
What's the plan?

- There's something I need to tell you.

- ... I'm listening.

- Your mother... she was killed by Elias.

- ...

- ...

- ...

- Your father told us.

- ...

- ...

A deathly silence spanning several decades? Describing the scene in such a way would be an understatement.

The silence was so palpable that it became stressful. At least for Atlas, because Asha... she wasn't present anymore, she simply didn't think about anything, or perhaps she was actually thinking about all sorts of things.

'My mother... killed by... Owen!? ... When? ... Why? Does... does he know who I am? ... Does it have something to do with my father?'

- I can't believe it. She said, filled with doubt.

- I understand. It must be hard to learn such a thing about the man you work for.

- It's not as simple as that.

- Hmmm?

She began to remember her past, what had led her to Elias' side. Memories that had their good moments, but far too many bad ones for her to hold back a tear.

At the young age of 5, she ran joyfully out of her house to greet her mother who was finally returning after a long day outside.

It was an afternoon, and a beautiful sunset could be seen in the distance amidst the many trees of the town. But when she approached her parents, she found Owen on the ground and her mother, Jenn, in his arms.

"Mama? Did you fall? It must have hurt, let me help you up," she said in her innocent little voice.

It was a surprise for her when she reached out to her mother and received no response.

- Look, daddy, she's sleeping even though she just fell, haha!

- Y-Yes! She... she's sleeping. Haha! Owen replied, unable to hold back his sobs any longer. Perhaps the innocence of his little girl, who didn't understand the situation, only intensified his tears.

Asha didn't understand what was happening until the next day when she didn't feel her mother's lips on her forehead to wake her up.

Looking back now, she vaguely remembers seeing a figure in the distance turning around and staring at them for a good ten seconds with a sinister look before continuing on their way.

That's when she realized that Atlas is indeed telling the truth.

Everything started to make sense to her. Like the fact that Elias hates her father to the point of wanting to kill him.

Elias is driven by a deep desire for revenge and is willing to commit all sorts of atrocities to satisfy this desire and make Owen pay for his actions.

However, she wondered why Elias had agreed to take her under his wing. Didn't he recognize her? Or is it simply part of a more complex plan?

Regardless, if she wants answers to her questions, Asha will have to confront this reality head-on, and fortunately, she was aware of that.


- Atlas...

- ...

- ... I'm going to kill him.

- *sigh* You're not the only one who wants that. I have a few scores to settle with him too. Atlas added, clenching his fist as if determined to fight at any moment.

- So you too?

- Yeah, he has a map that I'm very interested in.

- The so-called map that can show all the routes.

- That's the one.

- I might be able to help you then. I can tell you where he hides it.

- Oh yeah!?

- Of course, I've been there for ten long years. I've had plenty of time to discover all sorts of things.

- That's perfect. I'll take action soon. Maybe in the next few hours. Attacking at night will be better for the element of surprise.

- Tomorrow is Dragon Day. Just to ensure the security of the black market with everyone there, Elias will bring in more guards. But on top of that, he's also keeping a close eye on us. It won't be easy to reach him.

- Exactly, we should take advantage of this moment to catch him off guard. He probably planned to take advantage of the distraction to attack us, since he hasn't shown any signs since yesterday's incident. So, we'll advance our attack time to increase our chances. The only problem is that right now, we can only make assumptions about his plan. Maybe he's also prepared to attack tonight. Atlas added, deep in thought.

- So, how do you plan to do it?

- Well... hmmmm... let's just say we'll go with our instincts.

- Instincts!? You're not going to come up with a plan?

- Instead of relying on a plan, which will probably fail, I think it's better to adapt to our opponent's plan to counter it. That way, "his" plan will fail.

- That's... an interesting way of thinking.


The sun was about to set, and its rays pierced through the forest canopy, illuminating the ground and the river with their beauty. Atlas suggested to Asha that they stay a little longer in the forest to admire the scenery.

- This forest offers a more extraordinary spectacle than I would have imagined. Do you want to stay a little longer?

- Yes, I never get tired of it.

They sat together on a large rock by the river.

- By the way, I just noticed, that scratch on your cheek, it's because of me.

- Don't worry, I can barely feel it anymore.

- Come closer! She said, motioning with her hand.

With a slightly timid gesture, Atlas approached slowly. Then Asha began to touch his cheek. As soon as Asha's fingers touched his skin, his heart skipped a beat.

He may be strong, very powerful compared to others his age, he may play tough, act like a badass guy, but he was still an 18-year-old boy longing to experience the joys of a woman.

After gently touching the scratch on Atlas' face, Asha cast a spell with her sweet voice.

Magic of trees:


A green glow as vibrant as the leaves of a tree shone where Asha's thumb touched.

