
1. Reincarnation

In a lab somewhere in the United Kingdom researchers had been working day and night on a certain project. This project was of great significance. If succesfull they would have a weapon that could counter the infamous vampire Alucard. Even though he is under the control of the Hellsing organization they wanted an option to take down Alucard should he go rogue.

For years they had been unsuccesfull but now things were looking more promising than ever. Inside a glass container in the lab the clone of Alucard was laying motionless. Today is the day that they would attempt to awaken the clone.

The lab was fortified by a hundred men carrying assault rifles equipped with silver bullets dipped in holy water. If the clone of Alucard turned out the way as intended this would not nearly be enough to take him down. There probably would not even be a way to take him down. However there was always the chance that a normal bloodthirsty vampire came out so better safe than sorry.

As they turned on the equipment to awaken the clone everything proceeded smoothly. The progress bar went from 0% to 50% without any problems. But then the equipment started short circuiting. And at 80% the equipment blew up. All that remained was the glass container with the clone body still inside of it.

In another dimension a dangerous situation was in the making. A lunatic carrying a submachine gun was holding a bank hostage. However the police were near the scene and took him by surprise. But they could not get a clear shot at him. And he had a girl hostage. The police tried to calm the man down but he would not listen to them.

The situation became even more grave when the bank robber pulled out a grenade from his pocket and pulled the pin. "Let me go with the money or I will take everybody here with me to the afterlife." The bank robber said in a desperate tone. The police did not know what to do. But then the alarm went off and it spooked the robber dropping the grenade to the ground. Everybody was scared now. The bank was just a small building with not many places to hide. And there were about twenty people inside.

Sam was one of those people. He was just a broke kid trying to make ends meet. He came here to get a small loan to pay for his university tuition. But when he saw the grenade drop on the ground he saw his life flash before his eyes. He knew he would die. So he acted as a hero and jumped on top of the grenade. At least like this the others would have a chance to survive. The moment he laid on top of the grenade it went off.

BOOOOOMMMMMM!!! Everybody screamed but then they realized they were still alive. They were however frightened. Blood and intestines were everywhere. Everybody was covered in it. The bank robber was also stunned. Giving the police enough time to subdue the man.

After everything was over other authorities showed up to the scene. More police, ambulances and other people came. Some of the officers heard about the story and gave a salute to the man that gave up his life for the others. Not that Sam could see or hear this gesture.

Sam was already somewhere else. In a room that appeared to be an office. A luxurious wooden desk stood in the center of the room. Bookshelves filling the walls with all kinds of books. A man was sitting behind the desk on a luxurious black leather chair. His face hidden behind a book. With the title Sam Sanguis. His long white hair was visible even with the book covering his face.

"So Sam, quite the heroic feat you accomplished. You are one of the youngest men that have caught my interest due to your good karma from your last action. And so I have an offer for you. I am the god of reïncarnation. I could send you to heaven, where you can follow a normal life. Not having to worry about disease, famine or aging. It is a beautiful place however it lacks action. Every day will be peaceful. Some enjoy this however others seek thrill and this is not for them. The other option would be to reincarnate you. There is a body laying inside a research lab that does not have a soul. The body is stronger than even your wildest dreams. You will be nigh unkillable.

You will become a clone of the strongest True Vampire. However you will be your own person. You can even choose your own appearance. And as a bonus reward for your karma I will give you a pair of pistols. Superior even to Alucard's. One pristine white pistol. A holy weapon that you can use. The other pistol will be pitch black. A demonic pistol. Alucard the one the body is cloned of cannot wield holy weapons however I will bless you with this ability.

With these weapons you should be able to take out almost all enemies. And as you drink the blood of your enemies and take their souls you will gain familiars to fight by your side. You will not get the familiars of Alucard since the familiars are stored in the soul. The body you will be given does not have a soul until I plant yours in it. Should you decide to go for a new life.

The world you are going to is about to become quite chaotic. It's story has ended and. Extra-dimensional civilizations and beings are planning to invade that world. Factions will rise from their slumber to fight these threats. New heroes will emerge. And you will pick your own path in this new world.

You can choose to live peacefully in this chaotic world or fight against these invaders and other monsters that roam the world. It is entirely up to you. You can now make your own choice." The god of reincarnation explained.

'My last life was already boring. I only worked to pay for my tuition and to get a good job. I can live a peaceful life in heaven but will I truly be content with that? I want some action. The thrill of hunting monsters and other beings would be nice. And the powers I gain would be unthinkable for a normal person. I think I have made my choice. I would rather have an eventful exciting life.' Sam thought to himself.

"I see you have already decided. So do you want to keep the appearance of your body or the body you will be put in?" The god asked.

"I want to make some changes. I want the hair to have strands of silver. And I want to have the looks of a 21 year old male supermodel. Would that be alright?" Sam asked.

"That would be as easy as lifting a finger. What do you want your true name to be? A true vampire is a demon and demon's need a true name." The god said.

"Well I want my name to be Apollo. But I can not really think of more. According to stories true names can be dangerous if known by your enemies. Maybe i will use my old name for my true name. So Apollo Sam Sanguis will be my true name." Sam said.

"Ooh, you are quite smart. You were right about a demon's true name. A good choice. A small tip. Never tell your true name to somebody. However the name you carry must always be a part of your true name. So I suggest you call yourself Apollo since you like that name." The god said.

"Well let us not waste any more time. You have picked your choice. Good luck. And happy hunting Apollo Sam Sanguis."

The moment the god said the last words the room they were in started shaking. Reality started bending and the world lost it's color. It took a while for everything to become normal again but he was already somewhere else now. He could feel the liquid around him. He was in a glass container of some kind.

"Call Sir Integra immediately. The test subject has awakened." The researcher screamed to his assistant. After so many failures they had finally been successfull. What seemed to be a failed experiment suddenly became a massive succes. It was a shame all the instruments were broken so they could not replicate the feat unless they figured out what had happened.

This was just an idea of mine. I think Alucard is just a badass character and i wanted to make a character similar to him. And there are too little fan-fics about Hellsing. however this story will not follow the plot. this world will face new dangers. new monsters, aliens and other creatures.

If you don’t like this then that is fine. I write this just for my own amusement and maybe some others will enjoy it too.

if you have any suggestions for enemies or other factions or heroes please comment them on this paragraph.

And if you see any grammatical mistakes or other mistakes I appreciate it if you point them out. english is not my native language.

Mr_Ink2065creators' thoughts