
Three year war

This will be the biggest war the world will have ever seen and their names will live on

dhakawalker180 · Historia
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3 Chs

the talk

" (i can do this without you Weiyoung and Wen, do this mean I have a future general?) asked, Jiang Bao, " (no,) they both said. " (you know what to do Jiang, you want us to win your wars, stop being a sibling boy and be a man,) said. Wen Sou, " (get rid of no help, and the gold-digger, we talk, excuse us we going to spend time with our son,) they cut the screen off and went into the kitchen to get a bottle, and the Fox taverns Shao Jain made it home, and Xaihui and Shao are talking, when he called them up on the screen, " (We are with Snake get rid of that thing you married to and we talk,) said. Xaihui Yi, " (are armies stayed where they are Jiang and use your brain kick that sorry-excuse of the help of yours out the city, for now, I am feeding my daughter her dinner.) said, Shao Jain, " ( you two are married to, why I am just finding out about this? I need you six at my side, what will it take to get you there?) asked, Jiang. " (we been married for few years, and had a baby a few months ago,) said. Shao Jain, " (you was being crowned at the same time that we were getting married,) said. Xaihui Yi. " (we talk when you become our king, not let this woman stripe you dry, this nitwit guide you wrong.) they went off the screen, in the Shark tavern, Ruilong, and Hong Dong is spending time together with their son. Jiang Bao called them on the screen, " (when was you six was going to tell that you are married?) asked. Jiang Bao, " (we talk about that when you come to your sense, right now it is family time,) he cut the screen off. " my king may you should get new generals. " they are my friends, they always had my back. maybe your worthless cow needs to be replaced, your advice is not helpful at all, get out my castle and get out my city never show your face here again! Guards remove him now, they grab him by the arms drag him out as she walked back in the castle. " you can't be serious we need him, said. Zhong Huan " you want to go with him too, I need them, I am making them my cancel advisories, I am not losing people, gold, or my kingdom to China, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Asia. he called them again, " (Weuyoung, Wen, Xaihui, Shao, Ruilong and Hong could you come to the castle please,) said. Jiang, " (we have our kids with us right now Jaing, talk to us through the screen, ) said. Wen Sou, "(have you got rid of the gold-digger?) Asked. Weiyoung Fen, " (she, not a gold-digger, we need you six to be our cancel. ) said, Jiang Bao. "(We think on it give you the answer, once she is removed from the castle,) said. Shao Jain," (you are not ready to have a queen yet, you need to think only about the people, the land, and providing for the kingdom, these things you have not done yet.) Said, Xaihui Yi. " you are to merge into war, Aisa is closing in, instead of reaching out to others lead your army in battle,) said. Hong Don, " (become our king, lead us to battle.) Ruilong Lim, " (would you in your marriage if you were you me Wen, Shao, and Hong?) Asked. Jiang Bao, " (my wife is a born warrior, and the bottom line is that she is a wonderful wife and mother to us, ) said. Wen sou, " (which they are not gold-diggers either, they want to be with us. Like we want to be with them,) said. Shao Jain, "(our love each other that is pure, can you tell us by being honest you feel the same way about her, and can she tells she can say the same about you?) Asked. Hong Don, Jiang Bao, looked at him. " (you six not even giving her a chance to prove that she is a good Queen,)-(" you want us as cancel members but again you are not listening to what we are saying again, it not about her. You haven't proven to us that you can be a good king,) said. Weiyoung Fan, " (yet you haven't given you a chance to grow up, as, king, this is more about you announced to the people, and announced to your army. You are not ready for a wife a queen, she has no interest in the people or the Army.) Said, wen Sou. " (you follow fouls advice from a total idiot, you never going to take what we said to heart.) Said, Shao Jain. " (you never will until you learn to grow first, these people going to want someone that they count on, you will have no people, are army, ) said. Xaihui Yi, "(all you have is a gold-digger wife that strips you all of your gold, a fool that turns you into a fool, ) said. Hong Don," (the bottom line is you still be attacked and you lose your home and life.) said, Ruilong Lim. "(Talk to us when you are to be a king, ) said. Wen Sou, " (a leader of your people.) Said, Weiyoung. " (and a leader of your army,) said.Shao Jain, "(you can save your gold, people, and kingdom by ending it with her, call your generals to your beck and call!) Said. Xaihui Yi, " (symbol your force in march in meet Asia head-on, you know that we will win this war for you,) said. Hong Don, "(others will come, but you need to make a decision know Bao!) Said. Ruilong Lim, they went off the screen. " what you going to do. Maybe I should talk with them, said. Zhong Huan, " no, you just make it worse, to move forward as my father always said, the Legion keeps the people happy, and protected, war is on the back of our necks, they are getting scared, soon they are going to question me, I sorry this is not the time for you to be a queen, or with me. I need