As it covered the scratch, it began to fade until it was no longer visible. It was a healing spell derived directly from magic of trees.

- Thank you! Atlas said, smiling.

- You're welcome. It's the least I can do for you.

- To thank you for healing me, I'll show you something. Atlas added, pointing his fingers at the river water.

Asha, paying attention to what he was doing, could now witness a spectacle worthy of mention:

A small whirlpool formed in the water in front of them, despite the river's current.

And as Atlas extended both hands to concentrate, three dolphins began to emerge from the surface, performing all sorts of acrobatics. Their form may not have been precise, given Atlas' mastery, but it was still magnificent.

Despite all this, Asha's wonder had only just begun. This dolphin show was in full swing when a sea monster in the form of a megalodon came and swallowed the dolphins in one gulp, only to be swallowed by the sea itself.

- Wow! Magnificent! Exclaimed Asha.

- I am inspired by the stars in your eyes. Said Atlas in a charming tone, displaying his best handsome face.

- You're not trying to hit on me, are you?

- It could be. He replied, winking.

- Hahaha! Nice try.

- Huh!?

- We'd better go join the others. Even if you want to go by instinct, a little preparation would be welcome. Asha suggested, getting up.

- If you say so.

'Oh well! Where did I go wrong? My plan was perfect. Plus, with all my expertise, it should have worked. Well, it was my first time with a girl, but it can't be that complicated. Can it?' thought Atlas, forgetting to get up.

- Come on, let's go!

- Oh! Sorry.

'He's cute when he gets lost in his thoughts like that,' Asha thought as she looked at Atlas, smiling.

The two then continued on their way back to the hideout of Owen.


- I'm back! Atlas said as he entered the hideout's door.

- Hmmm? You weren't followed here, were you?

- Ohhh! Too serious, Alpheus, relax.

Alpheus looked at him dissatisfied, with a look that said "tell me what I want to hear or I'll kick your ass!" So after swallowing his saliva, Atlas hurriedly said:

- Don't worry, I don't think we were followed.


Now that he was face to face with his daughter again, Owen didn't know what to say to her, but still felt a strange need to talk to her.

- *Ahem* I heard that something bad happened to you. How are you doi...

- This is not the time to play the loving father. We have work to do, and very little time to prepare. Elias could attack at any moment.

- ...

The old man, already unsure of what to say, preferred to quietly retreat, under the furious gaze of his daughter and the perplexed looks of the two travelers, eager to be out of this room.

- Come on, boys, we need to talk.

- Uh... are you sure...

- ... I don't feel like talking about this. Anyway, he should have expected it. Asha replied curtly to Atlas.

- ...

- Can we change the subject? It's getting awkward. Alpheus suggested, not wanting to get involved any further.

- Of course, I didn't want to continue either.

- So, Atlas. Please tell me you have a plan.

- Of course! I discussed it with Asha.

- And so...

Before Alpheus could even hear the long-awaited answer, Asha was already hiding her face, not wanting to appear complicit in Atlas's absurd plan.

- The plan is simple.

- Yes...

- Well... the plan is that there is no plan!

- *sigh* Why am I not surprised at all? Alpheus asked, hiding his face just like the young elf.

- Let me explain before you judge me.

- We're listening, Atlas. Asha said to him.

- Actually, the real strength of this plan is that we will act against all their expectations. They probably think we will come well-prepared with an infallible plan that we have devised in advance, and that they will certainly counter, since we are on their territory. But we will do the opposite of all that: No plans, just go with the flow!

- I apologize to the lady present here for the words I am about to utter. "But you're fucking dumb, Atlas!!!"

- Hey, come on! It's not that bad, really.

- It is! We will be alone facing an army led by a madman, on a terrain he knows by heart. How can you think that the best plan is to have no plan? Alpheus added, regaining his usual calm.

- Alright. I'm just too lazy to think of a plan.

- Lazy bum! Asha said, teasing him.

- Besides... let's look at the bright side. It will at least allow me to gauge your strength.

- Don't speak as if you were our leader. Alpheus replied, looking at him from the corner of his eye.

- Might makes right, Alpheus. Might makes right.

- Tss...

- Stop bickering. We need to focus. Asha said, interrupting the two companions' discussion.

- ...

- I'll take you on anytime, anywhere. Atlas whispered, signaling to Alpheus that he will crush him, trying not to attract Asha's attention.

- The advantage we have is that I'll be with you. Elias isn't the only one who knows the area well, so we have a chance. Asha said, preparing to explain her plan.

“If we wait until tomorrow, we will definitely be at a disadvantage, especially because of the map we have to steal. It will be the day of the dragon and the black market will be a little more populated than usual. So no choice, tonight we will steal your map and you will help me settle things once and for all with Elias.”



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