
Chapter 1

200 years later

"I now crown Ivy the new and youngest queen of the fairy realm!" The audience cheered as the crown was placed on Ivy's head. She was the youngest queen in the history of the 2nd realm. Ivy jumped onto her floating cloud and nearly passed out. "Well that was tiering." Said Ivy to her assistant Elena. "What else do I have to do today?" asked Ivy. "You have a meeting with the other realms in 20 minutes and you must deal with a troll from the demon realm who tried to kill one of our Unicorns." Replied Elena. "Uggggg I just want to sleep." said Ivy standing up and reaching for her hairbrush. 15 minutes later she was in a dress with her long blond hair in a tight bun. "Let's go." said Ivy to Elena, "we've got a meeting to attend." The two of them hopped into the carriage and watched as the pegasus flew above the clouds. When they landed they were in a forest. "Where are we?" Asked Ivy. "The human realm." replied Elena. hopping out of the carriage. Ivy followed Elena stepped out of the carriage. She looked around to see a beautiful forest. But then she noticed something odd. There was three cracks in the ground. "That is the divider between the three realms." said Elena before Ivy even had a chance to ask. "Let's go to the clock tower, that's where all meetings between the three realms will be held." said Elena walking towards the crack in the ground. "Where are you going?" asked Ivy catching up with her. "To the center of the three dividers that's where the clock tower is located." replied Elena. "Hello there" said the voice of a man. "Pleased to finally meet you." Ivy turned around to see a tall guy with blond hair smiling at her. "I'm Alex ruler of the human realm.