
Throne of Time: I Grow Stronger with People's Shock

In the chaotic aftermath of a sudden black hole collision, Ryu, a poor orphan who clawed his way into becoming the leader of the Black Dragon yakuza, is thrust into the fantastical world of Resonance, a world where people awaken unique superpowers named resonances. Reborn as Atlas, heir to a prestigious lineage, he awakens the power of Time Manipulation, a broken S-Rank Resonance that allows him to bend the very flow of time to his will. But Atlas soon learns that his true power lies not in manipulating time, but in the enigmatic Throne that was engraved into his soul by the black holes. This throne raises his strength the more people feel awe and reverence for him. follow Atlas’s story as he navigates this mysterious world.

Throne_of_time · Fantasía
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84 Chs

Journey to Sanctum

The following morning, sunlight streamed through the stained-glass windows of the Luminos dining room, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the long, polished table. Atlas sat with his family, enjoying a breakfast of fresh pastries, exotic fruits, and steaming cups of aromatic tea. The atmosphere was warm and convivial, a stark contrast to the tension that had gripped him the night before.

"Atlas," Magnus began, his voice a gentle rumble, "after breakfast, we shall depart for Sanctum."

Atlas paused, a forkful of honey-glazed pastry halfway to his mouth. "Grandfather, the academy doesn't start for another two weeks," he said, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Leonidas, his father, interjected, his tone serious. "The world is not as safe as it seems, my son. Your awakening has made you a target, not just for the Eclipse Order, but for other forces as well."

Atlas's eyes widened. "Other forces?"

"The Demons, the Behemoths, and the Deep Dwellers," Leonidas explained. "They are far more powerful than humans, and your existence could disrupt the delicate balance we have maintained for centuries."

Atlas swallowed hard, the reality of his situation sinking in. He had known that his S-Rank Resonance would make him a target for the Eclipse Order, but he hadn't considered the potential threat from other races. In this world, humans were not at the top of the food chain. They were a relatively weak species, clinging to survival in the face of overwhelming odds.

The Demons: Hailing from the Abyss, these malevolent beings wield powerful and often destructive Resonances. Their motivations are shrouded in mystery, but their incursions into the human world often result in widespread destruction and chaos.

The Behemoths: These colossal creatures roam the untamed wilds of every continent, their immense size and raw power making them a constant threat to human settlements. They are territorial and aggressive, their Resonances often tied to elemental forces like earth, fire, and ice.

The Deep Dwellers: Enigmatic beings that inhabit the vast depths of the oceans, the Deep Dwellers possess a wide array of water-based Resonances. While some are known to be peaceful and even benevolent towards humans, others are fiercely territorial and hostile, guarding their underwater domains with lethal force.

"Your Resonance is a double-edged sword, Atlas," Magnus added, his voice grave. "It has the potential to elevate humanity to new heights, but it could also upset the delicate balance of power that keeps these monstrous races at bay. That's why we must get you to Radiance Academy as soon as possible. There, you will be safe and can focus on mastering your abilities."

Atlas nodded, his determination hardening. He understood the risks, but he also knew that he couldn't hide forever. He had a responsibility to his family, to his people, and to the future of Resonance. He would not let fear dictate his actions.

"I'm ready, Grandfather," he said, his voice steady. "Let's go to Sanctum."

A flurry of activity filled the morning air as servants bustled back and forth, carefully loading Atlas's belongings into the sleek black vehicles awaiting their departure. Trunks filled with clothes, books, and personal effects were meticulously arranged, ensuring that the young heir would have everything he needed for his new life at Radiance Academy.

Atlas bid farewell to his family, his heart filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. His parents showered him with hugs and words of encouragement, their eyes brimming with pride and love. The elders offered their blessings, their voices heavy with the weight of generations of wisdom and tradition.

With a final wave, Atlas climbed into the backseat of the waiting car, Balian sliding into the driver's seat and Magnus settling beside him. The engine purred to life, and the vehicle glided smoothly through the manor gates, leaving behind the familiar comforts of home.

To Atlas's surprise, the car did not head towards the nearest teleportation hub. Instead, it took a winding path through the city streets, eventually arriving at the gates of the royal palace. Atlas turned to his grandfather, his brow furrowed in question.

"Grandfather, why are we here?" he asked.

Magnus chuckled, a twinkle in his eye. "Beneath the palace lies a hidden portal, known only to the heads of the Luminos family. It is a direct gateway to Sanctum"

Atlas's eyes widened in awe as they entered the palace, its opulent halls echoing with the soft murmur of voices. The king himself, a regal figure with a warm smile, greeted them personally, his court bowing in deference.

"Welcome, Light Pillar of humanity," the king declared, his voice resonating with respect. "It is an honor to have you grace our humble abode with your presence."

A spark of recognition ignited in Atlas's mind. Light Pillar of humanity. The phrase resonated with something he had read in the books he devoured the night before, a fleeting memory from his predecessor intertwining with his newfound knowledge. Magnus Luminos, his grandfather, was not just the patriarch of their family but the Fourth Pillar of the Harmonious Convergence. His A-Rank Photonic Manipulation Resonance had earned him the moniker "Radiant Pillar," a testament to his mastery over light and his countless heroic deeds.

Magnus's Resonance wasn't merely Light Manipulation; it was a far rarer and more refined form known as Photonic Manipulation. He could bend and shape individual photons, the fundamental particles of light, with unparalleled precision. This allowed him to perform extraordinary feats, such as weaving intricate barriers of pure light, creating blinding solar flares, and even teleporting short distances. His most legendary feat was single-handedly defending Lucius from the onslaught of two Middle-Stage Transcendent Behemoths, weaving a radiant dome of light that deflected their every attack and ultimately forced them to retreat.

Magnus nodded in acknowledgement, his posture radiating the quiet confidence of a man accustomed to power and prestige.

After exchanging pleasantries with the royal family, Magnus, Atlas, and Balian were escorted through a series of labyrinthine corridors. They passed through ornate chambers, their walls adorned with portraits of past monarchs and heroes, and descended into the depths of the palace.

The air grew colder and damper as they ventured deeper, the sound of dripping water echoing through the dimly lit tunnels. They passed by several heavily guarded cells, their iron bars casting sinister shadows on the stone walls. Atlas caught glimpses of haggard faces and shackled limbs, the grim reality of the criminal underworld hidden beneath the palace's glittering facade.

The king, who had insisted on accompanying them, noted Atlas's unwavering gaze and the absence of fear in his eyes. "Your grandson is quite composed for someone so young," he remarked to Magnus, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Magnus nodded, a flicker of pride in his eyes.

They finally reached a hidden chamber, its walls inscribed with glowing runes and intricate diagrams. In the center of the room stood a massive stone archway, its surface pulsating with a faint, ethereal light. Magnus stepped forward, a silver necklace bearing the Luminos family crest dangling from his hand.

The crest, a stylized sunburst radiating beams of light, was the symbol of the Luminos lineage, representing their mastery over light and their unwavering commitment to justice and harmony. Magnus held the necklace aloft, channeling his Photonic Manipulation Resonance into the pendant. The crest glowed with blinding intensity, the light flooding the chamber and engulfing the archway.

With a final surge of power, Magnus activated the portal, and a swirling vortex of light consumed them. In an instant, they found themselves standing in a vast, open plaza, surrounded by towering structures of gleaming metal and glass. Air cars whizzed overhead, their sleek designs a testament to the advanced technology of this hidden city.

Atlas gasped, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the breathtaking spectacle of Sanctum. Magnus chuckled at his grandson's reaction, his heart swelling with pride.