
Gryffindors United

Time passed and September shifted into October really quickly. Unfortunately, the first, second and third years couldn't participate in the parties organized for Halloween and they had to stick with the usual feast. It was not as fun as the party that followed and Gryffindors were glaring at McGonagall for the whole next week during Transfiguration.

October quickly passed as well and the students found out that they had only a bit until Christmas break. It wasn't a surprise for some students to suddenly become studious during that certain time but it was suspicious how Ophelia Molley did.

Potter has kept a close eye on her ever since Halloween when he saw her sneak out at night. It wasn't the first time he found her sleeping in the common room and he was sure it became a habit to find her squirm for more space on the arm chair.

"Hey, badge~" He sung softly on that Saturday morning. She didn't even stir, "Badge, seriously, wake up." He ordered, shaking her slightly.

"What do you want?" She asked, opening her eyes enough to see his messy brown hair. "It's too bright," She added, covering her eyes with her arm.

"Because it's morning and you're not in the dormitory." The glasses boy started, crossing his arms in front of his chest and watching her with judging eyes.

"Ah, right," She answered, realizing she didn't make it upstairs once again.

But Potter had already reached his maximum of patience and curiosity was killing him.

"Where do you go every night?"

Ophelia raised an eyebrow before she remembered Potter had seen her sleep in the common room before. It never occurred to her that he'd grow curious about her issues but it seems she underestimated his spirit.

"I'm-um-working on school work. I go to the library and sometimes in the dungeons to work on potions."

"And you can't do that during the day, like a normal person?" He asked, his eyes widening behind his glasses. Seeing her shift in her seat, he added, "What's really going on with you?"

Ophelia bit her lip, her mind working incredibly fast on a lie. She couldn't tell him just how much she's been avoiding walking the halls by day because of a certain blond. Luckily, more students woke up and some walked out of their dormitories, giving her the best oportunity to run and avoid answering.


For the rest of the weekend, Potter's eyes have unconsciously followed the brunette. He saw a pattern now that there were no classes to hide into: she'd act normally up to some point when she would tense up and leave without an explanation or leave dragging Remus with her, mumbling that she needs help studying. Since everyone knew she was being tutored by Lestrange, it wasn't weird to imagine she was studying for that in particular but once Monday came around, she was running around more than a Ravenclaw running to class. 

It was so peculiar that even Black noticed. In the end, Potter decided he should get actively implicated in Molley's school life.

"Ahem, we have gathered today because one of us has been acting out of character." The glasses boy started, his face brightening when he saw Lily and her friends take a seat in the common room, "It seems that our no-fun badge has found a new hobby and that is being early for class and studying to the point of exhaustion with and without Remus."

"Isn't that what a student does?" Lily retorted, "I'm sure that years above us study harder than we do." 

Potter tried his best not to scoff, scorn, scowl or have any expression that could lessen his chances to ever speak to Evans again. Therefore, he turned to his best friend and continued his speech without taking Lily's interference into account.

"Anyway, let's ask someone who has more information than we do. Remus mate, did she tell you why she suddenly became so studious?"

Remus looked up from his book, confused how the attention shifted on him. Potter raised an eyebrow, waiting patiently for a clear answer.

"Well, she doesn't speak about that but I believe it's Slytherins. She's avoiding them even in the library."

Black scoffed, "Of course it's them. Those gits have kept a close eye on her from the beginning."

"I don't understand why though. The only Slytherins she speaks to are Snape and Rabastan Lestrange." Cissney added, looking as confused as she sounded.

"Good question, Littlewood." Potter pitched in before he turned to Remus again, "Well?"

"I don't know," was his answer and it didn't seem to satisfy the glasses boy.

They spent another hour speaking about their recent issue when Charlie entered the common room searching for Cissney. That was the end of their discussion about Ophelia and everyone dispersed, each going to his own business. Lily, however, stayed behind, watching Potter curiously.

"Is there something I can help you with, Evans?" Potter asked when he decided he felt enough pressure in the back of his head.

"Why are you so eager to help Ophelia? You've been just as bad as a Slytherin, giving her names and taunting her." Lily asked.

"Why wouldn't I want to help her? She's a Gryffindor, isn't she?"

That answer not only came as a big surprise for the redhead but it might have erased the incident from the beginning of the year.


Sincerely, Ophelia was going through a rough time. It was partially because of Malfoy, him being the main perpetrator with the way he was staring at her during every moment in the Great Hall. It was also because Rabastan became incredibly involved in helping her develop some kind of talent for Potions; that wasn't going well. But above each and every issue she had at the moment, there was something else that was eating her from the inside of her mind.

Lessons with Cerberus became harder and stronger than she ever imagined. She was finally able to push him out her mind but it didn't feel like she was in control of it. Those months have been interesting, to say. For Cerberus, seeing into her mind became tiring and so he decided he should also teach her legilimency, against Spinnard's disapproval.

"Have you been practicing it on your house mates? You're getting good at it." Cerberus complimented though he seemed a bit suspicious by it. "I hope you're not practicing it on your professors,"

"I'm not practicing it at all. I'm so tired every night that I can't even make it into bed. I just sleep on the armchair in the common room." The brunette girl mumbled.

