
Bit of memory

Upon waking up, both Atlas and Alpheus had done a one-hour meditation session each on their own for their personal training.

After getting ready to continue their journey, they met downstairs at the inn, where they finally had something decent to eat.

- We should avoid lingering here. Alpheus said to his companion.

- It's still very early in the morning, the state institutions shouldn't be open yet. So let's consider the possibility that we still have a few hours. Atlas replied.

- If you say so, but it's still imprudent.

- I know, but there are also a few things I need to take care of before leaving the city.

- Same here, I plan on doing some shopping myself. Alpheus informed, getting up from his seat.

- In that case, let's meet in... hmmm... about 2 hours, outside the city.

- Sounds good to me.

- See you then.

They went their separate ways to run errands or attend to personal needs.

Atlas headed towards a small shop where several clothes were on display for passers-by. The clothes looked very stylish, catching Atlas' attention as he wanted to not only change his cape but also his other garments.

Alpheus, on the other hand, opted to restock on healing potions for their small group before tending to his own clothes. He bought himself white garments, unlike his companion who preferred to match his new red cape with black clothing.

With their worn-out clothes replaced, Atlas was able to fully enjoy everything the city had to offer in terms of entertainment. He noticed a small plateau in the distance that offered a view of the entire city. When he ventured there, he could observe the magnificence of the city, especially with the four gigantic gates in the distance and the numerous trees, which were one of the few differences compared to Valley, where there were none at all.

After taking a deep breath, Atlas sat down on the grass, contemplating the view in front of him and began to reflect.


Ahhhh... I've come a long way to get here. By the way, when was the last time I had a view like this? Hmm... I think it was the day I met Master Gaïus.

Now that I think about it, my master is quite the phenomenon. It's true that I was at rock bottom when he took me in, but he didn't even ask for my opinion.

After losing everyone who could be considered family to me, I had to make my way to the forest... hmm... for certain reasons. At that time, I was only 9 years old, and the only way for me to survive was to flee into the forest.

I lived there for a whole year. I hunted the most accessible animals for me, like rabbits and other small game. And I did my best to avoid dangerous beasts. Everything was going relatively well, until the day I encountered a grizzly bear.

For an adult from the world of Aspell, it would have been just their lunch. But it was completely different for a 9-year-old kid like me.

I was having a good time when it spotted me, I was bathing in a river that crossed the forest.

When I finally noticed it, I knew my only option would be to flee. So without a second thought, I ran with all the strength of my little legs. Of course, it was absolutely useless. In less time than it takes to say it, it was behind me, about to kill me with a single swipe of its huge paw.

I managed to narrowly dodge it, and its paw grazed my head slightly. But at that moment, I remembered that I was already starting to master some magic spells. So I turned around with a burst of bravery, shouting at the top of my lungs as I opened my hand, revealing a small fireball in my palm. Then my hand made contact with the bear's lower abdomen...

...a terrifying silence hung in the air for a few seconds. Nothing, absolutely nothing happened after my spell. In fact, I think the flames had already extinguished before the impact.

All this fuss only served to anger the animal, which sent me flying with a swipe of its paw while I was still near its lower abdomen. Fortunately for me, the angle was off and it couldn't hit me with full force. Despite that, a quarter of my bones had been crushed under its power, I couldn't feel any of my limbs, I could barely breathe, I could barely see, and I couldn't even open my mouth. But as I gasped for air on the ground a few meters away from it, it approached to put an end to its not-so-hard work.

Then it raised its arm, and now I saw in front of me a giant and monstrous beast that only had one move left to end the miserable days of a lost child. I saw... death. And at the very end of this adventure, I saw a bear standing, motionless, and above all... without a head.

"What... what does this mean?" I thought, starting to lose consciousness.

I had just enough time to catch a glimpse of a figure sheathing his sword behind the lifeless body of the bear, before turning around and running towards me...


"Isn't life beautiful!?" I heard as my eyes opened after what felt like an eternity of sleep.

I was lying on the ground next to a fire. We were in a corner of the forest on a cliff. Looking beyond it, you could see the distant lights of the cities illuminating the night. It was an extraordinary view.

There was a man sitting next to my body lying on the ground, enjoying a ton of meat. He seemed to be living his best life. In fact, now that I think about it, the master always seems to be living his best life.

- You're finally awake, kid. He said, handing me a huge piece of meat.

- Uh...

- Oh! Sorry, are you a vegetarian?

- No...

- Then here you go. He added, handing me the piece of meat again. "You'll need strength to fully recover."

I hesitated a lot since he was a stranger. But I ended up accepting because he was probably the silhouette who saved me from the clutches of the grizzly bear.

It had been so long since I had a good meal, so I savored the one he had offered me, when he said:

"I noticed this morning that you're already starting to get familiar with magic, congratulations."

At that moment, I didn't find anything strange about those words. But today I realize that he healed me in just one day when my condition was making me hover near death. It should be impossible for anyone.

Except for someone possessing one of the immortal stones, someone mastering healing magic or even time magic at a very high level, to be able to manipulate time for the sole sick person back to when he wasn't. Hmmm... maybe a wielder of creation magic can also accomplish this feat, depending on their mastery and use of magic.

What is certain is that these last two methods drain the mage's mana. So the master must have already been extremely powerful. After all, he was already 98 years old at that time. Although he looked like a man in his thirties.

After his remark about my use of magic, I replied:

- Yes, I'm trying to master fire magic.

- I see. But something is off, your magic is particularly weak.

- I know, but I'm only 9 years old, you know. I shrugged.

- Yeah. But kids your age can at least summon a fireball that doesn't go out before reaching its target.

- So you saw my battle with the bear. I said, lowering my head.

- Well... I'm not sure if we can call it a battle.

I was almost disappointed with my level of magic and added with apparent sadness:

- Anyway, you're not the only one who noticed. Even when she was lying on her deathbed, my grandmother always told me that in her 90 years of experience, she had never known a child with such little affinity for magic.

- Ahahahah! She didn't mince her words, it seems.

- It's not funny. I said, a little frustrated.

- Let me reassure you, little one, magic is not just about summoning fire, water, air, etc. Those things are just elemental magic. It seems that the people you were around had very little knowledge in this area, because there are many other forms of magic.

- Other forms of magic?

- Yes. I will teach you how magic works in Aspell, so pay attention and never forget what I'm about to teach you tonight.

- Okay. I replied, getting into position to listen.

"All the magic in the world is based on four laws:


* The Law of CREATION

* The Law of SPACE-TIME

* The Law of LIFE and DEATH

Each magic comes from one or more of these laws.

From the Law of Nothingness comes magic of nothingness.

From the Law of creation comes magic of creation.

From the Law of Space-Time come time magic, gravity magic, telekinesis, etc...

And finally, from the Law of Life and Death come elemental magic (fire, water, earth, lightning, air, ice, plastic, and many others), as well as healing magic, light magic, and dark magic.

So if you have a very poor mastery of elemental magic, it's because you have no affinity for the law of life and death, unlike most mages. But you probably have an affinity for one of the other laws. Or in the worst case, you're just a big loser who can't handle magic properly."

- So there's still hope for me?

- Yes, little one. And for that, I, Gaïus, accept you as my illustrious disciple.

- Huh!!! You didn't even ask for my consent...

- ...I will make you one of the most powerful fighters in this world.

- But...

- ...there are no buts. What is your name, dear disciple? He asked me fervently.

- *sigh* Alright, I apparently don't have a choice. My name is Turner, Atlas Turner. I replied with newfound determination.

And so, Gaïus became my master, and years of training and adventure full of discovery began with him.




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