

Wang Huo supports Ming Zhandou and helps him so they can get out of that place as quickly as possible.

After walking for about 40 minutes, Wang Huo and Ming Zhandou find a cave.

"Let's go into that cave, there you can set off and start recovering." Speaks Wang Huo pointing to the cave.

"OK". Ming Zhandou answers.

The entrance to the cave was not very large, about 2 to 3 meters high. As they go deeper into the cave, the two discover a very large space inside the cave.

Wang Huo was using his flames to see the one inside the cave. The space between them was many feet wide and taller than the entrance to the cave.

* Buzz *

As soon as Wang Huo and Ming Zhandou cross the small tunnel leading to this space a noise is heard and the entrance of that large place is closed with a formation.

"Sit down and get off, I'll check." Wang Huo speaks.

Ming Zhandou sits on the ground and begins to cultivate to recover. Wang Huo approaches the formation and puts his hand on it.

Wang Huo's hand grabs the formation and prevents her from passing. Upon realizing this, Wang Huo frowns. He then punches the formation.


The formation has no change after the punch. Wang Huo gets even more worried to see that the formation should not change after his punch.

"It looks like it's going to be difficult to break this lineup." Think Wang Huo.

Seeing that Ming Zhandou began to cultivate to be able to recover, Wang Huo decides not to attack the barrier more not to disturb Ming Zhandou. He was still a bit worried about Ming Zhandou's situation.

Wang Huo begins to walk around the place to see if there were other exits, as he begins to walk around the place he discovers bones on the ground. By the shapes of the bones Wang Huo deduces that they are both bones of humans when of beasts.

Wang Huo gets more worried as he discovers this and speaks.

"Ming Zhandou, we'd better get out of here fast. It seems that many living things were killed here. "

"Hm! The speed of my cultivation is greater here. Let me recover a little. " Ming Zhandou speaks after awakening from his cultivation.

Wang Huo agrees to let Ming Zhandou recover a little, but still feels uncomfortable in that place.

Wang Huo resolves to cultivate a bit to recover as well, however as the place was very dark the cultivation speed of Wang Huo was slower in that place. Even though he is a little tired and injured, he decides to take one of the wolves out of his storage ring for roasting.

After removing the core of the beast, Wang Huo begins to roast the wolf.

Shortly after the smell of food begins to appear in the air. By smelling food Ming Zhandou awakens from his cultivation.

"Great! I need food to recover faster. " Ming Zhandou speaks after realizing the wolf being roasted.

"How are you? ". Question Wang Huo.

"It's hard for me to move a lot, but in a few days I must recover." Ming Zhandou answers.

"What technique did you use to suppress the gorillas? ". Question Wang Huo. He was curious because after Ming Zhandou used this technique his fight became much easier.

"I do not quite know. It popped into my mind out of nowhere and I just used it. " Ming Zhandou answers.


Wang Huo and Ming Zhandou are surprised to hear the roar, mainly because the roar came from inside the cave.

Thanks to the fire used to roast the wolf much of that space was being lit.

Slowly a tiger approaches the fire. Upon seeing the tiger the face of Wang Huo and Ming Zhandou become pale. That tiger was on the fifth level of the martial foundation.

"Shit! You must be kidding me ". Complaints Wang Huo.

The situation was complicated. At that moment Ming Zhandou was wounded and unable to fight, Wang Huo himself was not in his ideal state. Not to mention the strength of the tiger. And even if they wanted to escape that one from the cave the barrier in the entrance would disturb.

Wang Huo takes the sword from Ming Zhandou who was in his storage ring and plays to Ming Zhandou.

"Go to the entrance, break the formation and run away." Wang Huo speaks.

When catching the sword Ming Zhandou speaks.

"I will not leave a fellow to die."

"Idiot, if you do not run away alone we'll both die." Wang Huo shouts. He knew he was the only one who could gain some time. Ming Zhandou was in no condition to fight and that formation would not be so easily destroyed according to Wang Huo's calculations.

For Wang Huo, Ming Zhandou would be the one who could break the barrier faster and Wang Huo was the one who could gain more time facing the tiger.


Wang Huo sets off on the tiger. Ignoring Wang Huo's request, Ming Zhandou also leaves the tiger.

"SUPPRESSION". Shouts Ming Zhandou.

After only using it once, Ming Zhandou learned how to use this technique.