"I heard about it. While flying around the Gryffindor Tower, I heard Charlie Wood complain to his dorm mates that James Potter has created this little group of second years in order to protect you from Slytherins. He also said next year they'll need a new seeker. Again, Potter's name has been thrown into discussion." Cerberus informed her, laughing slightly to himself.

"It seems so. He likes to meddle into other people's lives and will eventually get in trouble." Ophelia mumbled, scratching her left arm nervously.

"I think so too. I heard Luce complain about Potter, among other things. I'm surprised he's been so lenient these months. Even as a student, he used to be very strict with others and especially with himself." Cerberus said with a melancholic smile on his face, "Now that I think about it, there was one subject Luce was bad at and that was Transfiguration."

Ophelia choked on saliva, surprised that such a subject could trouble perfect student Spinnard. Then, she actually imagined a younger version of those cold blue eyes in the middle of the classroom with one leg and one arm missing.

"Don't mention it to him. Keep it for when you genuinely need it." The elder whispered before winking at her.

Ophelia laughed, surprising even herself that someone could lift half of the amount of pressure she held on her shoulders. Laughing was definitely a way to loosen up and relax her brain.  

"You know, I hear a lot about this Potter and the way he seems to be charming his way around. He also plays Quidditch and wants to enter the team. Why don't you hang out around him more? Maybe you'll get interested in Quidditch as well."

"I doubt that," She replied quickly but Cerberus was not the man to accept a refuse easily. His eyes sparkled in the dim light of the classroom and suddenly he smirked.

"Let's try out."


It was past eight in the afternoon and granted to winter growing closer, days became smaller. Thus, it was dark and chilly and Cerberus dragged his student on the Quidditch pitch for what he called a 'tryout'.

He disappeared for a few minutes, letting her alone in a place she wasn't eager to explore. She had seen students fly and she had seen matches last year but from her room not from anywhere near the grounds. Ophelia loved magic and she loved Hogwarts but this sport was not her cup of tea.

"Here!" Cerberus yelled as he threw a broom at her. It was an old model, kept for flying classes but it didn't look like he cared. "Get on it!"

"No," She answered, scrunching her nose.

Cerberus narrowed his owlish eyes at her and whistled. It looked strange to say the least but suddenly, the broom squirmed out of her hand and flied around her before literally pushing the girl on it and leaving the ground. Ophelia's eyes widened and she grasped on the broom tightly, scared that it was getting too high. When the broom stopped, Cerberus followed and easily made it next to her.

"What if I fall?" She asked, her eyes staring at him while her grip tightened.

"You won't. Trust me."

Trust me. Those words caught her attention and she looked up into Cerberus' eyes, seeing Tom for a moment.


Flying around the pitch felt better than she expected. Feeling the wind blow through her hair, sometimes a bit harsh, scaring her that she might fall off the broom-or with it, for that matter- was just liberating. Turning towards the older man, she saw him stare at the middle circle, the big one. He was smiling sadly, leaning back on the broom as easy as if he was born on it.  

"What is he thinking about?" She wondered out loud before she realized she could see it with her own eyes. She grabbed her wand from her back-pocket and whispered, "Legilimens,"


"Welcome all to the match that we have been waiting ever since Peverell became the captain of the Gryffindor team and Queltch the captain of Hufflepuffs'! These two players will certainly show us a game worth for the National Championship!"

It was loud and overwhelming. Ophelia found herself in the middle of the pitch with the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors flying around her as if she wasn't there. Well, she wasn't but it made the hair raise on her back when someone would fly through her.

In one word, the sight was lively. She never expected so many students to enjoy Quidditch to the point they would get so involved in the game. Gryffindors were on one side, screaming names and encouraging words while Hufflepuffs were singing some kind of song for their team and its captain. Slytherins and Ravenclaws where there to encourage the game itself, each individual supporting whomever they wanted. One sport was bringing everyone together for the fun of it.

Madame Hooch was on the ground, holding the whistle in her hand while the Quaffle in the other. She blew the whistle and threw the Quaffle in the air, thus signaling the beginning of the match.

"Aaand the game begins! I see that Peverell has already made a plan for his team. Will we witness the best season Gryffindor has ever had? Well, I definitely hope so." The announcer mumbled, getting the Hufflepuffs to shout some bad words at him.

Mesmerizing. Entrancing. Bright. Those were three words that could characterize what she was watching. Queltch was keeping an eye on the Seeker while Cerberus was flying around, keeping the goal baskets safe.

Then one person zoomed right past Ophelia. She turned after him and saw the redhead dimpled captain that everyone admired and respected. He was flying like he has started before he was brought in this world; he was quick and could turn his broom any way he wanted to. His face seemed bright even if he was concentrating on the Quaffle. If Peverell was there, playing to win then Ophelia thought her mother was there as well, watching her friend. The brunette witch turned to the viewers and scanned every single Gryffindor. Her mother was not there. Peverell noticed it too because he suddenly lost that amazing control over his broom and almost fell off. Thankfully, he got back on it quickly and turned his attention on the game. Seeing him closer, Ophelia frowned. His eyes, his frown, his cheeks and just everything about him seemed older than she expected.

[End of Memory]

She left Cerberus' mind afterwards only to come face to face with the man himself, standing right in front of her.

"Well? Enjoyed yourself?" He asked with a boyish grin, "What did you see?"

"Vernon Peverell…" She mumbled, still confused how one person could look so different in the picture compared to a memory.