

Many, many years ago the three realms were at peace. The rulers were the most powerful beings in the world. There names were Stephen, who was the ruler of the human realm, Corra, who was the ruler of the fairy realm, and Lucifer, who ruled the demon realm. They were great allies until Lucifer became greedy. He wanted more power. He didn't want to have share the power of controlling all three realms with anybody, so he decided to attack Corra to steal her powers and her realm. Luckily she made it to Stephan before bleeding out. She was badly injured and her energy was drained. Stephen took action quickly and contacted Elizabeth a powerful sorceress who lived in the fairy realm. She was able to heal Corra and give her all her energy back. Stephen and Corra teamed up and defeated Lucifer sealing him in a deep dark cave for eternity never to be seen or heard from again. Later in the future memorials were built for Stephen and Corra which is where they were buried. New kings and queens were elected and the three realms were at peace once again.