The tiger advances toward Wang Huo who was closest to him, but when Ming Zhandou uses his suppression the tiger immediately stuns, feeling that his strength was being suppressed.

This moment of hesitation made Wang Huo be able to hit his fierce punch with as much fire as he could on the tiger's body.


The blow of Wang Huo just made the tiger down two steps back. Not even a little burn could be seen on the tiger's body after the impact.

After the blow the tiger retreats.

"Shit, I do not have enough strength to do any damage to him." Wang Huo speaks.

After moving away the tiger advances toward Wang Huo using his paws to strike Wang Huo. Even after being suppressed by Ming Zhandou, the tiger is still a bit faster than Wang Huo. Making it simple to divert was difficult.

Eventually Wang Huo was caught by the claws of the tiger. Ming Zhandou advances with his sword trying to cut the tiger, but the difference of speed between the two was great and this task was very difficult.


Wang Huo and Ming Zhandou are beaten by the tiger and fly a few meters before falling to the ground.

* Cough Cough *

The two spit a little blood. Wang Huo was still struggling, but Ming Zhandou was already wounded before the fight and after taking that blow he could hardly stand up now.

"Shit, shit, shit." Wang Huo punches the ground while he complains.

Despair begins to take care of Wang Huo.

"I wanted to avenge my clan? Find my mother? What an illusion, I could not even defeat those gorillas without the help of Ming Zhandou. " Think Wang Huo.

"Do not give up yet, while we are fighting there is still hope." Ming Zhandou speaks.

Ming Zhandou could barely stand. His body was shaking all over just to stand up. But still he kept holding his sword and refused to give up.

"You're right, I can not give up yet." Wang Huo speaks. Seeing the attitude of Ming Zhandou a little hope appears in the heart of Wang Huo.

The tiger did not look in a hurry to attack them. Choosing to stay at a distance for now.

"Ming Zhandou, I will create an opening. When the time comes, use her to attack the tiger. " Wang Huo speaks.

Ming Zhandou nods in the direction of Wang Huo.

"Be careful ". Ming Zhandou speaks.

Wang Huo gives a slight smile at this, even Ming Zhandou could not perceive the smile. Wang Huo had made his choice at that time.

Wang Huo sets off the tiger, which immediately advances toward Wang Huo.

Wang Huo had a plan in mind. He would use every drop of his energy on his fiery punch without caring about the consequences. All he wanted was to inflict as much damage as he could, even though he did not think it could cause a serious injury to the tiger.



Wang Huo dumps all his energy into the flames in his fist without worrying about anything else and strikes the tiger.


When Wang Huo's fist hits the tiger, something happens that surprises Wang Huo himself. An explosion is caused at the moment of impact and the tiger is sent flying a few meters back.

The body of the tiger gets severe burns after the explosion. Ming Zhandou, who was preparing to attack when the opportunity arose, was impressed by the explosion.

But he manages to recover quickly and chases the tiger, when the tiger falls to the ground he could barely move. Taking advantage of this opportunity Ming Zhandou sticks his sword into the heart of the tiger and ending his life.

After the blow Wang Huo falls to the ground totally without power. He still did not believe in the blow he had just given.

As soon as Ming Zhandou killed the tiger he falls on his back on the ground. In addition to being tired his wounds had become worse because of the blow he received.

After taking a breath for a while, Ming Zhandou speaks.

"How did you make that explosion? And why did not you use it before? ".

"I do not know exactly how I did, I just concentrated all my energy on my flames in my fist and then it happened. At the time I just felt that the amount of energy I gathered was greater than the one I had. " Replies Wang Huo offender.

"But I'm completely powerless now, I can not even move." Complements Wang Huo.

The two cultivated for a time to catch their breath before returning to eat the roasted wolf. Luckily the fight had not hit the flesh.

After eating the two they return to cultivate to continue recovering of their wounds. Even though Ming Zhandou's injuries were heavier, he was able to recover at a faster rate than Wang Huo. Since the darkness of the cave slowed down the cultivation of Wang Huo.

The cultivation speed of Ming Zhandou was greater than that of Wang Huo was not only because Wang Huo had his crop speed affected inside the cave. The cultivation speed of Ming Zhandou was greater than normal in the cave.

When realizing this Ming Zhandou is very happy and spends most of his time cultivating