the Snakes, the Dragons, the Foxes, the Tigers, the Sharks, and the Scorpions, along with our six generals of the war, you can not have my gold, come to me when you stop seeking loot and to ruin me in the eyes of my people then we will talk, get your stuff get out my Castle and my kingdom. He told her, so she got her things and left, the army has returned to the kingdom, Liao and Xiong Fen Weiyoung parents, " come to your grandparents Liao Sou, she hands him to her mother. " we see you soon son, he had dinner just need his afternoon tea, said. Wen Sou, " go we got Liao Fen, said. Quan Wei. They ride up to the castle with their armies. " come to your grandparents Liao Sou, she hands him to her mother. " we see you soon son, he had dinner just need his afternoon tea, said. Wen Sou, " go we got Liao, said. Quan Fen. They ride up to the castle with their armies. " Are you sure about this Snake? Asked. Long Bo, "I entirely not sure. Said, Weiyoung Fen. " how about you Dragon, how do we know that he let her go? Asked. Deng Fu, "let's go find out, they got off their horses and walked inside of the castle. Xue and Cheng Jain walked up, aa Shao Jain and Xaihui Yi ride up to his parents, "he needs you six more than ever now, we got Zhong. Said, Xue Hou, Shao Jain hand her to his parents, " she hasn't eaten yet. Said, Xaihui Yi. " we feed her when she wakes up, said. Cheng Hou, they ride up to the castle, " he could lie directly to you Fox. Said, Huang Ju. " then he doesn't need us to do he Huang? Asked. Xaihui Yi, " tell me we got a plan in motion here Tiger? Asked. Gu Bo, " with or without the king we save these people and our wives, husbands, and children from death. Answered, Shao Jain. They got off their horses and walked inside the castle, Hong Don, and Ruilong Lim ride up to her parents. Zhan Lim and Mao Jun, " he has eaten mother. Said, Ruilong Lim. Hong Don hand him to his father-in-law, Zhan Lim takes his grandson in his arms. " he is ready to be a king now. Go, said, Zhen Lim. They ride up to the castle. " they walked into the castle, Jiang Bao turned around as they bowed to him. " I need a crown to cancel, some to guide me in politics and war, Snake, Dragon, Fox, Tiger, Shark, and Scorpion what say you? Asked. Jiang Bao, " we are here for you our king, first, you need to send a scroll to Beijing, China asking them to aid you. Said, Weiyoung Fen, " call your army to your beck and call. Said, Wen Sou. " they do not who their king is, lead us to battle, said. Xaihui Yi, " become the warrior that defends his people, said Shao Jain, " what you say you ride with us leading us to war. Said, Ruilong Lim. " letting them see you lead your army to victory, said. Hong Don, send a scroll to Beijing, China, they help him in his armor and they all walked out of the castle, everyone stopped and looked at him, they helped him on his horse. " speak to them my king ensure your people that you will keep the. Safe said. Weiyoung Fen, " everything is okay my people, we will end this war for you. You are safe, said. Jiang Bao, they gallop out of the gates, the gold army of little China, the golden guards locked the gates behind them, as they up the field, the Yellow turbines of Asia, is going down the fields, empire Kang Na, with his six deadly warriors known throughout the history of China, Lui Pi, Hou Meng, Jaing Liang, Zhang Qiang, Zhou Rong, and, Kong Gang. " so they are here, said. Jiang Bao, " first he wants words with you, my king, they don't look that thought, said. Weiyoung Fen, " be bold but smart, show him you have the upper hand here, said. Wen Sou, " this is the Yellow Turbine of China, conquering of lands let him know that Little China is yours and only yours. Said, Xaihui Yi, " you have a ferrous force of twenty thousand, let him know that, he not here to negotiate my king. Said, Shao Jain, " don't let him fool you, tell him you will defend your home by any means necessary. Said, Ruilong Lim. " he can leave or be destroyed his choice, said. Hong Don nods Jiang Bao, and rides down to him, " he is not going to surrender Yanying to you, Empire Kang, said. Lui Pi, " this could end up in a war of lands, said. Hou Meng, " they have more soldiers than we do, said. Jaing Liang, " their officer's don' took that tough. said. Zhang Qiang, " so we can take them then. said. Zhou Rong, " if this leads to war then. said, Kong Geng. Kang Na rides up to Jiang Bao, " what will it take for you to leave with your army and people? Asked. Kang Na, " this is our home, you can take your army and leave or all perish here your join. Said, Jiang Bao. " we are both Kings and we can come with a diplomatic way, said. Kang Na, Jiang Bao raised his eyebrows at him. " there is no diplomatic here, you are threatening my people with death, threaten to burn my lands, you bring destruction and death to my lands. this is war, said. Jiang Bao, they ride back to their armies, they looked at him. " we take the west and I take his general named Lui Pi, said. Wen sou. " move out, they gallop up the land heading West, " I go East and take his general named Hou Meng. They gallop up the lands heading East, " I head South swift them front the rare. i take his general named Jiang Liang, they galloped down the lands to get behind them, " I take his general named Zhang Qiang. said, Shao Jain, " I take his general Zhou Rong, said. Xiahui Yi, " and we will take his general named Kong Geng, said, Hong Don. " think you can take their king, my lord. said. Ruilong Lim. "