to be the restaurant they were going to.

"Ah, it turns out you guys are going to Baratie," Johnny said getting all their attention.

"You've been there?" asked Nami and Johnny nodded.

"Yes, I've been there," he said. "The food there is really delicious. But recently I heard rumors about a man with eagle eyes appearing there," he said while looking at Zoro. When Luffy and Zoro heard what he said, both of them smiled slightly, however, Luffy's smile was less noticeable compared to Zoro's.

When the ship was about fifty feet away from the restaurant, Luffy and the crew were startled by loud trumpets and bells ringing coming from the starboard side of the ship. Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw a Marine ship appear beside them, causing all of their eyes to widen at the fact that the Marine was sneaking up on them so easily.

Luffy got up from his throne and walked towards the main deck of the ship before he jumped on one of the railings and stood there staring at the marines with Zoro by his side.

"I've never seen that pirate flag before," said a pink-haired marine as she walked to the edge of the ship. "I'm Ironfist Fullbody, but you can call me Master," said the marine while looking at Luffy. Luffy knew that he was one of those marines who was too proud for his own good.

"I don't remember asking who you are," said Luffy in an emotionless tone. Fullbody was clearly irritated by Luffy's comment, so he clenched his fist and pounded it against one of the marine ship's rails before he screamed at Luffy.

"Who do you think you are, a snot-nosed brat?" asked / shouted Fullbody.

"I?" Luffy asked while pointing at himself "I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of this ship" he said.

"Why don't I recognize your flag?" asked Fullbody. Luffy looked at him like he was an idiot before he answered.

"Hmm, maybe because I just made it yesterday," said Luffy. When Luffy said that he saw Fullbody's face smirk before he started laughing.

"Is it true?" he asked condescendingly. Full body was about to speak again but something caught his eye. He looked towards the main cabin of Luffy's ship and saw two men hiding there.

Luffy looked up to see what Fullbody was seeing and saw Johnny and Yosaku peeking out the door. "You two," he said, looking at Johnny and Yosaku.

"You two Bounty hunters chasing a small bounty aren't you," said Fullbody mockingly. A beautiful woman in a red dress then walked out from behind Fullbody and spoke to him.

"Come on honey, let's go," the woman said as she clung to Fullbody's arm. Fullbody looked at him and nodded before turning to Luffy and crew, then he started walking away. As he was walking away Johnny jumped out and took out a stack of wanted posters and threw them in the air screaming.

"Do you think any small-time Bounty hunter will come after these people!" he shouted as wanted posters scattered across the ship. Fullbody paid no heed to Johnny, instead, Fullbody looked down at his subordinates and gave an order before abandoning the ship.

"They're an eyesore, drown them," he said before leaving. When he said that, his marines pointed one of their cannons at Luffy which caused him to narrow his eyes.

"They're pointing cannons right at us!" Usopp shouted. Luffy raised his hand to silence Usopp before he could speak.

"Relax, I'll handle it" he said, which caused everyone but Nami to look at him to see what he was going to do. Without any warning, the marine fired the cannon directly at Luffy.

Luffy just stood there and stared at the flying cannonball, before he reached out his right hand and caught the cannonball, causing all the marines, Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku's eyes to widen.

"Now that's not good," said Luffy in a tone that made the marines want to wet their pants. Luffy then pulled his arm back and enveloped the cannonballs in electricity which caused blue sparks to appear around the cannonballs.

He then hurled the cannonballs at lightning speed towards the mainmast of the Marine ship. The core then collided with the mainmast and exploded destroying the mast and most of the deck, as well as bouncing a group of marines.

Johnny and Yosaku stared at the sight with their mouths wide open. They had never seen anything like this before. They had heard stories of people with devil fruits and the things they could do, but they had never actually seen someone with the fruit.

Fullbody who was already in the skiff with the lady in red and the two marines quickly ordered the two marines to turn the canoe over after they heard an explosion in their boat.

Luffy jumped off the fence and turned to face his men. He was about to speak but Johnny spoke before he even had the chance.

"Wow, Luffy aniki," he said while Yosaku looked at Luffy. "You can destroy a Marine ship with one strike," he said causing Luffy to turn around and look at the burning marine ship and speak.

They were lucky I didn't completely destroy the damn ship he said causing their eyes to widen. Luffy then turned back to his crew and spoke.

"I'm hungry, let's eat" he said as he formed a small boat out of the thundercloud to fly everyone to the restaurant. As everyone got on the little cloud Luffy saw Nami staring at the wanted poster in her hands causing Luffy to narrow his eyes at Nami.

'What exactly are you hiding' Luffy thought to himself before he turned around and jumped into the clouds. As Luffy jumped in, a few seconds later, Nami joined them with a fake smile on her face, which Luffy could clearly see. Luffy leaned over to Zoro who was sitting next to him and whispered in his ear.

"Watch Nami for me" he said causing Zoro to look at him oddly before nodding and narrowing his eyes at Nami. When the crew reached the door of the restaurant, they jumped from the clouds and Luffy pushed both large doors open.

When the door opened, everyone in the restaurant stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Luffy and his crew. It's clear that they are pirates, and it's even clearer who their captain is based on how Luffy is dressed.

Luffy noticed several women in the restaurant looking at him with a slight blush on their faces. Luffy saw a man walking towards them holding a silver plate.

He is a muscular man with lots of hair on his arms and legs wearing a short-sleeved blue shirt with yellow buttons down the sides, and light blue on the cuffs.

He wears knee-length shorts that are the same color as his shirt, along with brown shoes. She also wears a white apron, a pink ascot, a earring in her right ear, and a white string tied around her head.

"Hello and welcome to Baratie," he said with a smile on his face that was clearly fake. "May I ask how you will pay for your meal?" he asked causing Luffy to laugh before answering.

"With the money of course" she replied causing Patty's fake smile to be replaced with a real smile before she spoke again.

"Then allow me to show you to your table" he said before leading Luffy and crew to an empty table. "Your waiter will be right over to take your order," he said as he handed out the menu.

Luffy nodded in understanding before looking through the menu. Five minutes later a blonde man wearing a black suit came to the table and spoke.

"Hello, my name is Sanji. I am the sous chef here but will be acting as your waiter for today," he said with a cigarette in his mouth.

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