
Through the Multiverse

There our MC is heading in to finish up a drug run when he dies, meeting the one and only Truck-kun. He received a few wishes. Now he starts his journey in twilight as a guy in twilight what else is there to do. follow alongside out mc as he travels in books, movies, tv shows, and anime. expect the mc to Manipulative, cruel, to some and Helpful and kind to others. I own nothing besides the oc. Not even the cover found it on pinterest

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62 Chs


It took me long then I thought to assimilate the soul and it gave me an of perks better than the Lil bitch form the last world. When I was having a good time eating the queen's daughter's soul she has been having it rough. She broke down at some point her husband and daughter just hurling abuse at her for taking my 'side'. It is funny to watch the once manipulative queen being torn down day by day by her own family. She is also getting reports from her kingdom that it is tearing its self apart from the inside the 'Heros' are not doing much better drowning them selves in their sorrows in booze and lady it is kind of sad how easily their conviction was ripped from them and all that is left is a sad shell of men. From what I head the Melromarc kingdom is doing just as well as the hero's they have almost no alive nobles all of them either killed or ran away taking what little they have left only to be taken out by 'bandits' on the road. Shit's getting wild.

As I ponder the old turtle enters "Hello young one I have talked with everyone and all but a few agree so as soon as we can we are getting ready to go and leave this world to yours." He says excitedly to see new stuff. I nod "Yes I will leave some vampires to help with the transportation, who did not want to come?" " Oh nobody just some of the lesser know tribes of the north" I just shrug "oh well I need to prepare for the wave nothing I can do for them." I nod and head into my world meeting up with my scientists.

Walking into the researched department some of the scientists walks over-excited "Come come we have finished" Walking into the back room I am greeted with a pitch black Valyrian forged Tungsten, The armor of a whole looks like Everchosen Varangaurd knight for 40k dragon bone for the horns and enchanted dragon leather for the joints and underneath the plate. Going further down I see the rest of my marines armor and 30 mm autocannons. I call out thirty marines to get armored up and to check out their weapons and armor. Having them go practice and I will call them later. I thank the scientist and head out to go and talk to Filo and Rachidial.

Finding them was harder than I thought I finally found them inside my study hanging out "How about your few days of rest?" The lookover at me "It was nice to finally rest and get ready for the wave." Filo nods "Yea and not go days without sleep and just fight and fight.." It was depressing to listen to them complain about exactly well not exactly what they asked for. "Fine, you guys don't have to train any more but don't complain to me when you get your asses kicked by different monsters" They both get quite. "Well maybe your training can be lessened by a bit but you will not slack off during the training time." "YES" they both seem happy to no have to train as much as they did before. "alright are both of you ready to head to the next wave?" "yes" "I am" "Alright you guys head into my castle and wait with the rest start calling in the newly armored marines" They both nod and head off.

Looking around and heading to the church I am greeted by the Priestess "Hello Shield hero, thank you for offering all of the demi-humans a place in your world, Would it be possible to set up a church there?" I think on this for a few moments not seeing the harm "Sure I don't mind as long as you guys don't go all cult on me in there" I chuckle "I will let the rest of the Priests know the good news" I smile "sounds good ill go and check the hour glass."

Walking over to the hour glass and checking it an hour to go huh.. wonder how the heroes will deal with the wave now that they don't have hardly any will between them. I call out to Igor "Hey Igor Send out three squads to the surrounding kingdoms and grab up all of the peasants and demi-humans and start brining them into my world make them do it fast but don't get caught." He nods and heads back to my world and taking out all of the squads. Thinking over this wave I think I remember a black-haired chick I think she is a Vassal weapon holder I think she is the Fan or something holder. then there are the soul eaters I think only magic attacks can kill them besides those two the rest are fodder. I will play it safe and decide I am going to take the undead and marines to watch over Filo and Raphtalia making sure they have fun and don't die a stupid death.

While deep in thought I see the flashing get stronger and stronger. It seems to be time to head out sending a mental message to my troops to prepare. I feel space around me pull me through.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter thanks for reading.