
I, Joker (4)

Suddenly an urgent series of footsteps that came from the corner before her interrupted Laughing Soul's thought. At the same time, several light source came from that direction.

[Are those soldiers?] Laughing Soul thought. [They must have already seen my flashlight… it is too late to switch off my flashlight now, it will only affect my visibility…] She aimed her gun ahead. [O well, there is no other choice…] But several seconds later, the footsteps stopped around the corner but no one showed up.

"Poison ivy." A man's voice said, "is that you?" His voice was not that loud but it echoed far down the wide underground sewer. It sounded like… he was asking a question.

"We mean no harm." The next second, a female voice said, "We want to help you."

"Who are you people?" Laughing Soul still had not put her guard down, if anything, she became more guarded.

"My name is Joe." The man replied, "Joe Collins."