
Through The Bind

It all began with the legendary story of the supernatural werewolves that Richard told his girlfriend, Andria, and their friend, Ivy, which kept their attention toward it. The inquisitive Andria wants to visit the place with Ivy. They were behind the back fence of the vineyard owned by one of Richard’s friends. Is there really a very large pit and an unusual forest behind it, as Richard heard from the farmer at the vineyard? If the legendary story is true, do the werewolves still live in the forest? Will Ivy find out the unending legendary story of the werewolves and the tragedy behind the large pit? Or will it remain hidden in the forest, dubbed "THE CRITTEST FOREST"!!!

Nithyyamohana · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 5

Ivy becomes curious about what her parents are going to say about what the fortune teller told.

Rosa sits beside Ivy and holds her hand, then takes a bigger breath, inhales and exhales, to tell the truth.

"Alright, when you were 4 years old, while I was working in our garden, I fainted. Your dad took me and you to the nearby clinic for a check-up."

Charly continues to talk of his part.

"You and I both are waiting for your mom's check-up done outside. A while later, a nurse came out and said your mom was pregnant. I was so happy to have a second child."

Ivy gets shocked because it is her first time hearing about the matter.

Then Rosa continues to talk.

"After I woke up and found out the good news, we told our family and relative after taking our first checkup at the prenatal care. The next day, we left you at Andria's house and went to the prenatal care for the check-up," said Rosa.

"When they are running the check-up, I was with your mom. The doctor scanned your mom's stomach. After that, the doctor told us to calm down and listen to her and told us our second child got aborted."

"We got heartbroken when we heard the bad news, and we decided not to tell anyone and keep the secret to ourselves. At first, I didn't trust her, so I asked her to tell me something that we didn't share with others. Then, she revealed our secret to us, and we got shocked and trust in her power." said Rosa to Ivy.

"That's why your mom wants you to see the fortune teller. If she can see our past of ours, then she could see your future too, right?" explain Charly.

"Mom...Dad, I'm sorry I didn't know about this. It would be hard to overcome, and thanks for telling me now." Ivy's sobbing while telling her parents.

Ivy wipes her tears and says, "Alright mom, as your wish, I will come with you to see the fortune teller. So, let's cheer up guys, mom, let's prepare the lunch. I will help you."

Charlie and Rosaline both sigh in relief after telling the truth to Ivy. Rosaline and Ivy go to the kitchen to prepare lunch and chat while preparing it. A few minutes later, they did preparing the lunch and have it.

"Wow! Oh my god, the food is extra delicious today. Is it delicious because her mom helped my dear daughter to prepare it?" Charly is praising Ivy.

"So, are you telling me it is less delicious when I'm cooking alone?" asked Rosa doubtfully.

"No honey, I'm kidding, just kidding." Charly pleasing his wife.

"Fine, if you guys got ready to visit the fortune teller," said Rosa.

"Then Ivy goes to change first. I'll help your mom wash the dishes," said Charly.

"Who said I'm going to wash the dishes with you? You're going to do it alone; I'm going to change too."

"Honey, I'm sorry please forgive me." whined Charly.

Ivy while giggling and ask, "Let me help you, dad."

"It's alright, dear. I will impress your mom with my dishwashing talent. Quickly, go change or your mom will scold me for taking your time."

Ivy goes into her room and gets a change of her dress. In a few minutes, they walked out of the house and Ivy asked should drive the car to the destination, but her mom refused and said she lives nearby. So, they can take a walk and could digest the food.

After 10 minutes of walking, they reach their destination.

"Mom, is she lives nearby the river?" asked Ivy.

"Yes dear, it is so beautiful, and you can feel relief in living in a peaceful place like this," said Rosa.

"Then, shall we get inside the house?" said Charly.

Charlie presses the calling bell.

*Ding Dong...Ding Dong...Ding Dong*

The main gate opens automatically, and as they walk into the house, a young girl comes and opens the door. She is quite cute as she welcomes them inside the house.

"Hello sir and ma'ams, welcome. Please wait in the living room. I will inform my mom that you had come." said the cute girl.

"Yes, sure dear, we will wait here," said Rosa.

The cute girl goes inside a room to inform her mom.

"Mom, isn't she so cute? And the fortune teller has a daughter?" asked Ivy.

"Yes Ivy, she is the fortuneteller's daughter, and she is the single mother," Rosa explained to Ivy.

'The cute girl is running toward us and calls us to inform us we can go inside the room to see the fortune teller.'

The three of them go inside the room. Inside the room, the fortune teller sits in a chair. They sit on her opposite chair, and there has a table between them. The room goes silent for a few minutes.

The fortune teller speaks up, "So, from the three of you, who do I need to start first?" she asked.

Rosa tells her and asks a few questions. "It's for my daughter, Ivy. We want to know when she will get married and, by chance, can you tell where the groom is?"

"Mom!? Is that why you bring me here? I thought you are going to ask how our life will be in the future or the present?" said Ivy.

"May both of the parents wait outside?" said the fortuneteller lady.

"But why? Can't we stay here and listen? asked Rosa.

"Come, honey, she must have the reason, and Ivy can comfortably ask a few questions about her life by herself. She, not a child, you know," said Charly to Rosa.

"Alright, we will wait outside," said Rosa. Then she whispers to Ivy, "Don't forget to tell me your marriage details of what the lady tells you afterwards."

Then, they both walk outside and sat in the living room. The cute little girl brings some snacks and coffee for them to have while they are waiting for Ivy.

"So now, you tell me what you want to ask me." asked the fortune teller lady to Ivy.