
Throne of passion

"If anyone dares to even gaze upon him with ill intentions, they'll find themselves in the shadow of their worst nightmares."

Saniya_5063 · Adolescente
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5 Chs

"disappearing act"

(Marco's pov)

Marco paced the lavish halls of his mansion, his mind consumed by thoughts of the upcoming meeting with the Salvatore. As he passed the grand staircase, he caught sight of his reflection in the ornate mirror, his features masked in a steely determination. "Tonight will be the turning point," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Descending the staircase, Marco entered the opulent dining room where his parents awaited him. His mother, elegant and poised, greeted him with a warm smile, while his father, a formidable figure in his own right, nodded in acknowledgement. "Marco, my boy, come sit," his father beckoned, gesturing to the empty chair at the head of the table.

Taking his seat, Marco listened as his father outlined the details of the evening's gathering with the Salvatore. "It's time for you to step up, Marco," his father declared, his tone commanding. "This marriage will solidify our alliance with the Salvatore and secure our position in the family business."

Marco's gaze hardened as he processed his father's words. Marriage had never been part of his plans, but he knew better than to defy his father's wishes. "I understand, Father," he replied evenly, his voice betraying none of the turmoil swirling within him.

As breakfast progressed, conversation turned to lighter topics, but Marco's mind remained preoccupied. Despite his outward composure, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at him from within. As the breakfast drew to a close, he excused himself from the table, his thoughts consumed by the weight of his father's expectations.

Returning to his home office, Marco sank into his chair, his mind whirling with conflicting emotions. He knew he had little choice but to acquiesce to his father's demands, but the prospect of a loveless marriage filled him with a sense of dread. "I'll do what needs to be done," he murmured to himself, his jaw set in determination. "But I refuse to let anyone dictate my heart."

As Marco contemplating his father's expectations, his phone buzzed with an incoming call. Glancing at the caller ID, he couldn't help but smile as he answered. "Hey, Alex, what's up?"

"Marco, my man! I've got some news for you. Remember that guy, Tony, from the Galvetro project? Well, it seems he's gone missing."

Marco's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Missing? What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said," Alex confirmed. "Apparently, he was supposed to meet with one of our clients this morning, but he never showed up. His phone's off, and no one knows where he is."

Marco's mind raced with possibilities. "That's not good. Did anyone check his last known location?"

"We're on it," Alex assured him. "But I figured I'd give you a heads-up. Something tells me this isn't your typical disappearing act."

Marco nodded, his thoughts already drifting to the implications of Tony's disappearance. "Keep me posted, Alex. And let me know if you need any help tracking him down."

"Will do, Marco. Talk to you soon," Alex replied before ending the call.

As Marco set his phone down, a sense of foreboding settled over him. Tony's disappearance was troubling, to say the least, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than met the eye. With a determined frown, he resolved to uncover the truth behind his colleague's vanishing act, no matter the cost.

As Marco pondered his next move, his mind kept circling back to the conversation with Alex. Something about Tony's disappearance didn't sit right with him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it was connected to the Galvetro project in some way.

(Alessia's pov)

In the quiet hours of the morning, Alessia received an urgent call from her assistant. "Alessia, we have a problem," her assistant's voice crackled through the phone.It was about a troubling development with one of their projects - "One of our men has been kidnapped."

Alessia's heart raced as she absorbed the news. "What, how's happened and where he is? send me the track details as soon as possible" she demanded, her mind is already racing at a high pace coz the project is crucial for her."

After hastily completing her morning routine, she joined her family at the breakfast table. Her mother, sensing her daughter's distress, inquired about her rushed demeanor. "Is everything alright, dear?" her mother asked, concern evident in her voice.

Alessia forced a smile, shaking her head lightly. "Nothing, Mom. Just some work stuff," she replied, keeping her tone casual. After a quick but light breakfast, she excused herself, mentioning she had errands to run before heading to the garage, her mind still reeling from the news. As she approached her sleek Lamborghini, she glanced at her phone and noticed a text message from her best friend. "Hey, got some info on the location. Be careful out there," the message read. Alessia quickly typed out a response, "Thanks, will do," before slipping her phone back into her pocket. the driver stepped forward, ready to assist her. "Shall I accompany you, Miss Alessia?" he offered.

Alessia shook her head, her focus solely on the task at hand. "No, I'll go alone. Thank you," she replied,and sped off towards the location provided by her best friend. cool morning breeze brushed against her face, sending a shiver down her spine. A sense of fear crept into her mind, mingling with the chilly air as she sped down the winding road. Thoughts raced through her head, wondering who could have kidnapped her valuable associate and why. The uncertainty of the situation weighed heavily on her, casting a shadow over her.

As Alessia arrived at the remote location, her gaze swept over the desolate landscape. Towering trees loomed ominously, casting long shadows that danced in the dappled sunlight. The abandoned house stood at the edge of the forest, its weathered façade bearing the scars of neglect. Broken windows stared out like vacant eyes, and the creaking of the rusted gate echoed through the silent air. Despite the eerie atmosphere, Alessia's resolve remained unshaken as she stepped out of her Lamborghini and approached the decrepit building, her footsteps echoing in the stillness of the woods.

As Alessia steps out of her car and scans her surroundings, her heart skips a beat when she notices another vehicle parked nearby. A wave of unease washes over her, heightening her senses as she becomes acutely aware of the eerie silence surrounding the abandoned house. Every rustle of leaves and creak of branches amplifies her apprehension, setting her on edge as she prepares to venture further into the unknown. With a silent flick of her wrist, she retrieves her gun from its concealed holster, her fingers tightening around the familiar grip as she braces herself for whatever dangers may lie ahead. Just as she takes a tentative step forward, a chilling whisper of wind seems to echo a name in the distance, sending a shiver down her spine. With a sense of foreboding lingering in the air, Alessia braces herself for the unsettling truth that awaits inside the desolate structure.

{Author note:-}

The next chapter is going to be more interesting if you love this chapter please give a heart emoji in a comment I love uh all🤍🫶🫰😘

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Saniya_5063creators' thoughts