
Throne to darkness.

A boy name Minato died on earth and got a chance to be reincarnated in any world he wanted. Follow our protagonist how he becomes strong and what power will he get through the system? see how he made his name in history along with three legendary sannin. Note this is just a fanfic story, this is not an original story. If anybody has any problem with the story or claims to be copied pls comment to me I will remove or edit it and first chapters will be slow pase) thanks (I didn't own anything in this story except oc, if you didn't watch the anime, pls go check it out later) ( Also the cover pic is not mine , i just pick it up from gogle. if the creator of the picture have any problem pls comment i will remove it, thanks. ) Author request. pls don't give your reviews wait till 50 chapters. and also English isn't my first language

Rimuru459 · Cómic
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31 Chs

7 months later.

At Ninja Academy

In the venue, Giyu is standing alone and 10m away from him are 5 wooden blogs where bullseyes are attached to them.

Giyu threw the 5 shurikens at the same time in the astonished gazes of all students, the 5 shurikens hit the bullseye directly. It is not much exaggerated but what is most exaggerated is that he had a blindfold in his eyes means that he can't see anything.

And without any vision, he hit the bullseye this is the most exaggerated thing.

"kyaaa~Giyu is so talented",

"so cute!!",

hearing the voices of the girls Tsunade narrowed her eyes.


Asahi clapped as he said, "excellent Giyu, you are truly talented". Asahi then look at the students who were watching Giyu and said "don't try this at home or you may hurt other people, so be careful!".

Giyu came towards Jiraiya and said " hehehe, Is money ready Jiraiya?", Giyu said with a devilish tone.

"hmmm" Jiraiya nodded but he is reluctant to give him his money, he challenges him for just fun but who knows this bastard able to hit the bullseye without looking at it and all 5 at the same time.

As the time passed by Giyu come home to eat his meal and then just sleep.


And now 7 months have passed, and today is the day when Asahi-Sensei will be taking their test.

At Giyu's home

Giyu is eating his breakfast in his usual dress, a grey long sleeve collared shirt with a periwinkle vest and black pants.

" My strength is much higher than before", Giyu said as he look at the panel in front of him, showing a percentage number and to its upside is a character and this character is Uchiha Itachi.

when Giyu check the percentage last time it was 15% and now it was 30%, which means he has 30% of Itachi powers.

Giyu also learns some 'Fire Style' ninjutsu and also trains his body.

Now Giyu is 6 years old, it has been one year since Giyu comes to this Shinobi world. To summer up things he didn't do anything extraordinary except he came 1st in his class in all aspects.

Giyu also hangs out with his friends eating, chilling etc. His friend with the trio ino-shikka-cho also become good.

Giyu also thought that after testing his elemental affinity he will immediately start his training on various ninjutsu along with the sun breathing.

After Giyu finished his breakfast he wash the plates, and lock the door of the house, he then looks towards the sky feeling the refreshing air around him.

"Haaa~ this feeling is so good", Giyu said as he closed his eyes and inhale a large amount of air.

"oh, shit! I forgot today Asahi-sensei will take our test, gotta run fast as **** boy", Giyu muttered as he ran towards the direction of the Academy.

As Giyu is on the way towards the Ninja Academy, he heard someone shouting "thief" then he looks at the source of the voice, he saw an old woman on her knees shouting "thief".

Giyu quickly run towards the old woman and help her stand up because no one is around. Then the grandmother told him what happened.

Giyu asked "where did the thief go",

the old lady pointed in the direction of the park, Giyu move his gaze from the old lady and looked toward the direction and he saw a man was running straight towards the direction of the park.

The park is filled with people, so it will be very hard for anyone to catch the thief.

"it's bad, obaa-san I will be right back with your bag", Giyu said as he run towards the thief.

Giyu runs with his all might, his eyes keep focusing on the thief. through Giyu's observation, the thief seems to be an ordinary man that's why the gap between them becomes closer and closer.

the thief also looked back and saw a kid following him but what surprised him most was the distance between them become closer and closer, the thief panicked and he take out 3 shurikens from his pouch and then threw them in the direction of Giyu.

Giyu who saw three shurikens coming toward him, grinned as he quickly pick up a small rock from the ground and threw it in the direction of the shuriken.

As the rock clashes with the first shuriken *cling*, the rock flies upwards in the direction of Giyu as it changes the direction of the shuriken to go back to where the 2nd shuriken is. Then it clashes with the 2nd shuriken *cling* and sends the 2nd shuriken towards the 3rd shuriken


both 2nd and 3rd shuriken clash with each other and fall to the ground.

Giyu look upwards and saw the rock he threw is coming downwards, Giyu catch the rock and then threw it at the thief, which hit his neck.

'shitt! I fucked up', it was the last thought of the thief as he fell to the ground.

The people around who saw the scene were surprised to see that a kid knock out a man who is several times bigger than him but what was more surprised is the skill he show.

"damnn! I will be late for Academy", Giyu looked at the people around him for help, He need to hand over this theif to the guard and also to return the bag to the old woman.

After that 2 guards come and to Giyu's surprised they are the same guards he meet at the assassin incident.

Giyu told the whole story about what happened, the guards also praise him for his good deed. Then he takes the bag from the thief and returns it to the old woman. the old woman also thanks to him.

Giyu nodded as he run in the direction of the Academy.


I hope you like the novel, I am writing this novel at a slow pace because if I write at a fast pace it will end before 100 chapters don't worry I will fast pace many details so you don't have to be bored