

City S under the cover of moonlight was like a mysterious lady. Her alluring smile would cause your heart to race and her lithe figure would expand your imagination. Many people would fall into the deep abyss of desire with just a glance of her… But… ultimately she was just an illusion, a type of imagination. You could sense her presence beside you but you could never pull her into your arms…

5th June, 9 pm. The chaos and agitation of the day festered in the night sky, turning into bright lights and neon of the night. This night, at the entrance of a luxurious restaurant in the middle of the city. About 30 plus youthful souls walked out from the restaurant. In the early summer, they were still all dressed in rather formal outfit. Be it male or female, they basically were all decked out in branded clothing. And among them, there was one that was particularly eye-catching.