
Through the endless depths of love

Cute and innocent Kate is terminaly ill. She knows she would die soon, but before she dies, she must fulfil her one and only wish,to fall in love. She must experience what it means to love someone romantically. But under one strange condition-The man must not fall in love with her because she dosent want him to suffer when she’s gone. Unfortunately that condition dosent come to past when she meets James-Saint Patrick, a kind prince charming man but with a very dark past. When their love begins to bloom, Kate’s illness begins to reveal it’s ugly head. How would prince charming James take this news?

Melvin_Adeambowen · Fantasía
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2 Chs

A Fateful Encounter

Kate lived a normal life devoid of any complications. After she completed her education, she was given the opportunity to work in a wealthy construction company but she refused. Rather she decided to take a job in an orphanage and take care of the children. Kate really loved children and hence her job. She read stories to them, played with them during recess and even helped the cleaners clean the rooms. Everyone at the orphanage really loved her.

Weekend had arrived. She bought a few provisions at the supermarket, walked into her car and drove to the country side, where her father and her aunt resided. After a two hour drive, Kate arrived at her destination. She blew the horn of the car to let everyone know that she had arrived. Her father gave her a big hug and they both walked into the house. Her aunt prepared lunch and they feasted. They had a long talk and cracked a lot of jokes.

After the meal Kate sat outside enjoying the view of the countryside and going through her text messages. A few minutes later, her father called for her. She answered immediately, left everything she was doing and went to meet her father.

''I'm sorry my darling could you run an errand for me.''

"Of course dad" She replied and immediately begun her task. Kate walked into the market place to purchase the item her father wanted. She arrived at a location which was supposed to have what she was looking for.

''I thought it was supposed to be here. It's weird for them to be closed at this time of the day" Kate begun to ask a few people around her but none of them could help her with what she wanted.

'This is going to be difficult'' She said to herself

'I need to also get home fast'' She added. As she stood still looking confused of what to do, The voice of a young man arrived at her door step.

'Excuse me. Can I help you. You look like you need help with something' Kate turned to man who was standing behind her.

"I'll be fine. I just need to purchase a few goods. Thanks for your concern"Kate had already cut off her conversation with the young man

"I could help you with that. You don't look like you're from around here.'

'I am. It's just that I haven't been to this part of the town in a while.' Kate accepted the help of the young man then he walked her to a new location where Kate purchased her item.

'It was nice meeting you Miss yellow scarf.' He said while staring at Kate's scarf wrapped around her neck."

"Nice meeting you too. My name is Kate by the way' She felt the need to at least exchange identities with him for helping her find what she was looking for. To add to that, she would be returning back to the city the day after Lorrelorrow.

'And I'm James. James Saint-Patrick" After they both shook hands, Kate turned and begun walking away.

'I hope we meet again" He shouted out. Kate arrived back home and delivered the goods back to her father.

The day arrived for Kate to return back to the city. She exchanged goodbyes with her father, hopped into her car and drove off. Kate's journey was a night drive. She had received a call from the orphanage which required her to return the next day. As she drove back home, ice had covered the roads so she drove slowly. Her house was located at the south side of the city so she had to drive for one more hour before she could reach her apartment. The roads were pretty empty at this time. The road from the county side to the city was located near a forest area. In fact, the whole area was surrounded by thick green trees. The icy road was definitely dangerous but Kate was used to it already. She was always a careful driver and even though the road was empty, she still drove slowly. After she made a sharp turn to the right side of the road, she accelerated a little when, out of the blue a deer walked across the road. Kate suddenly hit the brakes which made her car drift towards the left part of the road. She held the wheel tightly and brought the car to an abrupt stop.Thankfully, the deer too was safe. It had sensed the danger and run off immediately before anything could happen to it. Kate made a huge sigh with both her eyes closed. When she opened her eyes, she noticed another car outside the road with it lights on. When Kate noticed more carefully, she realized that they had hit a tree and damaged their car.

'Oh no. I hope they're fine." Later Kate realized that her abrupt stop might have been the cause for they're accident. Kate immediately rushed out of her car to the other car. A man in who looked like someone in his mid thirties walked out of the car and stared at the damaged which had been caused to his poor vehicle.

'I'm so so sorry sir. There was this deer crossing the road and I hadn't noticed it early…

The man continued to stare at the damage caused as if he had not even seen or heard Kate speak.

'What should we do about this sir.' Said the man. When Kate realized that the man was just a driver, she followed him to the back seat where a grown man sat comfortably with his head relaxed.

Kate begun to explain herself again about the deer. But she was cut off along the line

'Well she'll just have to pay for the damages then"

'Oh no. This is bad' She said to herself. Where would she get the money to pay for this kind of damage? What trouble had she gotten herself into now?

As Kate's thoughts were clouded in desperation, another man came into the picture from the other side of the car.

'Oh it's you Miss yellow scarf.' Said the other man.

'James?' Kate called out his name

'It seems fate has brought us together again.' He said.

'Do you know this woman James' Asked the grown man.

'Yes sir. She's my girlfriend.' Replied James. Even though Kate was the one in trouble, she boiled when she heard James address her as his girlfriend

'Excuse me?' James immediately signaled Kate to remain calm. This was just an act to save her from the situation at hand. Somehow Kate understood all that with just a single hand sign from James

"Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend James." Asked the grown man

"Well you see sir. We're still a new couple so not many people know." The grown man sighed and turned to Kate. He kept on a smiley face and finally begun to speak.

"If you're James' girlfriend. Then you have nothing to worry about. James is my most dedicated worker so I'll let this one pass."

"Thank you very much sir." James walked Kate to her car as she thanked him over and over again. As she turned on her car to drive away. James stopped her.

"Come on. You could at least give me your number."

"Fine." Said Kate. She grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down her number within a split second.

"Thank you Miss Yellow scarf" Said James. Kate frowned at him and then replied

"My name is Kate not Miss yellow scarf. Can you you please stop calling me that." Then she drove away.